16 Station Road, City AB1 2CC
Mobile: 07777 888 999
Email: jsmith[email protected]k
Teacher Registration No:
Teamwork and relationship building My ability to foster good relationships with other staff, pupils, parents and
carers has been noted by my placement mentors. I enjoy collaborating with colleagues to develop resources co-
operatively and to share ideas and specialist knowledge, taking the lead on projects such as the well-received
Environmental Week during my final placement.
Planning and organisation I have considerable experience of successfully organising activities and using
detailed planning in my teaching, in my voluntary committee work and as district organiser for Watch. Achieved
Excellent for this area within my final placement assessment.
Communication My time spent in schools and with Watch has shown that I can successfully communicate with,
and relate to, a wide age and ability range. Through my undergraduate degree and PGCE, I have developed high-
level written and presentational skills, achieving consistently high grades and great feedback. I enjoy using a wide
range of science communication tools including real world learning, video, lab work and visits to engage students
and increase their understanding of key concepts
Commitment to continuous improvement and innovation I am proactive in my professional development and
have undertaken a number of additional CPD opportunities, such as attending The Big Nature Study conference. I
used ideas gained to devise creative new resources and to reflect on practice. I have a passion and enthusiasm
for my subject area and am a member of the Royal Society of Biology.
Inclusive practice I set high standards for myself and all pupils and always aim to understand the needs of the
entire class on placement I have worked with pupils with SEN, the highly able, and students with EAL and have
received good feedback on my abilities to differentiate my lessons and my use of assessment to check progress.
Information communications technology I have a good knowledge of a range of Microsoft applications,
including Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher and Photoshop, which helps me to produce creative
teaching resources.
2018 - 2019 PGCE Secondary Biology (Distinction) City University
Able to teach all three sciences to GCSE level and biology up to A level.
Gained an understanding of the theory underpinning science education.
Practised innovative teaching and assessment methods, including experiments - such as extracting DNA
from a kiwi fruit!
Solid knowledge of health and safety requirements and strategies for maintaining a quality laboratory
work environment.
2015 - 2018 BSc (Hons) Biology 2.1 City University
Taking an environmental approach to biology with the emphasis on laboratory, computational biology and
communications skills.
Practical final year research project An investigation into the morphological adaptations seen in social
Your statement should be tailored
to the particular role and school
you are applying for. Mention any
specific reasons you are keen to
work there, any key points, e.g. their
ethos, and show how you also share
their vision. Using the introductory
paragraph to set a ‘tailored tone’ is
a great start. Show you’re not just
applying for any job – you are keen
on their vacancy in particular and
you are a good fit for them.
Mentioning specific strategies you
have used makes your points more
Mention any gradings received so
Give a short overview of your
teaching experience to date, year
groups worked in, types of schools
if relevant. You could also talk
about how a particular placement
was especially relevant for this
application and why.
I am writing to apply for the Year 3 classroom teacher position at your school. On my visit
today I was made to feel very welcome within a warm, caring and inspiring environment.
It was lovely to have the opportunity to share the learning that was taking place, and
the creativity in the curriculum was really evident through the abundance of classroom
displays. Your school evidently promotes an environment where children and sta work
together to produce engaging learning and I would love to be a part of this team. It is
very important to me to enthuse children and celebrate their achievements. I noted your
emphasis on helping children to be ‘Happy - Respectful - Kind - Responsible - Proud –
Resilient’ and I am very excited about this opportunity to become part of such a positive,
fun, learning environment.
On my PGCE, I have taught primarily across KS2 (in a Year 3 class and a Year 5 class) but
I have also delivered a block of lessons in KS1 and phonics in FS & KS1. This has enabled
me to gain a good understanding of the whole school and progression through year
groups. At this stage I have met all of the teaching standards to a Good or Outstanding
level. My organised planning, patient behaviour management and flexibility have been
highlighted as my core strengths and I am eager to develop and improve my practice
at every opportunity. I am obtaining positive feedback from mentors and aspire to be
‘Outstanding’ throughout my teaching practice.
As a result of my PGCE, I now have an excellent working knowledge of the new National
Curriculum and planning new schemes of work. I have good skills in assessment and
monitoring, marking work and providing feedback to children, using summative and
formative assessment to inform my teaching, dierentiating activities and personalising
learning, and liaising with parents on a daily basis. During lessons I ensure that my plans
contain activities which cater for all learning styles. This includes making learning very
visual for EAL children and allowing higher ability children to investigate topics in greater
depth and with greater autonomy. I believe in children taking the lead as much as
possible in their learning and I actively promote discovery learning and challenging
investigations. I often use strategies such as talk partners and group activities to promote
children’s confidence and to create a safe learning environment in which to experiment.
On my first placement I was responsible for taking children for intervention sessions
and giving extra support to children for literacy and maths in Year 3. I really enjoyed
oering the children learning opportunities to build their confidence and understanding
of these subjects and I used assessment as a vital tool to structure individual learning
and progression. My mentor commented that I had built up an excellent rapport with
these pupils. Before embarking on my PGCE I volunteered for a term as a temporary
teaching assistant in a primary school, working with a pupil with SEN. My role involved
working alongside the class teacher and adapting the work to a level of understanding
to which the child could access the curriculum. I was expected to keep detailed records
and assessments that monitored his progress and have strong links with his parents
and external agencies to support him. Through this work, I saw the impact that such
interventions can have on a child’s progress, and gained valuable SEN experience.
In my second placement I developed an empathetic relationship with my class,
highlighting the strengths in their work, to create a positive working environment in which
the children were regularly challenged and praised for their behaviour and
Mentioning specic strategies you
have used makes your points more
meaningful. Tailor each paragraph
to demonstrate you meet the
criteria from the job advert or person
2008 - 2015 City Grammar School for Girls
A levels: Biology (C), Chemistry (C), Psychology (B)
AS level: Art (B)
7 GCSEs grade AC, including Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics
2019 Comprehensive School, Nottingham 11-week block practice
My overall grading: Outstanding
Taught balanced science up to Key Stage 3 and biology to Key Stage 4.
Responsible for planning, teaching and assessment of 80% of the timetable.
Helped form tutor for Year 8 group taking responsibility for attendance and behaviour.
Ran a tutorial session on bullying and friendship using restorative practice.
Led on Environmental Week activities involved the wider community, including parents and local
businesses, fostering several new school community partnerships.
2018 Royal City High School, Nottingham 6-week block practice
Taught biology, chemistry and physics up to Key Stage 3.
Worked with a Year 7 group with additional needs to improve their learning.
Had the opportunity to participate in a Reflective Inquiry programme.
Contributed to staff meetings regarding assessment and incorporated new strategies for assessment for
learning into my practice.
Helped organise and supervise a Biology of Living Things trip. I also had the opportunity to share the
learning with other staff via a peer training day - receiving positive feedback for my input from my mentor.
2017 New Road School (Comprehensive)
Voluntary classroom assistant supporting pupils within science and technology lessons. Gained valuable
experience across the whole age range of the school.
2015 - 2017 Part-time district organiser for Watch (environmental charity)
Led a small team of volunteers. Planned, organised and publicised a programme of events and activities
for a membership of 200 adults, children and young people.
2015 - 2017 Asda, Customer service assistant
A volunteer for The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) for 5 years and attended training courses in practical
conservation and the environment.
Enjoy outdoor pursuits, including walking and youth hostelling.
Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award, 2013.
Professor Jones
Dean of Education
Faculty of Education
City University
City AB1 2CC
Tel: 01234 567 890
Mrs Smith
Head of Science
Comprehensive School
City Road
City AB1 2CC
Tel: 01234 567 890
It is good to give a specific example
of your behaviour management
strategies. You could also show
an awareness of the behaviour
management policy at the school
you are applying to by referring to
their policy.
Give specific examples where
Mention hobbies and interests that
you can use in your teaching and
pastoral work at a school.
End with a positive conclusion.
Concise lesson examples to
address criteria from the person
specification can bring your
statement to life. Use the CAR
methodology: Context – Action –
Result to structure your examples.
Using one or two short quotes in
your statement can be helpful to
provide evidence of what you are
saying about yourself.
work. I have high expectations and employ eective strategies for classroom
management and achieve this through using such strategies as ‘Golden rules.’ I manage
behaviour eectively, whilst valuing the importance of ensuring that children are happy
and confident in a safe learning environment. My placement mentor noted that I
“created an ordered and inclusive environment where children felt safe and happy to
contribute their ideas”.
I know that for every child to succeed there must be a good relationship between sta,
parents and carers, and the child involved. Parental involvement is a key element in
a child’s learning, as both parents and teacher need to support the child’s learning.
During my placements I invited the parents into the classroom as much as possible as this
allows the child to feel supported. On placement I wrote notes in homework diaries and
included samples of children’s work, as well as talking to parents in the playground to
keep them updated and check on progress.
I use my enthusiasm and hobbies, such as singing, to energise my lessons, using all
resources available to make creative and imaginative learning opportunities across
the Curriculum. I am committed to creating innovative, engaging lessons, sometimes
using familiar popular culture to help. For example, I devised a series of poetry lessons
around favourite songs, such as the theme song from the film Frozen. The children
were engaged from the start, learning and performing the song with dierent tones of
voices, demonstrating how the nature of a poem can change from performance to
performance. At the end of the unit, the children used the rhythm and rhyming pattern
of the verse to write their own rhyming couplets. Not only did this fulfil the National
Curriculum requirement for teaching contemporary poetry, the children also thoroughly
enjoyed themselves and could, weeks later, use their learning from this unit in their other
English and guided reading work.
I realise the importance of working as part of a team, particularly with other professionals,
in my classroom. I believe that this collaborative approach to work acts in the best
interests of the children and school, promoting good teaching practices that impact
positively on children’s learning. As the teaching assistant in my second placement class
was a very capable mathematician, I used her expertise to challenge the higher ability
children further in their maths work. For example, as I taught the majority of the class how
to find the area of regular shapes by counting, she taught the higher ability children how
to calculate the area of compound shapes.
In my personal time, I have completed a level 1 Makaton course, which I have found
highly beneficial both to communicate and to teach, and also to pass on this skill to
children. I am keen to contribute to the wider life of the school and have had experience
of running after-school French and music clubs, attending parents’ evenings, organising
school trips and helping out at sta training days.
Once again, thank you so much for your time today. It was lovely to meet you and I
look forward to discussing my application further, should I be successful in the shortlisting