Fifth Edition
This category includes occupations concerned with preparing, transcribing, transferring, systematizing, and
preserving both written and computerized communications and records; gathering and distributing information. The
duties in this category also include: operating office machines; storing, distributing, accounting for stores of
materials; distributing mail and delivering messages. Performing other administrative support and clerical duties
may be required.
01010 ACCOUNTING CLERK (Occupational Base)
The Accounting Clerk performs one or more accounting tasks such as; posting to registers and ledgers; balancing
and reconciling accounts; verifying the internal consistency, completeness, and mathematical accuracy of
accounting documents. In addition, tasks include; assigning prescribed accounting distribution codes; examining
and verifying the clerical accuracy of various types of reports, lists, calculations, and postings.
This position is responsible for preparing journal vouchers; making entries of adjustments to accounts; and working
with spreadsheets. Level I requires a basic knowledge of routine clerical methods, office practices and procedures as
they relate to the clerical processing and recording of transactions. Levels II and III require a knowledge and
understanding of the established and standardized bookkeeping and accounting procedures and techniques used in
an accounting system, or a segment of an accounting system where there are few variations in the types of
transactions handled. In addition, most jobs at each level will require a basic knowledge and understanding of the
terminology, codes, and processes used in an automated accounting system.
This position is responsible for performing one or more routine accounting clerical operations such as: examining,
verifying, and correcting various accounting documents to ensure completeness and accuracy of data in accordance
to accounting procedures. Specific tasks/duties are assigned under adequate supervision. Entry-level reconciliation
and posting will be assigned under detailed guidance. In most instances, an employee in this position will rely on
the supervisors' instructions. Completed work will be reviewed for accuracy and compliance with procedures.
This position uses knowledge of double entry bookkeeping in performing one or more of the following: posting
actions to journals, identifying subsidiary accounts affected, making debit and credit entries, and assigning proper
codes. The Accounting Clerk II may review computer printouts against manually maintained journals, detect and
correct erroneous postings, and prepare documents to adjust accounting classifications and other data, or review lists
of transactions rejected by an automated system. In this instance, the Accounting Clerk II will determine reasons for
rejections, and prepare necessary correcting material. On routine assignments, an employee will select and apply
established procedures and techniques. Detailed instructions are provided for difficult or unusual assignments.
Completed work and methods used, are reviewed for technical accuracy.
The Accounting Clerk III maintains journals or subsidiary ledgers of an accounting system and balances and
reconciles accounts. Typical duties include one or both of the following: 1.) reviewing invoices and statements
verifying information, ensuring sufficient funds have been obligated, and if questionable, resolving with the
submitting unit determining accounts involved. The review will include coding transactions, and processing
material through data processing for application in the accounting system; 2.) analysis and reconciliation of
computer printouts with operating unit reports (contacting units, researching causes of discrepancies, and taking
action to ensure that accounts balance). Supervisor provides suggestions for handling unusual or non-recurring
transactions. Conformance with requirements and technical soundness of completed work are reviewed by the
supervisor, or are controlled by mechanisms built into the accounting processes.
In addition to secretarial duties (filing, taking phone calls, scheduling appointments, making travel arrangements),
this position will provide administrative support to executive staff with office management responsibilities to
include budgeting, personnel records and payroll. The Administrative Assistant may be required to work
independently on projects requiring research and preparation of briefing charts and other presentation materials.
Responsibilities for this position include using judgment to determine the most appropriate and expedient way to
resolve a portfolio of delinquent accounts in order to maximize collection. The Collection Specialist requests and
analyzes credit reports for use in determining ways to resolve delinquent accounts, determines whether write-off
tools are necessary, and recommends them to immediate supervisor when debts are uncollectible, (i.e., in case of
bankruptcy). This position monitors payments made by debtors and minimizes the number of delinquent accounts.
This position records examination, testimony, judicial opinions, judge's charge to jury, judgment or sentence of
court, or other proceedings in a court of law by manual or machine shorthand. The Court Reporter reads portions of
transcript during trial at the judge's request, and asks speakers to clarify inaudible statements. The Court Reporter
transcribes recorded material using a typewriter, or dictates material into a recording machine.
The Customer Service Representative (CSR) provides information and solutions in response to inquiries pertaining
to products, services and/or customer complaints. Duties may include, but are not limited to, accessing databases to
retrieve and/or record information such as customer complaints or orders; responding to customer complaints or
inquiries; taking orders for products or merchandise; calculating charges; processing billing or payments; processing
customer claims; handling returns, refunds, and exchanges; keeping records of customer interactions; and updating
customer account information.
This position receives, comprehends, provides, and responds to routine informational inquiries and service requests
through the use of various communication technologies including but not limited to telephones, e-mail, facsimile,
postal mail, and the Internet.
Position is responsible for performing duties detailed in CSR I job description. In addition, CSR II is responsible for
responding to escalated and more complex inquiries on a broader scope of topics. Tasks may require simple
adaptation and interpretation of provided reference materials.
Position is responsible for performing duties detailed in CSR I and CSR II job descriptions. In addition, CSR III is
responsible for supervising and advising CSR I and CSR II.
01050 DATA ENTRY OPERATOR (Occupational Base)
This position operates keyboard-controlled data entry devices such as a computer, key-operated magnetic tape, or
disc encoder to transcribe data into a format suitable for computer processing. Job task requires skill in operating an
alphanumeric keyboard, and an understanding of transcribing procedures and relevant data entry equipment.
Positions are classified into levels based on the following definitions:
Data Entry Operator I - This position works under close supervision and follows specific procedures or detailed
instructions. The Data Entry Operator I works from various standardized source documents that have been coded
and require little or no selecting, coding or interpreting of data. Problems such as erroneous items and codes, or
missing information are resolved at the supervisory level. Work is routine and repetitive.
Data Entry Operator II - This position requires the application of experience and judgment in selecting procedures to
be followed, and searching for interpreting, selecting, or coding items to be entered from a variety of document
sources. The Data Entry Operator II may occasionally perform routine work as described for Data Entry Operator I.
Excluded are operators above Level II using the key entry controls to access, read, and evaluate the substance of
specific records to take substantive actions, or to make entices requiring a similar level of knowledge.
Refer to occupational base.
Refer to occupational base.
(Motor Vehicle Utilization Assistant)
This position is responsible for the assignment of motor vehicles and drivers for conveyance of freight or
passengers, and compiles lists of available vehicles. The assignment of vehicles is determined by factors such as
length and purpose of trip, freight or passenger requirements, and preference of user. Additional responsibilities
include the issuance of keys, record sheets, and driver credentials. The Dispatcher records time of departure,
destination, cargo, expected time of return and investigates overdue vehicles. The Dispatcher may confer with
customers to expedite or locate missing, misrouted, delayed or damaged merchandise, maintain record of mileage,
fuel used, repairs made, and other expenses. The Dispatcher may establish service or delivery routes, supervise
loading and unloading, issue equipment to drivers, (such as hand trucks, dollies, and blankets), direct activities of
drivers, assign helpers to drivers, work at vehicle distribution centers, and assign vehicles to customer agencies.
(Document Preparer)
This position prepares documents such as brochures, books, periodicals, catalogs, and pamphlets for copying or
photocopying. The Document Preparation Clerk cuts documents into individual standardized pages, using a paper
cutter or razor knife. Document pages are reproduced as necessary to improve clarity or to adjust the standardized
page size according to the limitations of the designated copy machine. The Document Preparation Clerk stamps
standard symbols on pages or inserts instruction cards to notify Duplicating Machine Operator of special handling,
prepares cover sheets and document folders for material, and index cards for files, and files folder according to
index code and copies priority schedule.
(Photocopy Machine Operator; Reproduction Worker)
This position operates one or more photocopying, photographic, mimeograph and duplicating office machines to
make copies of documents such as letters, reports, directives, manuals, articles and bulletins. Additional
responsibilities include: operating small binding machines, performing clerical duties associated with the request for
printing and photographic services, preparing assembly sheets, printing requisitions with specifications for printing
and binding, recording, delivering and collecting work. The Duplicating Machine Operator performs minor repairs
preventive maintenance, and maintains an inventory of supplies and reproduction equipment paying particular
attention to important variables indicated by trade name of machine.
01110 GENERAL CLERK (Occupational Base)
The General Clerk follows clearly detailed procedures in performing simple repetitive tasks in the same sequence.
Responsibilities would include filing pre-coded documents in a chronological file, or operating office equipment,
(e.g., mimeograph, photocopy, addressograph or mailing machine).
This position follows clearly detailed specific procedures in completing several repetitive clerical steps performed in
a prescribed or slightly varied sequence, such as coding and filing documents in an extensive alphabetical file; could
involve simple posting to individual accounts, opening mail, calculating and posting charges to departmental
accounts, operating basic office equipment, e.g., photocopier, facsimile, multi-line phone/voicemail systems,
mailing machines, and minimal computer programs. Little or no subject-matter knowledge is required, but the clerk
uses his or her own judgment in choosing the proper procedure for each task.
This position requires familiarity with the terminology of the office unit. The General Clerk selects appropriate
methods from a wide variety of procedures or makes simple adaptations and interpretations of a limited number of
substantive guides and manuals. The clerical steps often vary in type or sequence, depending on the task.
Recognized problems are referred to others.
This position uses some subject-matter knowledge and judgment to complete assignments consisting of numerous
steps varying in nature and sequence. The General Clerk III selects from alternative methods and refers problems
not solvable by adapting or interpreting substantive guides, manuals, or procedures. Typical duties include:
assisting in a variety of administrative matters; maintaining a wide variety of financial or other records (stored both
manually and electronically); verifying statistical reports for accuracy and completeness; compiling information; and
handling and adjusting complaints.
The General Clerk III may also direct lower level clerks. Positions above level IV are excluded. Such positions
(which may include supervisory responsibility over lower level clerks) require workers to use a thorough knowledge
of an office's work and routine to: 1) choose among widely varying methods and procedures to process complex
transactions; and 2) select or devise steps necessary to complete assignments. Typical jobs covered by this
exclusion include administrative assistants, clerical supervisors, and office managers.
This position provides housing information to an organization's employees moving to a new location. The Housing
Referral Assistant will contact individuals or organizations such as landlords, real estate agents, mobile home
dealers, trailer court managers and Chambers of Commerce by phone. May correspond to obtain listings of rental or
sale properties, future housing prospects, and to develop a working relationship with the housing referral service.
Job tasks include: compiling housing lists of rental property and properties for purchase. Periodically the Housing
Referral Assistant communicates with contacts to update listings, ensures that property owners comply with the
nondiscrimination policy, and counsels applicants with regard to special circumstances, e.g. medical or financial
hardships, and availability of housing that will meet applicants' needs.
Job tasks include: providing information regarding community services, searches files, makes telephone calls and
referrals, providing information regarding locations, owners, agents, price ranges, loans and other related
information. The Housing Referral Assistant maintains daily records of office activities (including number of
applicants, number of applicants placed, and agents solicited or listed), schedules appointments for housing
inspectors, prepares reports as required, and replies to complaints, investigations and letters of inquiry.
The Messenger Courier delivers messages, documents, packages and mail to various business concerns or
governmental agencies. An employee in this role may perform the following: miscellaneous errands, such as
carrying mail within the base and sorting or opening incoming and outgoing mail, obtain receipts for articles
delivered and keep a log of items received and delivered, or deliver items to offices and departments within an
establishment. The Messenger Courier may use a bicycle, golf cart, or motorcycle to perform these duties.
Note: Employees who regularly perform driving duties should be classified as a Driver Courier, which is listed
under Transportation.
01190 ORDER CLERK (Occupational Base)
The Order Clerk receives written or verbal purchase orders. Work typically involves some combination of the
following duties: quoting prices, determining availability of ordered items and suggesting substitutes when
necessary, advising expected delivery date and method of delivery, recording order and customer information on
order sheets. The Order Clerk is responsible for checking order sheets for accuracy and adequacy of information;
ascertaining credit rating of customer; furnishing customer with confirmation of receipt of order; order follow up, or
informing customer of a delay in delivery. The Order Clerk maintains order files and verifies shipping invoices
against original orders.
This position excludes workers paid on a commission basis or whose duties include any of the following:
Receiving orders for services rather than for material or merchandise; providing customers with consultative advice
using knowledge gained from engineering or extensive technical training; emphasizing selling skills; handling
material or merchandise as an integral part of the job.
This position handles orders involving items that have readily identified uses and applications. The Order Clerk I
may refer to a catalog, manufacturer's manual or similar document to insure that the proper item is supplied or to
verify the price of order.
This position handles orders that involve making judgments such as choosing which specific product or material
from the establishment's product lines will satisfy the customer's needs, or determining the price to be quoted when
pricing involves more than merely referring to a price list or making some simple mathematical calculations.
01260 PERSONNEL ASSISTANT (Occupational Base)
This position performs a variety of general personnel clerical tasks in such areas as employee records, benefits,
education, training, employment/staffing, compensation, employee labor relations, and equal employment
opportunity/affirmative action. The Personnel Assistant may conduct surveys and update manual and automated
personnel records. At the higher levels, assistants perform limited aspects of personnel professionals’ work such as
interviewing candidates, recommending placements, performing compensation or benefit support activities
involving contacts throughout the company, and preparing communications to various third party benefit vendors.
Excluded are workers who primarily compute and process payrolls.
This position performs a variety of tasks including, but not limited to, clerical and secretarial duties. The work is
under general supervision of higher-level personnel in preparation of various human resource tasks throughout
compensation, benefits, staffing/employment, EEO procedures and policy administration. The Personnel Assistant I
is expected to exercise discretion at all times; limited judgment may be necessary at times. This assistant may be
required to operate general office equipment such as: typewriter, personal computer, copier, adding machine, and
This position serves as a clerical expert in independently processing the most complicated types of personnel
actions, e.g., temporary employment, rehires, and dismissals. In this position, one may perform tasks beyond
routine clerical such as: pre-employment drug screening and new hire orientation, responding to routine questions
on policy and procedures, and/or provide reports on employee turnover or time and attendance. This assistant may
be asked to evaluate and consolidate information from various sources under short deadlines, such as internal or
external survey information, reporting on company employment statistics (retention, equal opportunity reporting,
etc.). The Personnel Assistant II may provide guidance to lower level Personnel Assistants. This level requires
extensive knowledge of various office software packages. Guidance is provided as needed. Completed written
work receives close technical review from higher-level personnel office employees. Work may be checked
This position performs work in support of human resource professionals that requires a good working knowledge of
personnel procedures, guides, and precedents. Job tasks may include interviewing applicants, obtaining references,
and recommending placement in a well-defined occupation. At this level, assistants typically have a range of
personal contacts within and outside the organization, in addition to handling employee-sensitive material.
Therefore, the Assistant must be tactful, discrete, and articulate. This Assistant may be involved in identifying
potential issues and grievance procedures, in addition to documenting necessary information to avoid company
threat. The Personnel Assistant III may make recommendations to human resource professionals on job
classification, wage rates, and employee salaries. The use of computers may be relied on heavily for organizational
and reporting purposes. Advanced experience with office software packages may be needed. This Assistant may
perform some clerical work in addition to the above duties. Supervisor will review completed work against stated
This position compiles and records production data for industrial establishments to compare records and reports on
volume of production, consumption of material, quality control, and other aspects of production. May perform any
combination of the following duties: compile and record production data from customer orders, work tickets,
product specifications, and individual worker production sheets following prescribed recording procedures and using
different word processing techniques. This Clerk calculates such factors as types and quantities of items produced,
materials used, amount of scrap, frequency of defects, and worker and department production rates, using a
computer, calculator, and/or spreadsheets. Additional tasks include: writing production reports based on data
compiled, tabulated and computed, following prescribed formats, maintaining files of documents used and prepared,
compiling detailed production sheets or work tickets for use by production workers as guides in assembly or
manufacture of products. This Clerk prepares written work schedules based on established guidelines and priorities,
compiles material inventory records and prepares requisitions for procurement of materials and supplies charts
production using chart, graph, or pegboard based on statistics compiled for reference by production and management
personnel. This Clerk also sorts and distributes work tickets or material and may compute wages from employee
time cards and post wage data on records used for preparation of payroll.
This position performs clerical duties concerned with rental and management of public housing projects answers
telephone and responds to requests for maintenance, complaints, rental information or, as appropriate, forwards calls
to senior officials. The Rental Clerk receives rental payments and other income, assesses late charges, applies
cancellation stamp required by government housing agency, writes receipts, and prepares rental transmittal forms
and collection logs for government accounting system. This Clerk receives security deposits and prepares tenant
receipts, prepares bank deposits, maintains tenant files, and follows up on income re-certifications.
This position schedules vehicle repairs and lubrication for vehicle-maintenance, schedules vehicles for lubrication or
repairs based on date of last lubrication and mileage traveled or urgency of repairs. The Maintenance Scheduler
contacts garage to verify availability of facilities, notifies parking garage workers to deliver specified vehicles, and
maintains a file of requests for services.
01310 SECRETARY (Occupational Base)
This position provides principal secretarial support in an office, usually to one individual, and, in some cases, to the
subordinate staff of that individual. The Secretary maintains a close and highly responsive relationship to the day-
to-day activities of the supervisor and staff, works fairly independently receiving a minimum of detailed supervision
and guidance, and performs various clerical and secretarial duties requiring knowledge of office routine and an
understanding of the organization, programs, and procedures related to the work of the office. Computers may exist
in the environment, requiring working knowledge of certain office software programs.
Classification by Level
Secretary jobs that meet the required characteristics are matched at one of three levels according to two factors: (a)
level of the secretary's supervisor within the overall organizational structure, and (b) level of the secretary's
responsibility. The table following the explanations of these factors indicates the level of the secretary for each
combination of factors.
Level of Secretary's Supervisor (LS)
Secretaries should be matched with one of the three LS levels below that best describes the organization of the
secretary's supervisor.
LS-1 Organizational structure is not complex and internal procedures and administrative controls are simple and
informal; supervisor directs staff through face-to-face meetings.
LS-2 Organizational structure is complex and is divided into subordinate groups that usually differ from each other
as to subject matter, function, etc. Supervisor usually directs staff through intermediate supervisors. Internal
procedures and administrative controls are formal. An entire organization (e.g., division, subsidiary, or parent
organization) may contain a variety of subordinate groups that meet the LS-2 definition. Therefore, it is not unusual
for one LS-2 supervisor to report to another LS-2 supervisor.
The presence of subordinate supervisors does not by itself, mean LS-2 applies. For example, a clerical processing
organization divided into several units, each performing very similar work, is placed in LS-1.
In smaller organizations or industries such as retail trades, with relatively few organizational levels, the supervisor
may have an impact on the policies and major programs of the entire organization, and may deal with important
outside contacts as described in LS-3.
LS-3 Organizational structure is divided into two or more subordinate supervisory levels (of which at least one is a
managerial level) with several subdivisions at each level. Executive's program(s) are usually interlocked on a direct
and continuing basis with other major organizational segments, requiring constant attention to extensive formal
coordination, clearances, and procedural controls. Executive typically has: financial decision-making authority for
assigned program(s); considerable impact on the entire organization's financial position or image; and responsibility
for, or has staff specialists in such areas as, personnel and administration for assigned organization. Executive plays
an important role in determining the policies and major programs of the entire organization, and spends considerable
time dealing with outside parties actively interested in assigned program(s) and current or controversial issues.
Level of Secretary's Responsibility (LR)
This factor evaluates the nature of the work relationship between the secretary and the supervisor or staff, and the
extent to which the secretary is expected to exercise initiative and judgment. Secretaries should be matched at the
level best describing their level of responsibility. When a position's duties span more than one LR level, the
introductory paragraph at the beginning of each LR level should be used to determine which of the levels best
matches the position. (Typically, secretaries performing at the higher levels of responsibility also perform duties
described at the lower levels.)
LR-1 Carries out recurring office procedures independently, and selects the guideline or reference that fits the
specific case. The supervisor provides specific instructions on new assignments and checks completed work for
accuracy. The LR-1 performs varied duties including or comparable to the following:
a. Respond to routine telephone requests that have standard
answers; refer calls and visitors to appropriate staff.
Control mail and assure timely staff response, and send
form letters;
b. As instructed, maintain supervisor's calendar, make
appointments, and arrange for meeting rooms:
c. Review materials prepared for supervisor's approval for
typographical accuracy and proper format;
d. Maintain recurring internal reports, such as time and
leave records, office equipment listings, correspondence
controls, and training plans;
e. Requisition supplies, printing, maintenance or other
services, type, take and transcribe dictation, create and
maintain office files.
LR-2 handles differing situations, problems, and deviations in the work of the office according to the supervisor's
general instructions, priorities, duties, policies, and program goals. Supervisor may assist secretary with special
assignments. Duties include or are comparable to the following:
a. Screen telephone calls, visitors, and incoming
correspondence; personally respond to requests for
information concerning office procedures; determine which
requests should be handled by the supervisor, appropriate
staff member or other offices, prepare and sign
routine non-technical correspondence in own or
supervisor's name;
b. Schedule tentative appointments without prior clearance.
Make arrangements for conferences and meetings and
assemble established background materials as directed.
May attend meetings and record and report on the
c. Review outgoing materials and correspondence for internal
consistency and conformance with supervisor's procedures;
assure that proper clearances have been obtained, when
d. Collect information from the files or staff for routine
inquiries on office program(s) or periodic reports, and refer
non-routine requests to supervisor or staff;
e. Explain to subordinate staff supervisor's requirements
concerning office procedures, coordinate personnel and
administrative forms for the office and forwards for
LR-3 uses greater judgment and initiative to determine the approach or action to take in non-routine situations,
interprets and adapts guidelines, including unwritten policies, precedents, and practices, which are not always
completely applicable to changing situations. Duties include or are comparable to the following:
a. Based on knowledge of the supervisor's views, compose
correspondence on own initiative about administrative
matters and general office policies for supervisor's
b. Anticipate and prepare materials needed by the supervisor
for conferences, correspondence, appointments, meetings,
telephone calls, etc., and informs supervisor on matters to
be considered;
c. Read publications, regulations, and directives and take
action or refer those that are important to the supervisor
and staff;
d. Prepare special or one-time reports, summaries, or replies
to inquiries, selecting relevant information from a variety
of sources such as reports, documents, correspondence,
other offices, etc., under general directions;
e. Advise secretaries in subordinate offices on new
procedures; request information needed from the
subordinate office(s) for periodic or special conferences,
reports, inquiries, etc., and shifts clerical staff to
accommodate workload needs.
Excludes secretaries performing any of the following duties:
Acting as office manager for the executive's organization, e.g., determines when new procedures are needed for
changing situations and devises and implements alternatives; revising or clarifying procedures to eliminate conflict
or duplication; identifying and resolving various problems that affect the orderly flow of work in transactions with
parties outside the organization.
Preparing agenda for conferences; explain discussion topics to participants; drafts introductions and develops
background information and prepares outlines for executive or staff member(s) to use in writing speeches.
The LR-3 advises individuals outside the organization on the executive's views on major policies or current issues
facing the organization; contacts or responds to contact from high-ranking outside officials (e.g., city or state
officials, members of congress, presidents of national unions or large national or international firms, etc.) in unique
situations. These officials may be relatively inaccessible, and each contact typically must be handled differently,
using judgment and discretion.
Secretary I (01311), Secretary II (01312), Secretary III (01313),
NOTE: Employees whose duties meet this level of responsibility and supervision may be properly classified under
the Administrative Assistant category or the class may need to be conformed.
Refer to occupational base.
Refer to occupational base.
Refer to occupational base.
This position receives, records, and distributes work orders to service crews upon customers' requests for service on
articles or utilities purchased from wholesale or retail establishment or utility company, records information, such as
name, address, article to be repaired, or service to be rendered, prepares work order and distributes to service crew,
schedules service calls and dispatches service crew. The Service Order Dispatcher calls or writes the customer to
insure satisfactory performance of service, keeps record of service calls and work orders, may dispatch orders and
relay messages and special instructions to mobile crews and other departments using radio or cellular telephone
This position performs limited aspects of technical supply management work (e.g., inventory management, storage
management, cataloging, and property utilization) related to depot, local, or other supply activities. Work usually is
segregated by commodity area or function, and controlled in terms of difficulty, complexity, or responsibility.
Assignments usually relate to stable or standardized segments of technical supply management operations; or to
functions or subjects that are narrow in scope or limited in difficulty. The work generally involves individual case
problems or supply actions. This work may require consideration of program requirements together with specific
variations in or from standardized guidelines. Assignments require:
(a) a good working knowledge of the governing supply systems, programs, policies, nomenclature, work methods,
manuals, or other established guidelines; (b) an understanding of the needs of the organization serviced; and (c)
analytical ability to define or recognize the dimension of the problems involved, to collect the necessary data to
establish the facts, and take or recommend action based upon application or interpretation of established guidelines.
This position interviews people to obtain information on topics such as public issues or consumer buying habits,
contacts people at home business or by telephone following specified sampling procedures, or approaches them at
random on street. The Survey Worker asks questions relative to items on a form or questionnaire, records answers,
assists persons in filling out forms, and may review, sort, classify and file forms according to specified procedures
and criteria. This worker may participate in federal, state or local census surveys.
This position greets visitors, determining nature of visits and directing visitors to appropriate persons. Duties may
include, but are not limited to, relaying incoming, outgoing, and intra-system calls through a private branch
exchange (PBX) system; recording and transmitting messages; keeping records of calls placed; providing
information to callers and visitors; hearing and resolving complaints; making appointments; handling incoming and
outgoing mail; controlling access to the facility; keeping a log of visitors; and issuing visitor passes. In this position,
one may also type and perform other routine clerical work, such as entering data and processing documents, which
may occupy the major portion of the worker's time.”
01530 TRAVEL CLERK (Occupational Base)
This position plans itinerary and schedules travel accommodations for military and civilian personnel with
dependents according to travel orders using knowledge of routes, types of carriers, and travel regulations. This
Clerk verifies travel orders to insure costs, availability, and convenience of different types of carriers to select most
advantageous route and carrier; notifies personnel of travel dates, baggage, limits and medical and visa
requirements, and determines that all clearances have been obtained. The Travel Clerk assists personnel in
completing travel forms and other business transactions pertaining to travel, may deliver personnel files and travel
orders to persons prior to departure, meet and inform arriving personnel of available facilities and housing and
furnish other information, and may arrange for motor transportation for arriving or departing personnel.
Under close supervision or following specific procedures and detailed instructions, The Travel Clerk I arranges
travel on one or two modes of transportation. Travel is usually recurrent by the same modes, carriers, routes and
same major points of origin and destination, seldom involving special transportation privileges or requiring special
allowances or planning for supplemental transportation facilities. When such services are required, they do not
occur in such variety or with such frequency as to create problems of timing or coordination.
Travel usually involves the use of two or more modes of transportation. Information on carriers, modes and
facilities is readily available since most carriers servicing the area maintain local facilities or publish information
regularly. Single carriers or connecting carriers have schedules that are easily coordinated using readily obtainable
timetables or guides.
Travel is frequently recurrent. A substantial number of problems arise because of rerouting, and there are often side
trips requiring changes of transportation. Travel is usually to areas accessible by direct line, or established
connecting points and normal modes of transportation. Travel is not always planned well in advance so there may
be major problems of scheduling or accommodations.
Travel involves special transportation privileges or special allowances and requires authorization or planning for
supplemental or special transportation facilities, and when such services are required, they usually do not occur in
such variety or with such frequency as to create major problems of timing or coordination.
Within general guidelines, employees select and apply appropriate travel guides, methods, techniques, and work
sequences to effectively accomplish the work. The majority of assignments are performed without technical
assistance, but unusually difficult travel situations or problem cases encountered during the course of the work are
referred to the supervisor before decision or commitment. Review of work is for compliance with regulatory guides
and program policies and for soundness of decisions and conclusions.
At this level, all major modes of transportation are used, as most individual trips involve combinations of more than
one mode. Travel is varied, often not recurrent and periodically requires planning for relatively inaccessible
intermediate or destination points. Routings are diverse and there is a necessity for frequent rerouting, re-planning,
or rearranging, with many side trips requiring changes in modes of travel and creating substantial difficulty in
routing and scheduling connections.
A substantial amount of travel involves special allowances or requires authorization and planning for supplementary
or special transportation facilities. It is frequently difficult to obtain the required information.
The incumbent is characterized by independence of action, with very little instruction, guidance, and review, except
for review of accomplishments of broad objectives and conformance to policy. The incumbent is viewed as the
authority on travel matters, including the furnishing of advice and information to travelers, administrative officials
and others; and has responsibility as the principal liaison with all elements, carriers, and facilities.
01610 WORD PROCESSOR (Occupational Base)
This position uses automated systems, such as word processing equipment, personal computers, or work stations
linked to a larger computer or local area network, to produce a variety of documents, such as correspondence,
memos, publications, forms, reports, tables and graphs. The Word Processor uses one or more word processing
software packages; may also perform routine clerical tasks, such as operating copiers, filing, answering telephones,
ad sorting and distributing mail.
Excluded are:
a. Typists using automatic or manual typewriters with limited or no text-editing capabilities; workers in these
positions are not typically required to use word processing software packages;
b. Key Entry Operators, Accounting Clerks, Sales Clerks, and other clerks who may use automated word processing
equipment for purposes other than typing composition;
c. Positions requiring subject-matter knowledge to prepare and edit text using automated word processing
This position produces a variety of standard documents, such as correspondence, form letters, reports, tables and
other printed materials. Work requires skill in typing; a knowledge of grammar, punctuation and spelling; and
ability to use reference guides and equipment manuals. The Word Processor I performs familiar, routine
assignments following standard procedures, seeks further instructions for assignments requiring deviations from
established procedures.
This position uses knowledge of varied and advanced functions of one software type, knowledge of varied functions
of different types of software, or knowledge of specialized or technical terminology to perform such typical duties
a. Editing and reformatting written or electronic drafts. Examples include: correcting function codes; adjusting
spacing formatting and standardizing headings, margins, and indentations.
b. Transcribing scientific reports, lab analysis, legal proceedings, or similar material from voice tapes or
handwritten drafts. Work requires knowledge of specialized, technical, or scientific terminology.
Work requires familiarity with office terminology and practices. Incumbent corrects copy, and questions originator
of document concerning missing information, improper formatting, or discrepancies in instructions. Supervisor sets
priorities and deadlines on continuing assignments, furnishes general instructions for recurring work and provides
specific instructions for new or unique projects, may lead lower level word processors.
Requires both a comprehensive knowledge of word processing software applications and office practices and a high
degree of skill in applying software functions to prepare complex and detailed documents. For example, processes
complex and lengthy technical reports which include tables, graphs, charts, or multiple columns. Uses either
different word processing packages or many different style macros or special command functions; independently
completes assignments and resolves problems.
This category includes occupations concerned with servicing automobiles, trucks, and other motor vehicles. It
includes such activities as automobile painting and washing, body and fender repair, engine repairing, radiator
repairing, and tire re-treading and repairing; operating parking lots and garages, and selling gasoline and oil at
service stations.
This position repairs damaged fiberglass automobile bodies using pneumatic tools and knowledge of fiberglass
repair techniques, cuts away damaged fiberglass, using air grinder, smoothes edges of painted surface using
sandpaper or air-powered sander, masks surrounding undamaged surface, using masking tape, cuts plastic separating
film using shears, and tapes film to outside repair area. The Automobile Body Repairer mixes polyester resin and
hardener according to specifications and applies mixture to repair area, soaks matting in resin mixture and layers
matting over repair area to specified thickness, peels separating film from repair area and washes surface with water,
occasionally secures new panel to repair area using C-clamp. The Repairer applies and spreads body filler manually
to reestablish surface. The Repairer also manually files away excess filler to match original contour, smoothes filler,
using air sander, and cleans repair area with air gun.
This position tests, repairs, overhauls, modifies, and maintains electrical equipment of a specialized nature such as
automatic alternator synchronizing equipment, amplifying control units, voltage regulating equipment, generators,
switching and control panels, and junction boxes, in motor vehicles such as automobiles, buses and trucks.
(Auto Glass Worker)
This position replaces broken or pitted windshields and window glass in motor vehicles, removes broken glass by
unscrewing frame, using hand tools. The Automotive Glass Installer cuts flat safety glass according to specified
pattern, using glasscutter; smoothes cut edge of glass by holding against abrasive belt; applies moisture proofing
compound along cut edges and installs glass in vehicle; weatherproofs window or windshield and prevents it from
rattling by installing rubber channeling strips around sides of glass; installs precut replacement glass to replace
curved windows; and may replace or adjust parts in window-raising mechanism.
The Automotive Worker performs a variety of minor repairs and services to maintain motor vehicles. The
Automated Worker places and maintains decals on vehicles, checks and replaces batteries, rotates, repairs, and
replaces tires, washes, polishes, and cleans interiors and exteriors of vehicles, drains, flushes, and replaces engine,
transmission, and differential grease and oils, checks, cleans, calibrates, and replaces spark plugs, cleans and
replaces oil and air filters. The Automotive Worker adjusts brakes, replaces windshield wipers, and similar minor
parts, assists on major overhaul jobs by disassembling and cleaning parts, repairing components such as generators
and water pumps, and replacing thermostats, points, electrical wiring and other items, maintains tools and
equipment, and cleans work areas.
Operating from a mobile fuel station and/or tanker, the Mobile Equipment Servicer performs one or more of the
following duties: supplies all types of vehicles with gasoline or diesel fuel, and records mileage and tag numbers,
checks fluid levels, battery, cooling system and engine oil, checks tires for wear and pressure, replaces wiper blades,
fuses, sealed beam lights, and light bulbs. Inspects equipment and performs preventive maintenance services,
changes oil and filters, lubricates and greases vehicles, washes and cleans interiors and exteriors of vehicles;
maintains inventories of parts and supplies; and cleans and maintains work areas.
(Motor Vehicle Body Repairer)
The Motor Equipment Metal Mechanic (Motor Vehicle Body Repairer) repairs damaged bodies and body parts of
automotive vehicles, such as automobiles, buses, and light trucks according to repair manuals, using hand tools and
power tools, removes upholstery, accessories, electrical and hydraulic window, seat-operating equipment, and trim
to gain access to vehicle body and fender, positions block against surface of dented area and beats opposite surface
to remove dents using hammer, and fills depressions with solder or other plastic material. This worker removes
damaged fenders, panels, and grills, using wrenches and cutting torch, and bolts or welds replacement, straightens
bent frames, using hydraulic jack and pulling device, files, grinds, and sands repaired surfaces, using power tools
and hand tools. Refinishes repaired surface, using paint spray gun and sander, aims headlights, aligns wheels,
bleeds hydraulic brake system, and may paint surface after performing body repairs.
The Motor Equipment Metal Worker assists the Motor Equipment Metal Mechanic by performing routine metal
repairs to vehicle bodies and main frames, and other routine duties.
The Motor Vehicle Mechanic repairs, rebuilds, or overhauls major assemblies of internal combustion automobiles,
buses, trucks or tractors. Work involves most of the following: Diagnosing the source of trouble and determining
the extent of repairs required; replacing worn or broken parts such as piston rings, bearings, or other engine parts;
grinding and adjusting valves; rebuilding carburetors; overhauling transmissions; and repairing fuel injection,
lighting, and ignition systems. In general, the work of the Motor Vehicle Mechanic requires rounded training and
experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent.
The Motor Vehicle Mechanic Helper performs a variety of tasks such as washing, cleaning, and lubricating vehicles;
loading, unloading, and storing automotive parts and supplies; and maintaining work areas.
The Motor Vehicle Upholstery Worker repairs and replaces upholstery, including fabrics, springs, webbing, filling,
and padding, in automobiles, trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles.
(Tow Truck Operator; Wrecker Operator)
The Motor Vehicle Wrecker (Tow Truck Operator; Wrecker Operator) operates gasoline, diesel, or electric-powered
vehicle equipped with special equipment used to tow vehicles or equipment.
The Painter, Automotive Worker coats surfaces of motor vehicles such as automobiles, buses, and trucks with paint,
lacquer, epoxy, resin or other material, using brushes, rollers, spray guns and other devices, removes old paint from
vehicle, using liquid paint remover and scraper, smoothes surface with sandpaper and steel wool. The Painter,
Automotive Worker roughens aluminum surfaces with acid solution and steel wool to ensure that paint adheres to
surface, masks and covers portions of surfaces not to be painted, paints vehicle or specified portion of vehicle and
may paint insignia, letters or numerals on vehicle surface using stencils.
The Radiator Repair Specialist (Automobile Radiator Mechanic) repairs, modifies, and tests automotive radiators,
air coolers, and oil temperature regulators made of various kinds of metals, locates and repairs leaks, removes
defective parts, and installs new parts.
The Tire Repairer repairs damaged tires of automobiles, buses, trucks, and other automotive vehicles, raises vehicle,
using hydraulic jack, and unbolts wheel, using lug wrench, removes wheel from vehicle by hand or, when repairing
giant tires of heavy equipment, by use of power hoist, locates puncture in tubeless tire by visual inspection or by
immersing inflated tire in water bath and observing air bubbles emerging from puncture, and seals puncture in
tubeless tire by inserting adhesive material and expanding rubber plug into puncture, using hand tools.
Job task for the Tire Repairer also includes separating tubed tire from wheel, using rubber mallet and metal bar or
mechanical tire changer, removing inner tube from tire and inspects tire casing for defects, such as holes and teas,
gluing boot (tire patch) over rupture in tire casing using rubber cement, inflating inner tube and immerses it in water
to locate leak, buffing defective area of inner tube, using scraper, and patches tubes with adhesive rubber patch or
seals rubber patch to tube, using hot vulcanizing plate. The Tire Repairer reassembles tire onto wheel, and places
wheel on balancing machine to determine counterweights required to balance wheel, hammers required
counterweights onto rim of wheel.
(Transmission Mechanic)
The Transmission Repair Specialist (Transmission Mechanic) repairs manual and automatic transmissions in
automobiles, buses, trucks, and other automotive vehicles, raises vehicle, using jacks or hoists, and removes
transmission, using mechanic's hand tools, disassembles transmission and replaces broken or worn parts, such as
bands, gears, seals, and valves, adjusts pumps, bands, and gears as required, using wrenches, installs repaired
transmission and fills it with specified fluid, adjusts operating linkage and tests operation on road. The Specialist
may adjust a carburetor, verify idle speed of motor, using equipment, such as tachometer, and make required
This category applies exclusively to Air Force, Army or Navy Exchange auto concession service contracts for
maintenance and repair of passenger car, light truck, and other motor vehicles owned by military service members
and other qualified individuals.
Occupations include such activities as diagnostic services and engine tune-ups; cleaning and detailing vehicles;
changing oil and other fluids; repairing or replacing tires and aligning wheels; installing exhaust systems (mufflers,
tailpipes, etc.); repairing brake, air conditioning, and suspension and steering systems; replacing alternators, starters
and water pumps, and other defective bolt-on parts; and may include selling gasoline and oil.
Exclusions include major transmission or engine repairs or overhauls, major body work or painting, work performed
for motor pool services.
The Retail Automotive Detailer cleans interior and exterior of passenger cars and light trucks using vacuum cleaner,
shampooer and cloth, cleans windows with water glass cleaner using clothes or paper towels, cleans dash, doors and
trim and applies vinyl dressing, washes outside of vehicle with car-wash soap and soft cloth polishes painted
surfaces using handheld buffer and wax, may install auto accessories such as mudflats, bug deflector, and vent
visors using hand tools.
The Retail Automotive Helper performs minor automotive services on cars and light trucks for retail customers,
including washing, vacuuming, and cleaning vehicles. This worker assists higher-grade automotive technicians with
oil changes or tire repair services, stocks and retrieves automotive parts and supplies, maintains tool and equipment
cleans work areas, and performs other related duties. Work is unskilled in nature.
The Retail Automotive Technician performs a variety of basic repair services to cars and light trucks for retail
customers. Typical duties include: making repairs that can be accomplished by cleaning, reinstalling or replacing
defective bolt-on parts, or components; i.e. batteries, windshield wipers, lights, fouled spark plugs, wheel cylinders,
or worn brake shoes, removing and replacing with standard parts. This Technician performs wheel alignments or
installs exhaust systems (mufflers, tailpipes, etc.), repairs brake systems, air conditioning systems, suspension and
steering systems; replaces alternators, starters and water pumps, and may perform state safety inspections. This
position does not perform major transmission or engine repairs or overhauls. The Technician reports additional
findings to foreman/service writer, advises customers on findings, places and maintains decals on vehicles,
maintains tools and equipment, cleans work areas, and performs other related duties.
The Retail Automotive Technician performs a variety of basic repair services to cars and light trucks for retail
customers. Typical duties include: making repairs that can be accomplished by cleaning, reinstalling or replacing
defective bolt-on parts, or components; i.e. batteries, windshield wipers, lights, fouled spar plugs, wheel cylinders,
or worn brake shoes, removing and replacing with standard parts. This Technician performs wheel alignments or
installs exhaust systems (mufflers, tailpipes, etc.), repairs brake systems, air conditioning systems, suspension and
steering systems; replaces alternators, starters and water pumps, and may perform state safety inspections. This
position does not perform major transmission or engine repairs or overhauls. The Technician reports additional
findings to foreman/service writer, advises customers on findings, places and maintains decals on vehicles,
maintains tools and equipment, cleans work areas, and performs other related duties.
The Retail Tire Service Worker removes, repairs, and replaces tires on cars and light trucks, jacks and blocks
equipment, removes wheels from vehicle and removes tire from rim, using the tire change machine and following
the established procedures to install replacement tire or repair punctured tire. This Worker mounts wheel and tire
assembly on balancing machine, calibrates to corrected balance, removes tire and wheel, may rotate tires to different
positions, uses tie and wheel mounting and balancing equipment, tire repair materials and chemicals and hand tools,
reports additional findings to foreman/service writer, places and maintains decals on vehicles. This Worker
performs other related duties, such as clean work areas and surroundings, maintain and obtain tools, parts, supplies,
The Senior Retail Automotive Technician performs the basic repair services (including diagnostic services and
engine tune-ups to cars and light trucks) for retail customers, diagnoses the source of trouble and advises the retail
customer of the nature of the problem in non-technical terms.
This category includes occupations concerned with preparing and serving food in such establishments as hotels,
clubs, restaurants, cafeterias, and mess halls on military installations.
07010 BAKER
The Baker applies full knowledge of baking trade and is responsible for producing standard baked goods such as
bread, rolls, cakes, cookies, biscuits, muffins, and various types of puddings, and ice cream or sherbets.
07040 COOK (Occupational Base)
The Cook prepares food, using various cooking methods, i.e., boiling, roasting, baking, broiling, to make suitable for
07041 COOK I
The Cook I independently performs moderately difficult tasks in preparing small quantities of quickly prepared food
such as steaks, chops, cutlets, hamburgers, eggs, salads and other similar items. Excludes workers who exercise
general supervision over kitchen activities.
07042 COOK II
The Cook II prepares in large quantities, by various methods of cooking, meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, seasons and
cooks all cuts of various meats, fish and poultry, boils, steams or fries vegetables, makes gravies, soups, sauces,
roasts, meat pies, fricassees, casseroles, and stews. Excludes food service supervisors and head cooks who exercise
general supervision over kitchen activities.
The Dishwasher manually or mechanically washes and rinses dishes, glasses and silverware; maintains proper
temperature for sterilization and adds soap as needed, and performs other duties as assigned.
(Crew Chief, Team Leader)
The Fast Food Shift Leader (Crew Chief, Team Leader) refers to a non-supervisory full or part-time worker who
performs the duties of a fast food worker. In addition, from time to time, after training, performs other duties
requiring a limited amount of discretion such as assisting management in directing other Fast Food Workers,
controlling amount and timing of food production, and opening and closing restaurant.
(Crew Person, Team Member, Associate)
The Fast Food Worker (Crew Person, Team Member, Associate) refers to a non-supervisory full-or part-time worker
in a fast food restaurant who performs one or more repetitious and standardized tasks at an assigned station. Duties
include one or more of the following: preparing simple food items such as French fries, fish or chicken portions,
hamburgers, and beverages in a highly standardized manner, often controlled by automatic or simple timing devices;
taking customers' orders; filling orders, and collecting payment. This Worker may rotate among stations, and clean
equipment or premises.
(Cafeteria Worker)
The Food Service Worker (Cafeteria Worker) serves as a cafeteria and/or delicatessen/bakery worker helping in the
preparation, presentation and serving of specialty meats, delicacies, preserved foods, cheeses, salads, breads and
sweets to patrons. The incumbent assists in weighing, pricing and wrapping selected foods on plates, trays and in
bags, prepares food displays in counter cases and other display units, greets customers as they arrive at service
counter, takes special orders, and answers basic customer questions about specialty foods.
Using prepared ingredients and following routine, repetitive steps, this Worker makes hot and/or cold sandwiches,
fruit and vegetable trays, salads and rotisserie chicken, may slice and/or mix simple ingredients, as needed, cleans
counters and trays, washes dishes and maintains cleanliness of preparation, work and display areas, inspects and
cleans equipment. This Worker may assist in any or all of the following: measuring and mixing ingredients as
directed, assists in preparing, cooking and decorating breads, rolls, pastries, cakes and other bakery items, receives,
unloads trucks, and stores stock, takes special orders or unusual food requests from customers, takes payment and
makes change for customers.
Utilizing standardized meat cutting methods, the Meat Cutter breaks down meat carcasses and wholesale cuts; bones
and cuts meat into roasts, steaks, chops, etc., cleans and cuts fish into fillets and steaks, draws dresses and cuts
poultry. Must know methods for handling and storing meats (including fish and fowl).
The Waiter/Waitress serves food and beverages to patrons at counters and tables in coffee shops, lunchrooms, and
other dining establishments. This worker presents menus to customers, answers questions, and makes suggestions
regarding food and service. Duties include: memorizing or writing order on check, relaying order to kitchen and
serving course from kitchen and service bars. The Waiter/Waitress observes guests to fulfill any additional requests
and to perceive when meal has been completed, totals bill and accepts payment or refers patron to Cashier. The
Waiter/Waitress may ladle soup, toss salads, portion pies and desserts, brew coffee, perform other services as
determined by establishment's size and practices, and may clear and reset counters or tables at conclusion of each
course or meal.
This category includes occupations concerned with the following: propagating, protecting, and managing forest
tracts, felling trees and cutting them into logs, using hand tools or operating heavy powered equipment to perform
such activities as preparing sites for planting, tending crop trees and reducing competing vegetation, moving logs
and piling brush, yarding, trucking logs from the forest, planting seedlings and trees, growing crop trees in nurseries,
gathering forest products, and preventing, controlling, and extinguishing fires. 26
The Brush/Precommercial Thinner uses a chainsaw, brush blade, or other hand-held equipment, including chemical
applicators (where authorized by law) such as hypo hatchet and spot gun, to remove excess trees and other
vegetation. This Worker determines which immature trees to leave for accelerated growth, depending on spacing,
species, size, freedom from disease or other defect, and possible damage to remaining trees, cuts brush and other
vegetation, may chip debris and move slash (wood debris) away from roads, fire trails and remaining trees. Excludes
workers cutting mature trees.
The Choker Setter fastens choker (noose of wire rope, cable, or chain) to log end, attaches choker to skidder or cable
to be pulled to landing or loading area.
The Faller/Bucker uses a chainsaw to cut down (fell) mature trees and saw felled trees into log lengths (buck) and
determines optimum cuts to maximize yield and minimize waste.
The Fire Lookout locates and reports forest fires and weather conditions from remote fire-lookout station, maintains
on the ground surveillance to detect evidence of fires and observe weather condition, locates fires on area maps,
estimates size and characteristics of each fire, and reports findings to base camp by radio or telephone. The Fire
Lookout may monitor and report daily meteorological data, such as temperature, relative humidity, and wind
direction and velocity.
(Tractor Operator, Planting; Tractor Operator, Site Preparation; and Tractor Operator, Thinning)
Equipment is used in planting and thinning trees, spreading or spraying chemicals, preparing sites for planting, or
performing other forestry services. The incumbent operates a rubber-tired or crawler-type tractor or other heavy
motorized equipment such as a grader, front-end loader, or backhoe. May also lubricate fuel equipment, adjust
equipment, and make emergency repairs to equipment.
(Loader Operator, Skidder Operator)
Equipment is used to maintain unpaved roads, clean culverts and ditches, move logs, clear land, provide roadside
vegetation control, and prevent or fight fires. The Forestry/Logging Heavy Equipment Operator (Loader Operator,
Skidder Operator) operates heavy equipment such as bulldozer, grader, power shovel, backhoe, feller/buncher,
skidder, yarder, high tower, tree peeler, or grapple loader, may lubricate, fuel, adjust, and make emergency repairs to
The Forestry Technician requires the use of technical knowledge acquired through formal training or equivalent
experience to examine forest area and reports findings. Duties include one or more of the following: inspecting
reforestation work such as planting, thinning, or site preparation to determine compliance with contract; examines
and measures stands of trees to collect and record data on ground vegetation, soil condition, and size, growth, and
condition of trees; taking measurements and making calculations to estimate timber yield from sample plots
(cruising). At tree progeny sites, the Forestry Technician performs layout, staking, and mapping, identifies planting
spots and seedlings by pinning and tagging and records position numbers and growth data identifies superior
specimens of trees for cone and scion (sprouts or shoots for grafting) collection. Excludes workers required to have
a degree in forestry.
The Forestry Truck driver drives a truck to transport logs, dirt, gravel, trash, brush, equipment, supplies, or
personnel. May direct the work of laborers loading or unloading truck, load or unload truck without helpers,
perform routine maintenance, or make minor mechanical repairs. Excludes owner-operators, over-the-road drivers,
and general freight haulers.
Classifications are made according to type and rated capacity of truck (see Truck Driver).
The General Forestry Laborer performs a variety of tasks to grow nursery stock, reforest and protect timber tracts.
Duties include one or more of the following: sowing seed; lifting seedlings from nursery beds, placing shading
materials beside seedlings, netting or tubing (placing small plastic tubes over seedlings); mulching (placing
mulching materials around seedlings), post-planting hand scalping (removing excessive vegetation around
seedlings); applying repellent or fertilizer to seedlings; gopher baiting, and collecting fallen cones or scion (sprouts
or shoots for grafting).
Excludes workers climbing trees to pick cones (see Tree Climber).
The Nursery Specialist works in nursing and greenhouse operations, providing technical direction to the nursery
worker on the jobs to be done, determines the plant's needs and provides the necessary instructions to the nursery
worker to accomplish the work; checks plants for disease and damage and determines the necessary treatment,
determines when pruning, culling and other operations should be done in the nursery, reads the climate control
gauges, and makes the necessary adjustments to the equipment to provide the necessary climate.
The Slash Piler/Burner performs one or more of the following: transports and piles slash (woody debris) by hand,
ignites slash using a drip torch; sets up and uses pumps and hoses to wet down areas or extinguish spot fires; uses
hand tools to construct fire lines; patrols fire lines and patrols burned area to be certain all fire has been
extinguished. The Slash Piler/Burner may use a power saw to cut slash into smaller pieces.
Excludes workers piling slash by machine and workers whose primary duty is to fight forest fires.
The Tree Climber performs tree climbing and topping, cone and scion collection and other duties where tree
climbing is necessary.
The Tree Planter plants bare-root or containerized trees using a shovel, hoe dad, dibble bar, hoe, or powered auger,
transports trees in a tree bag, selects optimum planting location to meet spacing, soil, and shade requirements. The
Tree Planter may perform only part of the planting function such as baring soil, operating auger, or tamping soil
around plant. Workers such as Christmas tree planters, who are not required to select optimum planting locations,
are excluded.
The Tree Planter, Mechanical rides a mechanical planter pulled by a rubber-tired or crawler tractor while inserting
seedlings in a trench dug by the planter, or placing the seedlings on a conveyor for planting by the machine.
This category includes occupations concerned with maintaining and repairing furniture made of metal, wood and
other materials such as reed and rattan for use in hospitals, laboratories, offices, stores and other establishments.
The Electrostatic Spray Painter sprays negatively charged paint particles on positively charged work pieces, using
cone, disk, or nozzle-type electrostatic painting equipment, moves switches and dials to start flow of current and to
activate paint spraying equipment, turns valves and observes gauges to set pressure and to control flow of paint,
adjusts thermostat to maintain specified temperature in paint tanks, inspects painted units for runs, sags, and
unpainted areas, readjusts pressure valves to control direction and pattern of spray and to correct flaws in coating,
and cleans paint from ceiling and walls of booth, conveyor hooks or grid, and from disks, cones, spray heads, and
hoses using solvent and brush. This Worker may hand-spray parts to cover unpainted areas or apply rust
preventative, mix paint according to specifications, using viscometer to regulate consistency according to changes in
atmospheric conditions, may supervise or train furniture handlers for limited operation of the electrostatic spray
painting equipment. In general, the work of an electrostatic spray painter requires rounded training and experience
usually acquired through considerable on-the-job training and experience.
The Furniture Handler assists one or more electrostatic spray painters in repainting furniture by performing specific
or general duties of lesser skill, moves materials or furniture to work areas, using hand truck or dolly, cleans
surfaces of articles to be painted. The Furniture Handler is confined to supplying, lifting, holding materials and
tools, and cleaning working areas.
The Furniture Refinisher refinishes damaged, worn, or used furniture or new high-grade furniture to specified color
for finish, utilizing knowledge of wood properties, finishes, and furniture styling, removes old finish from surfaces
by abrading with steel wool or sandpaper or by brushing solvent on surfaces to soften finish and scraping with knife
and steel wool, removes excess solvent by rubbing surface with cloth immersed in paint thinner or salt soda, applies
plastic putty, wood putty, or lacquer-stick to surfaces, using spatula or knife, to fill nicks, depressions, holes and
cracks. The Furniture Refinisher smoothes surface for finishing, using sandpaper or power sander, selects and mixes
finish ingredients to obtain specified color shade or to match existing finish, brushes or sprays successive coats of
stain, varnish, shellac, lacquer, or paint on work piece. This refinisher grains wood or paints wood trim, using
graining roller, comb, sponge, or brush, polishes and waxes finished surfaces. In general, this worker requires
extensive knowledge of surface peculiarities and types of finishes required for different applications usually
acquired through considerable on-the-job training and experience.
The Furniture Refinisher Helper assists in refinishing furniture by performing one or a combination of the following
tasks: supplying furniture refinishers with materials and tools, holding materials and tools as requested, cleaning
work areas, machines and equipment, immersing small articles in vat filled with solvent preparatory to rubbing, and
blowing excess solvent from surface with air hose or wipes surface with dry cloth. Job tasks continue to include
scraping articles, using knife, scraper, or wood chisel to remove burs, splinters, and excess glue, and marking defects
such as knotholes, cracks, and splits to facilitate repair of articles. This Refinisher Helper cuts plastic laminated
covering materials and plywood to specified size and shape using hand tools and power tools; cements pre-cut
laminated materials to plywood to form furniture parts such as cabinet tops, countertops, desktops and tabletops,
using clamps or vise; wipes acetone on edges of parts with rags and solvent to remove excess adhesive; examines
edges of laminated parts to detect ridges, and removes excess materials with file or electric hand trimmers, and
attaches metal molding trim to edges, using glue and hand tools.
The Furniture Repairer, Minor repairs surface defects of finished wood and metal furniture, using the following
methods: (1) Repair defects in finish of wooden furniture; fill holes and cracks with shellac or wax, using heated
blade to melt and spread wax and shellac; remove varnish and smooth's cracks and scratches with sandpaper; apply
stain to match furniture surface and varnish to protect surface, using brush or spray gun; smooth and shape repaired
surface with sandpaper, pumice stone, steel wool, or chisel. This method will require this repairer to nail, screw, or
glue broken or split parts together, rub glossy spots with pumice stone and oil, and polish dull spots with wax to
match surrounding finish. The Furniture Repairer dabs moistened cloth to and presses heated blade against dents
and scratches to draw indentations to surface, may chisel out defective sections and replace them with patch
matching color and grain, (2) Repair damaged metal furniture; weld cracks using acetylene torch; file, scrape, or
sand parts to remove dirt, paint, or rust, melt solder into holes and cracks; grind solder until smooth and flush with
surrounding metal, using portable grinder; bend or hammer dented or twisted parts to original shape; tighten or
replace loose screws, nuts and bolts; replace missing or broken parts, e.g., hinges, door and drawer handles, latches,
and furniture arms and legs.
The Upholsterer repairs and rebuilds upholstered furniture, using hand tools and knowledge of fabrics and
upholstery methods, removes covering, webbing and padding from seat, arms, back and sides of work piece, using
tack puller, chisel, and mallet, removes defective springs by cutting cords or wires that hold them in place, replaces
webbing and springs or reties springs, measures and cuts new covering material, installs material on inside of arms,
back, seat, and over outside back and arms of wooden frame. The Upholster tacks or sews ornamental trim, such as
braid and buttons, to cover and frame, may operate sewing machine to seam cushions and join various sections of
covering materials, may repair wooden frame of work piece, repair seats from various types of vehicles, repair a
variety of items requiring special shaping, cushioning and covering including aircraft insulation and soundproofing
panels, repair special devices and assemblies and other items such as carpets, inflatable shelters and tents made of
canvas and other fabrics. In general, the work of an Upholsterer requires rounded training and experience usually
acquired through considerable on-the-job training and experience.
This category includes occupations concerned with moving and handling materials (e.g., loading, unloading,
digging, hauling, hoisting, carrying, wrapping, mixing, pouring, spreading); washing and cleaning laboratory
apparatus, cars and trucks; cleaning and maintaining living quarters, hospital rooms and wards, office buildings,
grounds, and other areas; and doing other general maintenance work, by hand or using common hand tools and
power equipment. These occupations may involve heavy or light physical work and various skill levels. Skills are
generally learned through job experience and instruction from supervisors or, in some instances, short-term formal
training programs.
The Cleaner, Vehicles cleans interiors and exteriors of transportation vehicles, such as automobiles, buses, railroad
cars, and streetcars, cleans interior of vehicle, using broom, cloth, mop, vacuum cleaner, and whiskbroom, cleans
windows with water, cleansing compounds, and cloth or chamois, replenishes sanitary supplies in vehicle
compartments, removes dust, grease, and oil from exterior surfaces of vehicles, using steam-cleaning equipment or
by spraying or washing vehicles, using spraying equipment, brush or sponge. The Cleaner may polish exterior of
vehicle, and may fumigate interior of vehicle, using fumigating gases or sprays.
The Elevator Operator operates elevator to transport passengers or freight between floors of a building such as a
department store, hotel, office building, apartment house, or manufacturing plant, pushes buttons or moves levers on
signal or instructions from passengers or others to control movement of elevator, opens and closes safety gate and
elevator door at each floor where stop is made, may supply information to passengers concerning location of offices,
merchandise, and individuals, distribute mail to various floors, answer telephone, and prevent unauthorized persons
from entering building; may load or unload freight or assist other employees to do so, transport freight from elevator
to designated area, using hand truck, and may sweep or vacuum elevator.
The Gardener plans and executes small scale landscaping operations and maintains grounds and landscape of
household, business and other properties, works with assistant in preparing and grading terrain, applying fertilizers,
seeding and laying sod, and transplanting shrubs and plants, and cultivates them, using gardening implements and
power-operated equipment. The Gardner plants new and repairs established lawns, using seed mixtures and
fertilizers recommended for particular soil type and lawn location, locates and plants shrubs, trees, and flowers
recommended for particular landscape effect or those selected by property owner, mows and trims lawns, using hand
or power mower, trims shrubs and cultivates gardens, sprays trees and shrubs and applies supplemental liquid and
dry nutrients to lawn, trees and shrubs; cleans ground, using rakes, brooms, and hose, dig trenches and install drain
tiles, repair concrete and asphalt walks and driveways.
The Housekeeping Aide performs special cleaning projects as well as daily cleaning duties in accordance with
standard procedures of the housekeeping department and with hospital objectives. An employee uses cleaning
equipment, including automatic floor machines, commercial vacuums, wet mops, large wringers and other necessary
equipment, tools, chemicals and supplies. The Housekeeping Aide will dry and wet mop floors, scrub and buff
floors with rotor and other machines, vacuum carpets to clean and control bacteria, transport trash from utility rooms
and other collection points to incinerator, compactor, or pick-up area, perform special cleaning of induction units,
walls, lighting fixtures, and windows, both inside and outside, move furniture and set up meeting rooms. This Aide
collects soiled linen, assists in cleaning emergency spills that are observed or as requested, maintains assigned
equipment for cleanliness and requests repairs when needed, reports need for repairs to hospital equipment,
furniture, building and fixtures, assists in moving patients in case of fire, disaster or emergency evacuation, and
assists security personnel in restraining disturbed patients in psychiatric wards.
The Janitor cleans and keeps in an orderly condition factory working areas and washrooms, or premises of an office,
apartment house, or commercial or other establishment. Duties involve a combination of the following: Sweeping,
mopping or scrubbing, and polishing floors; removing chips, trash, and other refuse; dusting equipment, furniture, or
fixtures; polishing metal fixtures or trimmings; providing supplies and minor maintenance services; and cleaning
lavatories, showers, and restrooms.
Excluded are:
a. Workers who specialize in window washing.
b. Housekeeping staff who make beds and change linens as a primary responsibility.
c. Workers required to disassemble and assemble equipment in order to clean machinery.
d. Workers who receive additional compensation to maintain sterile facilities or equipment.
The Laborer, Grounds Maintenance maintains grounds of industrial, commercial or public property such as
buildings, camp and picnic grounds, parks, playgrounds, greenhouses, and athletic fields, and repairs structures and
equipment, performing one or more of the following tasks: cut grass, using walking-type or riding mowers (less than
2000 lbs.), trim hedges and edges around walks, flowerbeds, and wells, using hedge trimmers, clippers and edging
tools, prunes shrubs and trees to shape and improve growth, using shears and other hand tools, sprays lawn, shrubs,
and trees with fertilizer or insecticide. Job duties also include the following: planting grass, flowers, trees, and
shrubs, watering lawn and shrubs during dry periods, using hose or activating sprinkler system, picks up and burns
or carts away leaves, paper or other litter; removing snow from walks, driveways, roads, or parking lots, using
shovel and snow blower, spreads salt on walkways and other areas, repairing and painting fences, gates, benches,
tables, guardrails, and outbuildings. This Worker assists in repair of roads, walks, buildings, and mechanical
equipment, and may clean comfort stations, offices workshop areas, and parking lots by sweeping, washing,
mopping and polishing.
The Maid or Houseman cleans rooms and other premises of hotel, motel, tourist home, or other lodging facility,
performing any combination of the following tasks: dusting and cleaning Venetian blinds, furniture, and other
surfaces, sorts, counts, folds, marks, or carries linens. The Maid or Houseman turns mattresses and makes beds,
moves and arranges furniture and hangs drapes, cleans and polishes metalwork and porcelain bathroom fixtures,
spot-cleans walls and windows, empties wastebaskets and removes trash, removes soiled linens for laundering,
replenishes room supplies, and reports needed repairs to equipment, furniture, building and fixtures.
11260 PRUNER
The Pruner identifies and inspects trees for damage and/or diseases. Uses loppers to remove limbs from designated
trees, applies spacing guidelines for selection of best trees, and cuts or severs all live or dead limbs of selected trees
to a specified height.
The Tractor Operator drives gasoline or diesel powered tractor to: move materials, draw implements, tow trailers,
pull out objects embedded in ground, or pull cable of winch to raise, lower, or load heavy material or equipment.
The Tractor Operator fastens attachments such as graders, plows, rollers, mowers (over 2000 lbs.), backhoes,
seeders, and disc harrows to tractor, adjusts equipment for proper operation, lubricates and makes minor repairs to
tractor and attachments such as tightening bolts, and replacing washers, cotter pins, and screws.
The Trail Maintenance Worker removes fallen and leaning dead trees; encroaching limbs and brush, minor repair of
tread, tread drainage and tread drainage structures and trail location marking. The Trail Maintenance Worker
removes downed limbs, loose rock and debris from trail ways.
The Window Cleaner cleans windows, glass partitions, mirrors, and other glass surfaces of building interior or
exterior, using pail of soapy water or other cleaner, sponge, and squeegee, crawls through windows from inside and
hooks safety belt to brackets for support; sets and climbs ladder to reach second or third story; uses basin chair,
swings stage or other scaffolding lowered from roof to reach outside windows; or stands to reach first floor or inside
This category includes occupations concerned with providing health and allied services to assist physicians and
other medical practitioners by caring for patients, mixing pharmaceutical preparations, performing clerical duties
and providing medical laboratory services in a variety of medical service establishments, such as hospitals, clinics,
medical laboratories, blood banks, and community health organizations.
The Ambulance Driver drives an ambulance to transport sick, injured or convalescent persons, places patients on
stretcher and loads stretcher into ambulance (usually with help of ambulance attendant), takes sick or injured
persons to hospital or convalescents to destination, using knowledge and skill in driving to avoid sudden motions
detrimental to patients, changes soiled linen on stretcher, administers first aid as needed; may shackle violent
patients, and may report facts concerning accident or emergency to hospital personnel or law enforcement officials.
The Breath Alcohol Technician instructs and assists individuals in the alcohol testing process and operates the
Evidential Breath Testing (EBT) devices. He or she must complete a course of instruction which includes: the
principles of EBT methodology, operation, and calibration checks; the fundamentals of breath analysis for alcohol
content; the agency testing procedures; and, interpretation and recording of EBT results. The BAT is trained to
proficiently use approved EBT devices, and is familiar with the alcohol testing procedures. The BAT may
independently perform external calibration checks by preparing the breath alcohol simulator or alcohol standard and
may perform other maintenance and calibration functions. Specific Duties can include: Maintenance and
safekeeping of the EBT, assuring there are sufficient testing supplies/materials available, explaining the breath
testing process to subjects, operating an EBT and documenting test results.
The Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant assists in the administration of rehabilitative activities for patients
with developmental, physical or emotional impairments. This person must pass a national certification examination,
be familiar with standard concepts, practices and procedures within a particular field, rely on limited experience and
judgment to plan and accomplish goals, perform a variety of tasks, and report to the occupational therapist.
The Certified Physical Therapist Assistant administers procedures to patients to help reduce pain and improve
mobility. This position usually requires an Associate's degree from an accredited program and two years of
experience. The Incumbent must be familiar with standard concepts, practices and procedures within the physical
therapy field. The Certified Physical Therapist Assistant performs a variety of tasks and utilizes limited experience
and independent judgment to accomplish goals. A limited degree of creativity and latitude is required, and this
person will report to the Physical Therapist.
The Dental Assistant provides assistance to the dentist by receiving and preparing patients for dental treatment,
preparing materials and equipment for use by the dentist, assisting dentist at chair-side or bedside in the treatment of
patients, taking dental radiographs and maintaining records related to appointments, examinations, treatment and
supplies. This person may work in general dentistry or in a specialized field of dentistry such as prosthodontics or
oral surgery.
Under the direct supervision of a dentist, the Dental Hygienist cleans calcareous deposits, accretions and stains from
teeth and beneath margins of gums, using dental instruments. This employee feels lymph nodes under patient's chin
to detect swelling or tenderness that could indicate presence of oral cancer, feels and visually examines gums for
signs of disease, may provide clinical services and health education to improve oral health and dental care of school
children, and may conduct dental health clinics for community groups to augment services of dentist. Usually, this
position requires an Associate's degree, dental hygienist license and two to four years of experience. Prospects must
be familiar with standards, concepts, and procedures within the dental field, and be able to rely on limited
experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals, to perform variety of tasks. The Dental Hygienist reports to
The EKG Technician performs electrocardiographs according to established policies and procedures. Usually, this
position requires graduation from an accredited EKG program, two years of community college and two years of
clinical experience. Prospects must be familiar with standard concepts, practices and procedures within the
electrocardiography particular field, rely on limited experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals, and
perform a variety of tasks. This position reports to physician or registered nurse.
The Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist assists in the analysis and diagnosis of disorders in the brain and nervous
system such as brain tumors, sleep disorders, strokes, and epilepsy. Usually this requires two years of community
college and two years of related experience. Prospects must be familiar with standards, concepts, and procedures
within the Neurology field, rely on limited experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals, and perform
variety of tasks. This position reports to supervisor or manager.
The Emergency Medical Technician provides emergency medical treatment to sick or injured persons at site of
emergency and while in transit to medical facility, working as a member of an emergency medical team, responds to
instructions from emergency medical dispatcher, and drives specially equipped emergency vehicle to specified
location., monitors communication equipment to maintain contact with dispatcher, determines nature and extent of
illness or injury, or magnitude of catastrophe, and establishes procedures to be followed or need for additional
assistance, basing decisions on statements of persons involved, examination of victim or victims, and knowledge of
emergency medical practice, administers prescribed medical treatment at site of emergency or in vehicle in route to
medical facility, performing such activities as applying splints, administering oxygen, maintaining an adequate
airway, treating minor wounds or abrasions, or performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Job tasks requires
that one; communicates with professional medical personnel at emergency treatment facility to obtain instructions
regarding further treatment and to arrange for reception of victims at treatment facility, assists in removal of victims
from vehicle and in their transfer to treatment center, assists center admitting personnel to obtain and record
information related to victims' vital statistics and circumstances of emergency, maintains vehicles and medical
communication equipment, and replenishes first-aid equipment and supplies.
Emergency Medical Technician may assist in controlling crowds, protecting valuables, or performing other duties at
scene of catastrophe, and assist professional medical personnel in emergency treatment administered at medical
facility. The typical EMT is trained according to an U. S. Department of Transportation National Standard
Curriculum (114 hours). The EMT may also acquire additional skills, such as use of the automatic or manual
external defibrillator, and become certified as an EMT-Defibrillator (EMT-D). On average, 18 hours of training are
needed to acquire defibrillation skills.
12070 LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE (Occupational Base)
The LPNs are licensed to provide practical or vocational nursing care to patients in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics,
health units, homes, and community health organizations. They typically work under the supervision of a registered
nurse or physician, and may supervise unlicensed nursing assistants.
The Licensed Practical Nurse I provides standard nursing care requiring some latitude for independent judgment and
initiative to perform recurring duties. Supervisor provides additional instructions for unusual or difficult tasks.
Deviations from specific guidelines must be authorized by the supervisor.
The Licensed Practical Nurse II provides nursing care requiring an understanding of diseases and illnesses sufficient
to enhance communications with physicians, registered nurses, and patients, follows general instructions in addition
to established policies, practices and procedures, uses judgment to vary sequence of procedures based on patient's
condition and previous instructions. Supervisory approval for requested deviations is given routinely. Guidance is
provided for unusual occurrences.
This level applies to two different work situations. In situation 1), LPNs provide nursing care for patients in various
stages of dependency, setting priorities and deadlines for patient care as necessary prior to notifying the supervisor.
In situation 2), LPNs are assigned to a selected group of critically ill patients, e.g., in hospital intensive care or
coronary care units. These assignments require LPNs to immediately recognize and respond to serious situations,
sometimes before notifying an RN. However, their overall independence and authority is more limited than that
described in situation 1, and supervisory approval is required for proposed deviations from established guidelines.
The Medical Assistant assists physicians in examination and treatment of patients, and performs clerical tasks
related to administration of office. The Medical Assistant prepares treatment rooms for examination of patient.
Interviews patient and checks pulse, temperature, blood pressure, weight and height, drapes patient with covering
correctly positions instruments and equipment, hands instruments and materials to doctor as directed, collects and
prepares specimens for shipment to medical laboratories, takes electrocardiograms, telephones prescriptions to
pharmacy, and authorizes refills as directed. This person schedules appointments, arranges for hospital admission
and laboratory services, receives money for bills, completes insurance forms, maintains financial records, and
records and files patient charts and medical records. Medical Assistants may use computer to perform
administrative duties.
(Clinical Laboratory Assistant; Registered Medical Technician)
The Medical Laboratory Technician (Clinical Laboratory Assistant, Registered Medical Technician) performs a
variety of routine tests and laboratory procedures in a medical laboratory for use in diagnosis and treatment of
disease. This technician conducts urinalyses, clinical chemistry tests and blood counts, prepares tissue samples for
study by medical technologist or pathologist, prepares chemical reagent stains and solutions tends automatic
equipment to prepare specimens and perform analytic tests, makes preliminary identification of bacterial cultures
subject to confirmation of supervisor, maintains laboratory stock of chemicals and glassware, and may collect
specimens from patients.
The Medical Record Clerk compiles, verifies, and files medical records of hospital or clinic patients and compiles
statistics for use in reports and surveys, prepares folders and maintains records of newly admitted patients. reviews
contents of patients' medical record folders, assembles into standard order, and files according to established
procedure, reviews inpatient and emergency room records to insure presence of required reports and physicians'
signatures, and routes incomplete records to appropriate personnel for completion or prepares reports of incomplete
records to notify administration, checks list of discharged patients to insure receipt of all current records, compiles
daily and periodic statistical data, such as admissions, discharges, deaths, births, and types of treatment rendered.
This technician will also record diagnoses and treatments, including operations performed, for use in completing
hospital insurance billing forms maintain death log, type and process birth certificates, assist other workers with
coding of records, make copies of medical records, using duplicating equipment, and may schedule and post results
of laboratory tests to records.
(Medical Record Administrator)
The Medical Record Technician (Medical Record Administrator) maintains medical records of hospital and clinic
patients, reviews medical records for completeness and accuracy, codes diseases, operations, diagnoses and
treatments, compiles medical care and census data for statistical reports, and maintains indexes on patient, disease,
operation, and other categories. The Medical Record Technician directs routine operation of medical record
department, files, or directs Medical Record Clerk to file, patient records, maintains flow of medical records and
reports to departments, and may assist medical staff in special studies or research.
The Medical Transcriptionist transcribes medical dictation by physicians and other medical practitioners pertaining
to patients' assessments, diagnostics, therapy and other medical reports. This position usually requires a high school
diploma or equivalent and coursework in medical terminology and two years of related work experience. Prospects
must be familiar with standard concepts, practices and procedures within a medical field, be able to perform a
variety of tasks and utilize limited experience and independent judgment to accomplish goals.
The Nuclear Medicine Technologist administers and monitors radionuclides to patients to determine presence of
radioactive drugs. This position usually requires an Associate's degree with two years of experience in the field or
related area, and May require state certification. Prospects must be familiar with standard concepts, practices and
procedures within the Nuclear Medicine field and utilize limited experience and independent judgment to
accomplish goals. This position reports to supervisor or manager.
12220 NURSING ASSISTANT (Occupational Base)
(Nursing Aide, Orderly and Attendant)
The Nursing Assistant (Nursing Aide, Orderly and Attendant) (Occupational Base)) provides personal and nursing
care to patients in hospitals, nursing homes, resident care facilities, clinics, private homes, and community health
organizations. Duties include maintaining patient hygiene and supporting doctors and nurses in diagnostic
procedures, technical treatments, patient charting, and patient teaching. Work does not require state licensure.
Supervisory positions are excluded.
The Nursing Assistant I performs simple personal care and housekeeping tasks requiring no previous training.
Typical tasks include bathing, dressing, feeding, lifting, escorting, and transporting patients, collecting laundry carts
and food trays, taking and recording temperatures, changing bed linen and cleaning patients' rooms. This assistant
must be able to follow detailed and specific instructions.
In addition to providing personal care, the Nursing Assistant II performs common nursing procedures such as,
observing and reporting on patient conditions; taking and recording vital signs, collecting and labeling specimens,
sterilizing equipment; listening to and encouraging patients, giving sitz baths and enemas; applying and changing
compresses and non-sterile dressings, checking and replenishing supplies, securing admission data from patients,
and assisting in controlling aggressive or disruptive behavior. The Nursing Assistant II follows specific instructions,
and matters not covered are verified with the supervisor. (Positions involved with the above duties in forensic units
of mental health institutions are classified as Nursing Assistant III.)
This position performs a variety of common nursing procedures as described at Level II. Work requires prior
experience or training to perform these procedures with some latitude for exercising independent initiative or limited
judgment. This Assistant may also perform several procedures sequentially, chart patient care, administer
prescribed medication and simple treatments, teach patient self-care and lead lower level nursing assistants.
This position applies advanced patient or resident care principles, procedures and techniques that require
considerable training and experience. In addition to the work described at Level III, typical duties are as follows:
assisting professional staff in planning and evaluating patient or resident care; recognizing subtle changes in
patient's condition and behavior and varying nursing care accordingly; catheterizing, irrigating, and suctioning
patients; monitoring IV fluids and alerting registered nurse when system needs attention; performing minor
operative and diagnostic procedures in a clinic. Supervisor describes limitations and priorities of work.
The Dispensing Optician (Optician) examines written prescriptions to determine the specifications of lenses. The
Optician recommends eyeglass frames, lenses, and lens coatings after considering the prescription and the
customer's occupation, habits, and facial features. Measures clients' eyes, including the distance between the center
of the pupils and the distance between the surface and the lens. May obtain a customer's previous record or verify a
prescription with the examining optometrist or ophthalmologist. Opticians may reshape or bend the frame by hand
or using pliers so that the eyeglasses fit the customer properly and comfortably. May also fix, adjust, and refit
broken frames. Some Opticians specialize in fitting contacts, artificial eyes, or cosmetic shells to cover blemished
The Optical Technician operates machinery to construct eyeglasses based on specific prescription information. This
person must be familiar with standard concepts, practices and procedures within the optical field. The Optical
Technician performs a variety of tasks and utilizes limited experience and independent judgment to accomplish
goals. The Optical Technician reports to supervisor or manager.
Duties for Pharmacy Technician include the following: prepare and dispense medications, maintain related records
for patients in hospital or clinic under supervision of pharmacist; prepare, package, label and distribute medication
doses prescribed by physician. This technician maintains patient medication profile records, utilizing compute, and
maintains inventories of drugs and supplies; performing such duties as placing drug and supply orders with vendors,
stocking shelves, rotating stock and checking expiration date of pharmaceuticals.
Phlebotomists draw blood from patients or donors in hospitals, blood banks, or similar facilities for analysis or other
medical purposes. They assemble equipment such as tourniquet, needles, blood collection devices, gauze, cotton,
and alcohol on work tray according to requirements for specified tests or procedures, verify or record identities of
patients or donors and converse with patients or donors to allay fears of procedures. This worker applies tourniquet
to arm, locates accessible vein, swabs puncture area with disinfectant, inserts needle into vein to draw blood into
collection tube or bag, withdraws needle, applies treatment to puncture site, and labels and stores blood container for
subsequent processing. This worker may prick finger to draw blood, conduct interviews, take vital signs, and draw
and test blood samples to screen donors at blood bank.
The Radiologic Technologist arranges patients for radiological examinations, produces radiographs (x-rays) to aid in
the diagnosis of medical problems. Usually, this position requires an Associate's degree with two years of
experience in the field or related area. The prospect has knowledge of commonly used concepts, practices and
procedures within the field, relies on instructions and pre-established guidelines to perform the functions of the job,
and works under immediate supervision. A certain degree of latitude and creativity is required. This position
reports to supervisor or manager.
12310 REGISTERED NURSE (Occupational Base)
The Registered Nurse provides professional nursing care to patients in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, health units,
private residences, and community health organizations. (Visiting nurses are included.) The Registered Nurse
assists physicians with treatment; assesses patient health problems and needs, develops and implements nursing care
plans, maintains medical records, and assists patients in complying with prescribed medical regimen, may specialize
as an operating room nurse, psychiatric nurse, nurse anesthetist, industrial nurse, nurse practitioner, and clinical
nurse specialist. This nurse may supervise LPNs and Nursing Assistants.
The Registered Nurse I provides comprehensive general nursing care to patients whose conditions and treatment are
normally uncomplicated, follows established procedures, standing orders, and doctor's instructions, uses judgment in
selecting guidelines appropriate to changing patient conditions. Routine duties are performed independently;
variations from established routines are performed under specific instructions. Typical assignments include:
Staff: Prepares hospital or nursing home patients for tests, examinations, or treatment; assists in responding to
emergencies; records vital signs and effects of medication and treatment in patient charts; and administers prescribed
medications and intravenous feedings.
Operating Room: Assists in surgical procedures by preparing patients for less complex operations (e.g.,
appendectomies); sterilizes instruments and other supplies; handles instruments; and assists in operating room,
recovery room, and intensive care ward.
Psychiatric: Provides routine nursing care to psychiatric patients. May observe and record patient behavior.
Health Unit/Clinic: Administers immunizations, inoculations, allergy treatments, and medications in a clinic or
employer health unit; performs first aid for minor burns, cuts, bruises, and sprains; obtains patient histories; and
keeps records, writes reports, and maintains supplies and equipment.
The Registered Nurse II plans and provides comprehensive nursing care in accordance with professional nursing
standards, uses judgment in assessing patient conditions, interprets guidelines, and modifies patient care as
necessary, recognizes and determines proper action for medical emergencies, e.g., calls physician or takes
preplanned emergency measures. Typical assignments include the following:
Staff: In addition to the duties described at Level I, usually performs more complex procedures, such as:
administering blood transfusions, managing nasal-pharyngeal, gastric suction, and other drainage tubes, using
special equipment such as ventilator devices, resuscitators and hypothermic units; or closely monitoring
postoperative and seriously ill patients.
Operating Room: Provides nursing service for surgical operations, including those involving complex and extensive
surgical procedures, confers with surgeons concerning instruments, sutures, prostheses and special equipment, cares
for physical and psychological needs of patients; assists in the care and handling of supplies and equipment; assures
accurate care and handling of specimens; and assumes responsibility for aseptic technique maintenance and
adequacy of supplies during surgery.
Psychiatric: Provides comprehensive nursing care for psychiatric patients. In addition to observing patients,
evaluates and records significant behavior and reaction patterns and participates in group therapy sessions.
Health Unit/Clinic: Provides a range of nursing services, including preventive health care counseling, coordinates
health care needs and makes referrals to medical specialists, assesses and treats minor health problems, administers
emergency treatment; performs limited portions of physical examinations, manages the stable phases of common
chronic illnesses and provides individual and family counseling.
Community Health: Provides a broad range of nursing services including adult and child health care, chronic and
communicable disease control, health teaching, counseling, referrals, and follow-up.
The Registered Nurse II, Specialist plans and provides highly specialized patient care in a difficult specialty area,
such as intensive care or critical care. In comparison with Registered Nurse II, pay typically reflects advanced
specialized training, experience and certification. This nurse may assist higher-level nurses in developing,
evaluating, and revising nursing plans, and may provide advice to lower level nursing staff in area of specialty.
The Registered Nurse III plans and performs specialized and advanced nursing assignments of considerable
difficulty, uses expertise in assessing patient conditions and develops nursing plans that serve as a role model for
others. Evaluations and observation skills are relied upon by physicians in developing and modifying treatment.
Work extends beyond patient care to the evaluation of concepts, procedures, and program effectiveness. Typical
assignments include the following:
Specialist: Provides specialized hospital nursing care to patients having illnesses and injuries that require adaptation
of established nursing procedures, renders expertise in caring for patients who are seriously ill, are not responding to
normal treatment, have undergone unique surgical operations, or are receiving infrequently used medication. Duties
may require knowledge of special drugs or the ability to provide pulmonary ventilation.
Psychiatric Specialist: Provides nursing expertise on an interdisciplinary treatment team that defines policies and
develops total care programs for psychiatric patients.
Practitioner: Provides primary health care and nursing services in clinics, schools, employer health units, or
community health organizations, assesses, diagnoses, and treats minor illnesses and manages chronic health
problems. Other services may include providing primary care for trauma cases including suturing; planning and
conducting a clinic, school or employer health program; or studying and appraising community health services.
This Nurse recommends and administers general anesthetics intravenously, topically, by inhalation, or by
endotracheal intubation; induces patient anesthesia, and manages proper states of patient narcosis throughout
prolonged surgeries; determines the need for and administers parenteral fluids including plasma and blood;
administers stimulants as directed. The Registered Nurse III may also administer local anesthetics as needed.
These Nurse plans, researches, develop and implements new or modified techniques, methods, practices, and
approach in nursing care; acts as consultant in area of specialization and is considered an expert or leader within
specialty area; consults with supervisor to develop decisions and coordinates with other medical staff and
community. Typical assignments include the following:
Specialist/Consultant: Provides expert and complex hospital nursing and health care to a specialized group of
patients, develops and monitors the implementation of new nursing techniques, policies, procedures and programs;
instructs nursing and medical staff in specialty, represents the specialty to outside organizations; and evaluates,
interprets, and integrates research findings into nursing practices.
Practitioner: Serves as primary health advisor in clinics and community health organizations and provides full range
of health care services. The Practitioner manages clinic and is responsible for formulating nursing and health care
standard and policies, including developing and teaching new techniques or practices and establishing or revising
criteria for care. This Practitioner collaborates with physician in planning, evaluating, coordinating and revising
program and determines conditions, resources and policies essential to delivery of health care services.
Drug and Alcohol Testing Schedulers are responsible for a variety of functions related to the planning, scheduling,
and modification of plans and schedules for workplace alcohol or drug testing as well as reporting of alcohol or drug
tests. These functions are carried out as a centralized operation coordinating the client's request for a certain number
and type of test to be accomplished at specific dates, times and places on a national scale. These tests could be
accomplished anywhere in the USA, Puerto Rico, and American Trust Territories, for any of the type of alcohol or
drug tests required, i.e., random, pre-employment, post-accident, reasonable suspicion, return-to-duty, or follow-up.
Requests for testing will occur well in advance for random and follow-up testing and will typically involve a large
volume of tests. The Scheduler must determine the appropriate offices, Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT), and/or
subcontractor performing the tests according to location or other factors. The request must be communicated to the
responsible offices with the dates/times, etc. confirmed with the client. Any subsequent changes must be
coordinated with all parties. If travel costs involving air travel, hotel, rental car, or mileage over 100 miles, this
must be pre-approved by the client. The Scheduler is expected to choose the most cost-effective approach to
completing the test requirements.
Incumbent promotes the development of positive social skills and behavior while determining individual/group
needs of client(s). Counselor conducts/creates programs, seminars, and training for clients as well as treatment and
prevention plans.
This category includes occupations concerned with the communication of information and ideas through audio,
visual, or pictorial means, the collection, custody, presentation, display, and interpretation of art works, cultural
objects, and other artifacts, or a branch of fine or applied arts such as industrial design, interior design, or musical
13010 EXHIBITS SPECIALIST (Occupational Base)
The Exhibits Specialist constructs and installs exhibit structures, electric wiring, and fixtures of materials, such as
wood, plywood, and fiberglass, using hand tools and power tools. This Specialist studies sketches or scale drawings
for temporary or permanent display or exhibit structures to determine type, amount, and cost of material needed.
The Specialist confers with exhibit planning and art personnel to discuss structural feasibility of plans and to suggest
alternate methods of displaying objects in exhibit; cuts, assembles, and fastens parts to construct framework, panels,
shelves, and other exhibit components of specified materials, using hand tools and power tools. The Exhibits
Specialist sprays or brushes paint, enamel, varnish, or other finish on structures, or creates special effects by
applying finish with cloth, sponge, or fingers to prepare structure for addition of fittings. This Specialist would
mount fittings and fixtures, such as shelves, panel boards, and shadow boxes to framework, using hand tools or
adhesives; install electrical wiring, fixtures, apparatus, audiovisual components, or control equipment in framework,
according to design specifications, install or affix murals, photographs, graphs, mounted legend materials, and
graphics in framework or on fixtures assembles. Typically, the Exhibits Specialist duties also include the
following: installing or arranging structures in exhibit galleries working with maintenance and installation
personnel, tests electrical, electronic, and mechanical components of exhibit structure to verify operation, may
maintain inventory of building materials, tools, and equipment, and order supplies as needed for construction of
exhibit fixtures; assigning duties to, and supervising work of carpentry, electrical, and other craft workers engaged
in constructing and installing exhibit components.
At this level, the Exhibits Specialist brings to the job manual dexterity, mechanical skill, and/or artistic skill, plus
aptitude for learning exhibits techniques. They perform duties related to the fabrication, finishing and repair of
exhibits while acquiring training in museum or exhibits techniques.
At this level, the Exhibits Specialist perform independently the phases of work in which they are proficient, and
receive training in the more complex processes. Duties relate to the fabrication, finishing and maintenance of
exhibits that require a high degree of manual dexterity and moderate but varied artistic skills. Generally, they work
from accurate scale drawings, blueprints or sketches with instructions as to the materials to be used and the colors to
be matched. On the phases of the work with which they are thoroughly familiar, and within the framework of
accepted and proven methods and techniques, there is considerable latitude of choice in execution. The supervisor
checks their work at the completion of each phase on work that involves several processes or stages of development.
At this level, the Exhibits Specialist is responsible for the construction of portions of more complex exhibits, such as
models, three-dimensional training aids, or complex exhibit cases and other exhibit furniture. Complexity of work
may be indicated by: (a) subject matter which requires extensive study and search of the literature; (b) the need to
demonstrate the significance of an event or development; (c) the need to present the development or evaluation of an
event; and (d) subject matter involving several disciplines. Another area of work at this level includes the planning
of detailed work processes and actual restoration work on historic structures or valuable items, or the construction of
replicas or models requiring greater skill than is required for the work at the Exhibits Specialist II level. At level III,
Exhibits Specialists are comparatively free to use judgment in selecting work methods and materials, and developing
techniques and color schemes.
13040 ILLUSTRATOR (Occupational Base)
The Illustrator prepares illustrations and drawings using common art media to depict medical and scientific subjects
or technical equipment, renders preliminary or final products such as assembly and component drawings, exploded
views, functional, perspective and isometric drawings, and schematic diagrams from rough sketches or notes
provided by subject matter specialists, using art media such as oil, water color or pen-and-ink. This person lays out
proposed illustrations in conformity with established style and format taking into account perspective, angle of view,
and artistic effect, discusses illustration or drawing at various stages of completion with higher-grade illustrator or
supervisor, and makes changes as necessary.
Duties for this position require the ability to use common media such as tempera, oils, pen-and-ink, or pencil with
average skill. The Illustrator I copies drawings, either by tracing or freehand; applies coloring or wash to line
drawings; letters by hand or by use of templates, and does detail or background work on illustrations which have
been prepared by an illustrator of higher grade. When working with scientific subjects and technical equipment this
Illustrator acquires basic knowledge of subject matter field and develops information about the field of work that
will be illustrated. When working in the general fields of illustrating, someone in this position acquires necessary
information about subject of the illustrations or applies general knowledge to the subject.
The Illustrator II usually is assigned to projects involving several of the common art media such as pen-and-ink,
pencil, tempera, wash, oils, and airbrush over a period of time. These projects require the Illustrator to be proficient
in the use of these media and in executing acceptable drawings in many styles. Generally, Illustrator II executes
drawings that have been conceived by others and presented in the form of rough sketches. This illustrator does not
exercise an extensive knowledge of the subject matter involved when preparing medical, scientific or technical
equipment illustrations, but does acquire information about the subject assigned to illustrate and develop a
background of subject matter knowledge through carrying out these illustrating assignments. However, the kind of
illustrating work assigned does not require an extensive prior knowledge about the subjects illustrated.
The projects to which the Illustrator III are assigned, usually involve several of the common art media (as in the case
of Illustrator II), but the illustrations themselves typically require a higher degree of skill in the use of many of the
media. This degree of skill is required for the following reasons: (a) the speed with which the illustration must be
completed requires the ability to work quickly and competently in order to produce an acceptable finished product
within the available time limit. (b) The illustration calls for the use of fine detail, special artistic effects, or an
unusual use of the chosen medium or; (c) The method of reproduction, how the illustration will be used, or the
information or artistic results desired, calls for exceptional care and skill in the use of the medium. The themes
illustrated may be either concrete in nature or they may represent ideas and abstract concepts. The illustrations
differ from those typical of Illustrator II in that they are expected to interpret the publications, chart, poster, or
exhibit in which they appear, while Illustrator II presents factual, rather than interpretative material. Illustrator III is
required to have knowledge of a specialized subject matter field such as medicine, science, or technical equipment,
and will prepare illustrations that are designed to reproduce the appearance of specific medical or scientific
specimens or of pieces of technical equipment.
The Librarian maintains library collections of books, serial publications, and documents, audiovisual and other
materials and assists groups and individuals in locating and obtaining materials, furnishes information on library
activities, facilities, rules and services, explains and assists in use of reference sources, such as card or book catalog,
or book and periodical indexes to locate information. This worker issues and receives materials for circulation or
use in library, assembles and arranges displays of books and other library materials, maintains reference and
circulation materials. The Librarian also answers correspondence on special reference subjects, may compile list of
library materials according to subjects or interests, and may select, order, catalog and classify materials.
The Library Aide/Clerk works under the supervision of Librarian and Library Technician at the main circulation
desk following simple repetitive tasks including; issuing library cards, explaining library rules and borrowing
procedures, recording information such as reports of lost or damaged items, requests for materials, and overdue
materials and refers this information to Library Technician or Librarian. This Worker contacts borrowers by
telephoning or issuing overdue notices, shelves books, magazines, and other materials under supervision of Library
Technician or Librarian, accesses and enters limited routine information in a few screens of automated database,
performs routine clerical duties such as referring callers or visitors to appropriate staff, and assists Library
Technician with processing duties such as labeling and stamping and preparing materials such as posters or book
lists for events.
The Library Information Technology Systems Administrator administers and supports daily operational
requirements of library and information computer network systems including workstation, file servers, and web
servers. Duties typically involve the installation of hardware, software, systems upgrades, network accounts,
network security, and web page design, interface and updates, planning and implementing long-range automation
plan, period reports, and local system design documentation. This Administrator trains staff on software applicable
to their position, assists patrons with information technology, and provides instruction on computers and
The Library Technician provides information service such as answering questions regarding card catalogs and
assists in the use of bibliographic tools, such as Library of Congress catalog. The incumbent performs routine
cataloging of library materials, files cards in catalog drawers according to system used, answers routine inquiries,
and refers persons requiring professional assistance to Librarian. This Technician verifies bibliographic information
on order requests, works or directs workers in maintenance of stacks or in section of department or division with
tasks such as ordering or receiving section of acquisitions department, card preparation activities in catalog
department, or limited loan or reserve desk operation of circulation department.
13060 MEDIA SPECIALIST (Occupational Base)
The Media Specialist maintains functionality (expiration dates, incorrect labeling, etc.) for a variety of media
sources, e.g., tapes, cassettes, microfiche, film, and compact disks/DVDs, in addition to introduction of new media
technology. Troubleshoots and resolves media errors and data processing problems; lower level media specialists
focus on preplanned procedures when troubleshooting, while higher level media specialist may deviate from
standard operating procedures.
The Media Specialist I maintains library of media (tapes, cassettes and microfiche), which presents few difficult data
processing problems (e.g. damaged media or misplaced media). In response to data processing problems, this
person applies data processing or corrective procedures, refers problems which do not have preplanned procedures,
and works under general supervision of the higher-level Media Specialists.
This Specialist maintains a range of media (tapes, cassettes and microfiche). In addition to maintaining the media
library and resolving common data processing problems, the incumbent diagnoses and acts on media errors not fully
covered by existing procedures and guidelines (e.g., tape, disposition or making mechanical adjustments to maintain
or restore media equipment). In response to media error reports, this Worker may deviate from standard procedures
if standard procedures do not provide a solution and refers still-unresolved problems to Media Specialist III.
The Media Specialist III adapts to a variety of nonstandard problems that require extensive specialist assistance
(e.g., expiration date on media, media internally labeled incorrectly or frequent introduction of new media
technology). In response to media error conditions, this Worker chooses or devises a course of action from among
processing tanks and dryer, around polished drum, and onto take-up reel. The specialist turns valves to fill tanks
with premixed solutions such as developer, dyes, stop-baths, fixers, bleaches, and washes, moves thermostatic
control to keep steam-heated drum at specified temperature, and splices sensitized paper to leaders using tape. The
specialist then starts machine and throws switches to synchronize drive speeds of processing and drying units,
compares processed prints with color standard, reports variations to control department, adds specified amount of
chemicals to renew solutions, and maintains production records.
13070 PHOTOGRAPHER (Occupational Base)
The Photographer takes pictures requiring knowledge of photographic techniques, equipment, and processes.
Typically, some familiarity with the organization's activities (i.e., scientific, engineering, industrial, technical, retail,
commercial, etc.) and some artistic ability are needed at higher levels. Depending on the objectives of the
assignment, photographers use standard equipment (including simple still, graphic, and motion picture cameras,
video and television hand cameras, and similar commonly used equipment) and/or use special-purpose equipment
(including specialized still and graphic cameras, motion picture production, television studio, and high speed
cameras and equipment). At the higher levels, a complex accessory system of equipment may be used, as needed,
with sound or lighting systems, generators, timing or measurement control mechanisms, or improvised stages or
environments, etc. Work of photographers at all levels is reviewed for quality and acceptability. The Photographer
may also develop, process, and edit film or tape, serve as a lead photographer to lower level workers, or may
perform work described at lower levels as needed. Positions are matched to the appropriate level based on the
difficulty of, and responsibility for the photography performed, including the subject-matter knowledge and artistry
required to fulfill the assignment. While the equipment may be an indication of the level of difficulty,
photographers at the higher level may use standard equipment, as needed.
The Photographer I takes routine pictures in situations where several shots can be taken. This Photographer uses
standard still cameras for pictures lacking complications, such as speed, motion, color contrast, or lighting.
Photographs are taken for identification, employee publications, information, or publicity purposes. Workers must
be able to focus, center, and provide simple flash-type lighting for an uncomplicated photograph. Typical subjects
are employees who are photographed for identification, award ceremonies, interviews, banquets or meetings; or
external views of machinery, supplies, equipment, building, damaged shipments, or other subjects photographed to
record conditions. Assignments usually are performed without direct guidance due to the clear and simple nature of
the desired photograph.
This Photographer uses standard still cameras, commonly available lighting equipment and related techniques to
take photographs, which involve limited problems of speed, motion, color contrast, or lighting. Typically, the
subjects photographed are similar to those at Level I, but the technical aspects require more skill. Based on clear-cut
objectives, this Worker determines shutter speeds, lens settings and filters, camera angles, exposure times, and type
of film. This position requires familiarity with the situation gained from similar past experience to arrange for
specific emphasis, balanced lighting, and correction for distortion, etc., as needed. The Photographer II may use
16mm or 35mm motion picture cameras for simple shots such as moving equipment or individuals at work or
meetings, where available or simple artificial lighting is used. Ordinarily, there is opportunity for repeated shots or
for retakes if the original exposure is unsatisfactory. This Photographer consults with supervisor or photographers
that are more experienced when problems are anticipated.
The Photographer III selects from a range of standard photographic equipment for assignments demanding exact
renditions, normally without opportunity for later retakes, when there are specific problems or uncertainties
concerning lighting, exposure time, color, artistry, etc. Job tasks require this worker to discuss technical
requirements with operating officials or supervisor and customize treatment for each situation according to a
detailed request, vary camera processes and techniques, and use the setting and background to produce esthetics, as
well as accurate and informative pictures. Typically, standard equipment is used at this level, although "specialized"
photography can be performed using some special-purpose equipment under closer supervision. In typical
assignments, the Photographer III photographs the following: (1) drawings, charts, maps, textiles, etc., requiring
accurate computation of reduction ratios and exposure times and precise equipment adjustments; (2) tissue
specimens in fine detail and exact color when color and condition of the tissue may deteriorate rapidly; (3) medical
or surgical procedures or conditions which normally cannot be recaptured; (4) machine or motor parts to show wear
or corrosion in minute wires or gears; (5) specialized real estate, goods and products for catalogs or listings when
salability is enhanced by the photography; (6) work, construction sites, or patrons in prescribed detail to substantiate
legal claims, contracts, etc.; (7) artistic or technical design layouts requiring precise equipment settings; and (8)
fixed objects on the ground or air-to-air objects which must be captured quickly and require directing the pilot to get
the correct angle of approach. This person works independently; solves most problems through consultations with
more experienced photographers, if available, or through reference sources.
The Photographer IV uses special-purpose cameras and related equipment for assignments in which the
photographer usually makes all the technical decisions, although the objective of the pictures is determined by
operating officials. This Worker conceives and plans the technical photographic effects desired by operating
officials and discusses modifications and improvements to their original ideas in light of the potential and limits of
the equipment, improvises photographic methods and techniques or selects and alters secondary photographic
features (e.g., scenes, backgrounds, colors, lighting). Many assignments afford only one opportunity to photograph
the subject. Typical examples of equipment used at this level include ultra-high speed, motion picture production,
studio television, animation cameras, specialized still and graphic cameras, electronic timing and triggering devices,
etc. Some assignments are characterized by extremes in light values and the use of complicated equipment. This
photographer sets up precise photographic measurement and control equipment; uses high speed color photography,
synchronized stroboscopic (interval) light sources, and/or timed electronic triggering; operates equipment from a
remote point; or arranges and uses cameras operating at several thousand frames per second. In other assignments,
selects and sets up motion picture or television cameras and accessories and shoots a part of a production or a
sequence of scenes, or takes special scenes to be used for background or special effects in the production. This
person works under guidelines and requirements of the subject-matter area to be photographed, and consults with
supervisors only when dealing with highly unusual problems or altering existing equipment.
As a top technical expert, the Photographer V exercises imagination and creative ability in response to photography
situations requiring novel and unprecedented treatment. This worker typically performs one or more of the
following assignments: (1) develops and adapts photographic equipment or processes to meet new and
unprecedented situations, e.g. works with engineers and physicists to develop and modify equipment for use in
extreme conditions such as excessive heat or cold, radiation, high altitude, under water, wind and pressure tunnels,
or explosions; (2) plans and organizes the overall technical photographic coverage for a variety of events and
developments in phases of a scientific, industrial, medical, or research project; or (3) creates desired illusions or
emotional effects by developing trick or special effects photography for novel situations requiring a high degree of
ingenuity and imaginative camera work to heighten, simulate, or alter reality. The Photographer V Independently
develops, plans, and organizes the overall technical photographic aspects of assignments in collaboration with
operating officials who are responsible for project substance. This worker uses imagination and creative ability to
implement objectives within the capabilities and limitations of cameras and equipment, may exercise limited control
over the substance of events to be photographed by staging actions, suggesting behavior of the principals, and
rehearsing activities before photographs are taken.
The Technical Order Library Clerk maintains technical publications in a complete and current status per regulations.
Incumbent requisitions, files, receives, screens, reviews, routes, and distributes all incoming technical manuals.
Position also monitors dispersed libraries and necessary control functions to distribute data. Incumbent complies
with processes established for classified technical media receipt, storage, distribution, inventory, and disposition in
accordance with current regulations.
The Video Teleconference Technician operates video teleconferencing equipment including powering The up
teleconferencing equipment, checking equipment for proper operation, setting audio levels, positioning camera
functions, performing secure or non-secure setup; operate or assist in operating session control panel, studio control
unit, and high-resolution graphics. Job tasks require this technician to provide assistance to users in conducting
video teleconference sessions, which may include conference preparation, and monitor VTC equipment and system
performance, reporting equipment and network problems to appropriate parties for maintenance or repair. The
Video Teleconference Technician's responsibilities may include operation of briefing computers, projectors or other
audiovisual equipment in conjunction with video teleconferencing services; may include scheduling video
teleconferencing sessions, training personnel in operation of video teleconferencing equipment, and other
audiovisual equipment associated with video teleconferencing services. Tasks require this technician to provide
assistance to users in conducting video teleconference sessions, which may include conference preparation, and
monitor VTC equipment and system performance, reporting equipment and network problems to appropriate parties
for maintenance or repair. The Video Teleconference Technician's responsibilities may include operation of briefing
computers, projectors or other audiovisual equipment in conjunction with video teleconferencing services; may
include scheduling video teleconferencing sessions, training personnel in operation of video teleconferencing
equipment, and other audiovisual equipment associated with video teleconferencing services.
This category includes occupations concerned with the utilization of the computer in the analysis and solution of
business, scientific, engineering and other technical problems to include the following: operating electronic, optical,
and electromechanical machines that record, store, process, and transcribe data from magnetic tape or other sources
to solve mathematical, engineering, accounting, or technical problems, to keep records or to supply information;
programming computer languages to perform mathematical, engineering and scientific computations or auditing,
payroll, mailing list and text handling functions; and storing and retrieving computer files.
14040 COMPUTER OPERATOR (Occupational Base)
The Computer Operator monitors and operates the control console of either a mainframe digital computer or a group
of minicomputers, in accordance with operating instructions, to process data. Work is characterized by the
following: Studies operating instructions to determine equipment setup needed. Loads equipment with required
items (tapes, cards, paper, etc.). Switches necessary auxiliary equipment into system; Diagnoses and corrects
equipment malfunctions; Reviews error messages and makes corrections during operation or refers problems;
Maintains operating record. This operator may test run new or modified programs and assists in modifying systems
or programs. Included within the scope of this definition are fully qualified Computer Operators, trainees working
to become fully qualified operators, and lead operators providing technical assistance to lower level positions. This
operator may test run new or modified programs and assists in modifying systems or programs. Included within the
scope of this definition are fully qualified Computer Operators, trainees working to become fully qualified operators,
and lead operators providing technical assistance to lower level positions.
The Computer Operator I works under close personal supervision and is provided detailed written or oral guidance
before and during assignments. As instructed, this worker resolves common operating problems and may serve as
an assistant operator working under close supervision or performing a portion of a more senior operator's work.
The Computer Operator II processes scheduled routines that present few difficult operating problems (e.g.,
infrequent or easily resolved error conditions). In response to computer output instructions or error conditions, this
worker applies standard operating or corrective procedure, refers problems that do not respond to preplanned
procedure, and may serve as an assistant operator, working under general supervision.
The Computer Operator III processes a range of scheduled routines. In addition to operating the system and
resolving common error conditions, this worker diagnoses and acts on machine stoppage and error conditions not
fully covered by existing procedures and guidelines (e.g., resetting switches and other controls or making
mechanical adjustments to maintain or restore equipment operations). In response to computer output instructions
or error conditions, the Computer Operator III may deviate from standard procedures if standard procedures do not
provide a solution and refers problems which do not respond to corrective procedures to a person of supervisory or
higher individual contributor level.
The Computer Operator IV adapts to a variety of nonstandard problems that require extensive operator intervention
(e.g. frequent introduction of new programs, applications, or procedures). In response to computer output
instructions or error conditions, this worker chooses or devises a course of action from among several alternatives
and alters or deviates from standard procedures if standard procedures do not provide a solution (e.g. reassigning
equipment in order to work around faulty equipment or transfer channels); then refers problems if necessary.
Typically, completed work is submitted to users without supervisory review.
The Computer Operator V resolves a variety of difficult operating problems (e.g. making unusual equipment
connections and rarely used equipment and channel configurations to direct processing through or around problems
in equipment, circuits, or channels or reviewing test run requirements and developing unusual system configurations
that will allow test programs to process without interfering with ongoing job requirements). In response to computer
output instructions and error conditions or to avoid loss of information or to conserve computer time, operator
deviates from standard procedures. Such actions may materially alter the computer unit's production plans. This
operator may spend considerable time away from the control station providing technical assistance to lower level
operators and assisting programmers, systems analysts, and subject matter specialists with resolution of problems.
14070 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER (Occupational Base)
The Computer Programmer performs programming services for establishments or for outside organizations that may
contract for services, converts specifications (precise descriptions) about business or scientific problems into a
sequence of detailed instructions to solve problems by electronic data processing (EDP) equipment, i.e. digital
computers; draws program flow charts to describe the processing of data, and develops the precise steps and
processing logic which, when entered into the computer in coded language (COBOL, FORTRAN, or other
programming language) to cause the manipulation of data to achieve desired results. The Computer Programmer
tests and corrects programs, prepares instructions for operators who control the computer during runs, modifies
programs to increase operating efficiency or to respond to changes in work processes, and maintains records to
document program development and revisions. At levels I, II and III, Computer Programmers may also perform
programming analysis such as: gathering facts from users to define their business or scientific problems, and to
investigate the feasibility of solving problems through new or modified computer programs; developing
specifications for data inputs, flow, actions, decisions, and outputs; and participating on a continuing basis in the
overall program planning along with other EDP personnel and users. In contrast, at level IV, some programming
analysis must be performed as part of the programming assignment. The analysis duties are identified in a separate
paragraph at levels I, II, III, and IV. However, the systems requirements are defined by systems analysts or
The Computer Programmer I assists higher level staff by performing elementary programming tasks which concern
limited and simple data items and steps which closely follow patterns of previous work done in the organization, e.g.
drawing flow charts, writing operator instructions, or coding and testing routines to accumulate counts, tallies, or
summaries. This worker may perform routine programming assignments (as described in Level II) under close
In addition to assisting higher level staff, the Computer Programmer I may perform elementary fact-finding
concerning a specified work process, e.g., a file of clerical records which is treated as a unit (invoices, requisitions,
or purchase orders, etc.) and then report findings to higher level staff. May receive training in elementary fact-
finding. Detailed step-by-step instructions are given for each task, and any deviation must be authorized by a
supervisor. Work is closely monitored in progress and reviewed in detail upon completion.
At this level, initial assignments are designed to develop competence in applying established programming
procedures to routine problems. This Computer Programmer performs routine programming assignments that do not
require skilled background experience but do require knowledge of established programming procedures and data
processing requirements, and works according to clear-cut and complete specifications. The data are refined, and
the format of the final product is very similar to that of the input, or is well defined when significantly different, i.e.,
there are few, if any, problems with interrelating varied records and outputs. The Computer Programmer II
maintains and modifies routine programs, makes approved changes by amending program flow charts, developing
detailed processing logic, and coding changes, tests and documents modifications and writes operator instructions,
may write routine new programs using prescribed specifications, and may confer with EDP personnel to clarify
procedures, processing logic, etc. In addition, the Computer Programmer II may evaluate simple interrelationships
in the immediate programming area confers with user representatives to gain an understanding of the situation
sufficient to formulate the needed change, and implements the change upon approval of the supervisor or higher
level staff. The incumbent is provided with charts, narrative descriptions of the functions performed, an approved
statement of the product desired (e.g., a change in a local establishment report), and the inputs, outputs, and record
formats. This Worker reviews objectives and assignment details with higher level staff to insure thorough
understanding; uses judgment in selecting among authorized procedures and seeks assistance when guidelines are
inadequate, significant deviations are proposed, or when unanticipated problems arise. Work is usually monitored in
progress, and all work is reviewed upon completion for accuracy and compliance with standards.
As a fully qualified Computer Programmer, this Worker applies standard programming procedures and detailed
knowledge of pertinent subject matter in a programming area such as a record keeping operation (supply, personnel
and payroll, inventory, purchasing, insurance payments, depositor accounts, etc.); a well-defined statistical or
scientific problem; or other standardized operation or problem. The incumbent works according to approved
statements of requirements and detailed specifications. While the data are clear cut, related, and equally available,
there may be substantial interrelationships of a variety of records and several varied sequences of formats are usually
produced. The programs developed or modified typically are linked to several other programs in that the output of
one becomes the input for another. This Computer Programmer recognizes probable interactions of other related
programs with the assigned program(s) and is familiar with related system software and computer equipment, and
solves conventional programming problems, (In small organizations, may maintain programs that concern or
combine several operations, i.e. users, or develop programs where there is one primary user and the others give
The Computer Programmer III performs such duties as developing, modifying, and maintaining assigned programs,
designing and implementing modifications to the interrelation of files and records within programs in consultations
with higher level staff. This Worker monitors the operation of assigned programs and responds to problems by
diagnosing and correcting errors in logic and coding; implements and/or maintains assigned portions of a scientific
programming project, applying established scientific programming techniques to well-defined mathematical,
statistical, engineering, or other scientific problems usually requiring the translation of mathematical notation into
processing logic and code. (Scientific programming includes assignments such as: using predetermined physical
laws expressed in mathematical terms to relate one set of data to another; the routine storage and retrieval of field
test data, and using procedures for real-time command and control, scientific data reduction, signal processing, or
similar areas.) This Programmer tests, documents work, writes and maintains operator instructions for assigned
programs, and confers with other EDP personnel to obtain or provide factual data.
In addition, this Programmer may carry out fact-finding and programming analysis of a single activity or routine
problem, applying established procedures where the nature of the program, feasibility, computer equipment, and
programming language have already been decided. Job tasks may require the incumbent to analyze present
performance of the program and take action to correct deficiencies based on discussion with the user and
consultation with and approval of the supervisor or higher-level staff. This Programmer may assist in the review
and analysis of detailed program specifications, and in program design to meet changes in work processes.
The Computer Programmer III works independently under specified objectives; applies judgment in devising
program logic and in selecting and adapting standard programming procedures, resolves problems and deviations
according to established practices, and obtains advice where precedents are unclear or not available. This Worker,
may guide or instruct lower level programmers; supervise technicians and others who assist in specific assignments,
works on complex programs under close direction of higher level staff or supervisor, and may assist higher level
staff by independently performing moderately complex tasks assigned, and performing complex tasks under close
supervision. Work at a level above this is deemed Supervisory or Individual Contributor. Completed work is
reviewed for conformance to standards, timeliness, and efficiency.
The Computer Programmer IV applies expertise in programming procedures to complex programs; recommends the
redesign of programs, investigates and analyzes feasibility and program requirements, and develops programming
specifications. Assigned programs typically affect a broad multi-user computer system which meets the data
processing needs of a broad area (e.g., manufacturing, logistics planning, finance management, human resources, or
material management) or a computer system for a project in engineering, research, accounting, statistics, etc. This
Programmer plans the full range of programming actions to produce several interrelated but different products from
numerous and diverse data elements, which are usually from different sources; solves difficult programming
problems, and uses knowledge of pertinent system software, computer equipment, work processes, regulations, and
management practices. This Programmer performs such duties as: developing, modifying, and maintains complex
programs; designs and implements the interrelations of files and records within programs which will effectively fit
into the overall design of the project; works with problems or concepts and develops programs for the solution to
major scientific computational problems requiring the analysis and development of logical or mathematical
descriptions of functions to be programmed; and develops occasional special programs, e.g. a critical path analysis
program to assist in managing a special project. This Worker tests, documents, and writes operating instructions for
all work, confers with other EDP personnel to secure information, investigate and resolve problems, and coordinates
work efforts. In addition, this incumbent performs such programming analyses as: investigating the feasibility of
alternate program design approaches to determine the best balanced solution, e.g., one that will best satisfy
immediate user needs, facilitate subsequent modification, and conserve resources. Duties include the following:
assisting user personnel in defining problems or needs, determining work organization on typical maintenance
projects and smaller scale, working on limited new projects, the necessary files and records, and their interrelation
with the program or working on large or more complicated projects, and participating as a team member along with
other EDP personnel and users, holding responsibility for a portion of the project.
The Computer Programmer IV works independently under overall objectives and direction, apprising the supervisor
about progress and unusual complications and modifying and adapting precedent solutions and proven approaches.
Guidelines include constraints imposed by the related programs with which the incumbent's programs must be
meshed. Completed work is reviewed for timeliness, compatibility with other work, and effectiveness in meeting
requirements. This Worker may function as team leader or supervise a few lower level programmers or technicians
on assigned work.
14100 COMPUTER SYSTEMS ANALYST (Occupational Base)
The Computer Systems Analyst analyzes business or scientific problems for resolution through electronic data
processing, gathers information from users, defines work problems, and, if feasible, designs a system of computer
programs and procedures to resolve the problems. This Worker develops complete specifications or enables other
Computer Programmers to prepare required programs and analyzes subject-matter operations to be automated;
specifies number and types of records, files, and documents to be used and outputs to be produced; prepares work
diagrams and data flow charts; coordinates tests of the system and participates in trial runs of new and revised
systems; and recommends computer equipment changes to obtain more effective operations. The Computer
Systems Analyst may also write the computer programs.
Positions are classified into levels based on the following definitions:
At this level, initial assignments are designed to expand practical experience in applying systems analysis techniques
and procedures. This Analyst provides several phases of the required systems analysis where the nature of the
system is predetermined, uses established fact-finding approaches, knowledge of pertinent work processes and
procedures, and familiarity with related computer programming practices, system software, and computer
This Worker carries out fact finding and analyses as assigned, (usually of a single activity or a routine problem);
applies established procedures where the nature of the system, feasibility, computer equipment and programming
language have already been decided; may assist a higher level systems analyst by preparing the detailed
specifications required by a computer programmers from information developed by the higher level analyst, and
may research routine user problems and solve them by modifying the existing system when the solutions follow
clear precedents. When cost and deadline estimates are required, results receive closer review. The supervisor
defines objectives, priorities, and deadlines. Incumbents work independently; adapt guides to specific situations;
resolve problems and deviations according to established practices; and obtain advice where precedents are unclear
or not available. Completed work is reviewed for conformance to requirements, timeliness, and efficiency. This
position may supervise technicians and others who assist in specific assignments. Work at a level above this is
deemed Supervisory or Individual Contributor.
This Analyst applies systems analysis and design skills in an area such as a record keeping or scientific operation. A
system of several varied sequences or formats is usually developed, e.g. the analyst develops systems for
maintaining depositor accounts in a bank, maintaining accounts receivable in a retail establishment, maintaining
inventory accounts in a manufacturing or wholesale establishment, or processing a limited problem in a scientific
project. This position requires competence in most phases of system analysis and knowledge of pertinent system
software and computer equipment and of the work processes, applicable regulations, workload, and practices of the
assigned subject-matter area. Job duties require the incumbent to be able to recognize probable interactions of
related computer systems and predict impact of a change in assigned system. The Computer Systems Analyst II
reviews proposals which consist of objectives, scope, and user expectations; gathers facts, analyzes data, and
prepares a project synopsis which compares alternatives in terms of cost, time, availability of equipment and
personnel, and recommends a course of action; upon approval of synopsis, prepares specifications for development
of computer programs. Duties also include the ability to determine and resolve data processing problems and
coordinate the work with program, users, etc. This worker orients user personnel on new or changed procedures,
may conduct special projects such as data element and code standardization throughout a broad system, working
under specific objectives and bringing to the attention of the supervisor any unusual problems or controversies. In
this position, the incumbent works independently under overall project objectives and requirements, and apprises
supervisor about progress and unusual complications. Guidelines usually include existing systems and the
constraints imposed by related systems with which the incumbent's work must be meshed. This worker adapts
design approaches successfully used in precedent systems, works on a segment of a complex data processing scheme
or broad system, as described for Computer Systems Analyst, level III, works independently on routine assignments
and receives instructions and guidance on complex assignments. Work is reviewed for accuracy of judgment,
compliance with instructions, and to insure proper alignment with the overall system. Completed work is reviewed
for timeliness, compatibility with other work, and effectiveness in meeting requirements. This analyst may provide
functional direction to lower level assistants on assigned work.
The Computer Systems Analyst III applies systems analysis and design techniques to complex computer systems in
a broad area such as manufacturing, finance management, engineering, accounting, or statistics, logistics planning,
material management, etc. Usually, there are multiple users of the system; however, there may be complex one-user
systems, e.g., for engineering or research projects. This position requires competence in all phases of systems
analysis techniques, concepts, and methods and knowledge of available system software, computer equipment, and
the regulations, structure, techniques, and management practices of one or more subject-matter areas. Since input
data usually come from diverse sources, this worker is responsible for recognizing probable conflicts and integrating
diverse data elements and sources, and produces innovative solutions for a variety of complex problems. The
Computer Systems Analyst III maintains and modifies complex systems or develops new subsystems such as an
integrated production scheduling, inventory control, cost analysis, or sales analysis record in which every item of
each type is automatically processed through the full system of records. The incumbent guides users in formulating
requirements, advises on alternatives and on the implications of new or revised data processing systems, analyzes
resulting user project proposals, identifies omissions and errors in requirements and conducts feasibility studies.
This analyst recommends optimum approach and develops system design for approved projects, interprets
information and informally arbitrates between system users when conflicts exist. This worker may serve as lead
analyst in a design subgroup, directing and integrating the work of one or two lower level analysts, each responsible
for several programs. Supervision and nature of review are similar to level II; existing systems provide precedents
for the operation of new subsystems.
The Peripheral Equipment Operator operates peripheral equipment that directly supports digital computer
operations. Such equipment is uniquely and specifically designed for computer applications, but need not be
physically or electronically connected to a computer. Printers, plotters, tape readers, tape units or drives, disk units
or drives, and data display units are examples of such equipment. The following duties characterize the work of a
Peripheral Equipment Operator: Loads printers and plotters with correct paper; adjusting controls for forms,
thickness, tension, printing density, and location; and unloading hard copy; Labels tape reels, or disks; Checks labels
and mounting and dismounting designated tape reels or disks on specified units or drives; Sets controls which
regulate operation of the equipment; Observes panel lights for warnings and error indications and taking appropriate
action; Examines tapes, cards, or other material for creases, tears or other defects that could cause processing
problems. Excludes workers who monitor and operate a control console or a remote terminal, or whose duties are
limited to operating decollators, busters, separators, or similar equipment.
The Personal Computer Support Technician provides support to distributed PC/networking environment including
installation, testing, repair, and troubleshooting for stand-alone PCs, PCs linked to networks, printers, and other
computer peripherals. Support responsibilities include software installation, and configurations. This technician
performs technical, operational, and training support to users of personal computers either by telephone, or on-site
for PC desktop hardware and software packages. Job duties require the technician to install and test personal
computers, printers, and other peripherals, configure operating system, load shrink-wrap programs and other
application software programs. In this position, the incumbent troubleshoots computer problems, performs
hardware and software diagnostics, coordinates needed repairs, resolves computer system problems, including
coordination between users and components of a local area network, and participates in the evaluation of system
configuration and software.
This position provides troubleshooting assistance and problem resolution for computer systems in a variety of
environments. Such assistance and resolution is provided for personal computers, mini/mainframe computers, client-
servers as well Local Area Networks (LANs), Wide Area Networks (WANs), and web pages.
This category includes occupations concerned with the direct delivery and development of instruction. The
instruction is primarily of a technical nature where the requirements of the work are a combination of practical
knowledge of the methods and techniques of instruction and practical knowledge and experience in the subject
taught. With the exception of educational technologist and instructional developer positions, the occupational titles
in this category do not have a requirement of professional training in the field of education.58
The Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Non-Rated) is responsible for the accomplishment of ground-based,
and/or aircrew training devices (ATD) training of aircraft crewmembers (non-rated for Air Force/Navy contracts).
This Worker instructs and measures training progress of crewmember students who train in the established aircrew
training curriculum/ATDs, provides inputs and courseware corrections and modifications to update training policies
and procedures. The Aircrew Training Devices Instructor assists in projects and development work as assigned,
performs administrative and collateral duties relative to training such as record keeping, monitoring student
progress, counseling, training development and maintenance of training programs.
The Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Rated) is responsible for the accomplishment of ground-based, and/or
aircrew training devices (ATD) training of aircraft crew members (crew members for Air Force/Navy contracts)
either individually, or in combination with pilot instructors. The incumbent instructs and measures training progress
of crewmember students who train in the established aircrew training curriculum/ATDs, provides inputs and
courseware corrections and modifications to update training policies and procedures, and assists in projects and
development work as assigned. This Rated Instructor conducts ATD and other ground training of crew members in
their specialized aircraft operations, including diagnosis and remediation of student problems following course
outline and programmed simulator exercises. This person performs administrative and collateral duties relative to
training such as: record keeping, monitoring student progress, counseling, training development and maintenance of
training programs.
This Pilot Instructor is responsible for the accomplishment of ground-based, and/or aircrew training devices (ATD)
training of pilots. As a qualified pilot, the incumbent conducts simulator and other ground training of pilots and
other crewmembers in aircraft operating procedures, in-flight IFR/ VFR, operational and tactical procedures,
measures training progress of pilot students and diagnosis and remediate problems, provides input on needed
corrections, modifications and updates to courseware and to training policies and procedures. Administrative and
collateral duties include record keeping, counseling, training development, maintenance of training programs and
serving as subject matter expert for students and other personnel as required. This instructor assists in projects and
development work as assigned, and maintains a high level of current subject knowledge, capability, and expertise.
The Computer Based Training Specialist works with courseware production team to design, develop, revise and
validate interactive computer based courseware. This specialist uses specialized computer software and/or hardware
to develop, integrate and edit instructional text, audio, graphics, animation and video for interactive presentations.
This person also uses appropriate programming/branching logic and screen layout and remediation/feedback
techniques. The Worker also implements quality control and review and revision procedures throughout the
courseware development process.
The Educational Technologist will provide expertise in instructional methodology, tests and measurement, and
curriculum development, develop courseware format guidelines, review and maintain task lists and objective
hierarchies, and write courseware materials in designated format (student study guide, workbooks, etc.). This
technologist will work with Instructional Developers and Instructor/Subject Matter Experts to ensure accurate
content and format. This person plans graphics integrates completed graphics into curriculum. Responsibilities
require the Technologist to track individual lesson status, review lesson materials before submission ensure revisions
do not impact instructional flow, and monitor lecture presentations to evaluate and assist with lesson organization
and content.
The Flight Instructor provides individual flight, and ground instructions to military, civilian or international student
pilots in a highly structured training environment. Flight instruction may be performed in a high performance
aerobatic aircraft with students who have limited or no previous flight experience. Instruction is based on highly
structured syllabus of instruction. Instructors must be able to tailor instruction to students' individual progress and
previous qualifications. Instructors must be skilled in providing instructions limited by daily flight schedule. This
person maintains training folders that accurately reflect student performance and progress, documents student
deficiencies and suggests corrective actions, and motivates students having problems with performance or
adaptation to the flight environment. Instructors may also be required to qualify as an observer, monitoring aircraft
in the traffic pattern and providing aircraft clearance information to maintain safe and efficient traffic flow.
Instructors may also be required to qualify as an area controller who assigns areas to and monitors aircraft in the
local training areas, including providing for aircraft separation for arriving and departing aircraft.
The Graphic Artist works with the courseware production team to design and develop graphic/visual effects used in
courseware material. This position requires the use of specialized computer software to develop high quality
computer illustrations, technical drawings, and animations supporting various media used within the training
curriculum. The Graphic Artist is capable of using specialized hardware and/or software for video/audio capture
and editing of multimedia presentations, incorporates principles of layout design throughout the courseware
production process, and is responsible for quality control, review and revision of all aspects of graphics
Incumbent possesses a current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Class II Medical Certificate and conducts
post maintenance functional flight checks of aircraft to determine efficiency of maintenance performed. Conducts
specified maintenance check maneuvers and procedures listed in the Maintenance Test Flight Checklist. Pilot
reviews documents to ascertain factors such as flight readiness, weight and balance, fuel supply, and ensures fuel
quantities meet requirements prior to starting engines. Incumbent adheres to flight plan(s) and procedures of the
Federal Government, company, and/or supported customer.
Incumbent shall be proficient in flying operations of assigned rotary wing helicopters. Test Pilot holds a current,
valid Agency or Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Second Class Medical Certificate and an instrument rating
on their FAA Commercial Certificates. Maintenance Test Pilot shall demonstrate instrument task proficiency on the
annual flight evaluation conducted by flight detachment Evaluators. Incumbent shall successfully complete initially
and annually thereafter, an Agency or FAA second class flight physical. Maintenance Test Pilot shall undergo an
annual flight evaluation conducted by both an Instructor Pilot (IP) and Maintenance Test Flight Evaluator (MTFE),
qualified in Mission, Type, and Design Series (MDS) and will ensure that all Aircrew Training Manual (ATM) tasks
required for assigned flight duties are accomplished, i.e., non-tactical base tasks and maintenance test pilot (MTP)
tasks are evaluated I/A/W the appropriate ATM.
Incumbent shall be qualified to pilot assigned aircraft and possess a current/valid Agency or Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) Second Class Medical Certificate; annual renewals of Medical Certificates shall be the
responsibility of the individual. Pilot shall possess an instrument rating on their FAA Commercial Certificates.
Pilot will undergo and successfully complete initially and annually thereafter, an Agency or FAA second class flight
physical. Incumbent shall undergo an annual flight evaluation; this evaluation will be conducted by a Government
Instructor Pilot (IP), qualified in Mission, Type, and Design Series (MDS) and will ensure that all Annual Training
Manual (ATM) tasks required for assigned flight duties are accomplished, i.e., non-tactical base tasks are evaluated
I/A/W the appropriate ATM.60
The Technical Instructor teaches one or more short courses in a technical trade or craft such as electricity,
electronics, surveying, aircraft or ship fundamentals, prepares an instructional program in accordance with training
or other course requirements, assembling materials to be presented. The incumbent teaches assigned topics in
accordance with approved curriculum effectively utilizing all allotted time, maintains proficiency in instructional
techniques, incorporates current examples in the teaching process (e.g. develops clarification or real world examples
of application related to the subject matter); develops and maintains classroom techniques that reflect
professionalism, good discipline and enhance teaching. The Technical Instructor alternates teaching techniques in
order to maintain high motivation and interest in the subject areas, administers grades, records and critiques
examinations; prepares and administers remedial assignments, submits written recommendations for curriculum
updates to ensure consistency with changes and innovations in latest applicable publications or documents.
The Technical Instructor/Course Developer is primarily responsible for curriculum revision and maintenance.
Technical curriculum may involve electronics, welding, or more highly technical areas such as radio and electronics
repair or operation of weapons systems. This instructor uses a computer to organize and draft a curriculum that
breaks a complex subject into blocks or units of instruction, creates graphics, and integrates them into curriculum.
Courses may be instructor based, computer-based, simulator based, interactive, or non-interactive. This instructor
also teaches short technical courses in accordance with approved curriculum to maintain proficiency and to evaluate
and develop new instructional techniques/courses. Job duties also include the following: incorporation of new
curriculum in the teaching process (e.g., develops clarification or examples of application related to the subject
matter), development and maintenance of classroom techniques that reflect professionalism and good discipline and
enhance teaching, development of alternative teaching techniques and scenarios to maintain high motivation and
interest in the subject areas, and while acting as the testing officer, the conducting of test analysis and development
or revision of test items.
The Test Proctor administers safeguards and physically controls a wide variety of tests. This worker may arrange
for testing rooms and facilities, and become thoroughly familiar with the Examiner's Manual for the test(s) prior to
testing. The Test Proctor issues all materials required for test administration, positively identifies all test takers,
observes examinees during the test, conducts a page check of each examination prior to and following
administration, may compile student assessment reports, and administer make-up tests in accordance with agency or
contractual requirements. Testing materials are controlled items and are handled, stocked, safeguarded, inventoried,
and administered in strict compliance with applicable regulations.
15120 TUTOR
This incumbent tutors students individually or in small groups. She/he may conduct a small amount of formal
classroom instruction provided adequate experience is possessed in the subject being tutored. The Tutor does not
normally prepare instructional programs or create lesson topic guides, but instead uses existing lesson plans and
delivers any formal instruction from existing audio-visual and/or written material prepared by others. This worker
may administer examinations or informal tests. This may require familiarity and experience in the field of
instruction, but the incumbent can perform the required duties with no college education and approximately 30 to 90
days of training.
This category includes occupations concerned with receiving, sorting, washing, drying, dry-cleaning, dyeing,
pressing, and preparing for delivery of clothes. In addition, a person in any of these occupations uses hand tools,
machines, and other devices to fit, cut, sew, rivet, assemble and attach findings to articles such as belts, brief cases,
bags, gun covers, and hats. 61
This Worker sorts or assembles the various dry-cleaned or laundered garments and other items of each customer's
order, matching the articles according to description and identifying number as shown by tracking records.
(Service Establishment Attendant)
The Counter Attendant (Service Establishment Attendant) performs the following job tasks: receiving clothing
articles, examining articles to determine nature of repair and advising customer of repairs, quoting prices and
preparing work tickets, sending articles to appropriate departments, returning finished articles to customers and
collecting amount due. This Attendant may keep records of cash receipts and articles received and delivered and
may sell articles such as cleaner, polish, shoelaces, and accessories.
Work involves most of the following: knowledge of cleaning processes, fabrics, and colors, placement of sorted
articles in drum of cleaning machine, operation of valves to admit cleaning fluids into drum of machine, starting of
the drum, allowance of the drum it to rotate until articles are cleaned and removal of articles from machine, and the
raining and filtering of cleaning fluid. In addition, the Dry Cleaner may operate an extractor or tumbling machine or
place articles in a cabinet dryer.
The Flatwork, Machine Finisher performs flatwork-finishing operations by machine. Work involves one or more of
the following: shaking out the creases in semi-dry washing to prepare it for the flatwork ironing machine, feeding
clean, damp flatwork pieces into the flatwork ironing machine by placing the articles on the feeder rollers, catching
or receiving articles as they emerge from the machine and partially folding them.
Job duties include the following: pressing articles such as drapes, knit goods, and delicate textiles such as lace,
synthetics, and silks to remove wrinkles, flatten seams, and give shape to article all with the use of hand iron. The
Hand Presser places article in position on ironing board or worktable, smoothes and shapes fabric prior to pressing,
sprays water over fabric to soften fibers when not using steam iron, and adjusts temperature of iron according to
type of fabric, using covering cloths to prevent scorching or to avoid sheen on delicate fabrics. The Presser pushes
and pulls iron over surfaces of article, employing knowledge relevant to pressing different types of fabrics, fits odd-
shaped pieces that cannot be pressed flat over puff iron, and sometimes pins, folds, and hangs article after pressing.
This Worker smoothes the surfaces of garments, slipcovers, drapes, and other shaped-fabric articles with a pressing
machine in order to shape the articles, remove wrinkles, and flatten seams. This person may also operate two
presses, loading one while the other is closed.
Work for this incumbent includes: operating or tending the operation of one or more of the several types of
machines that press shirts, performing such shirt pressing operations as body pressing, bosom pressing, collar and
cuff pressing, and/or sleeve pressing.
The Machine, Wearing Apparel, Laundry Presser operates a machine to press family wearing apparel (T-shirts,
socks, shorts) or uniforms and coats from linen supply and commercial accounts, and may fold and stack finished
work or hang garments on rack. Shirt pressers are not to be included in this occupation.
Requirements for this job are for one to: operate power sewing machines to sew, alter or repair wearing apparel,
linens, blankets and other fabric articles, alter article according to alteration ticket, fitter's pins, chalk marks, or
verbal instructions, and locate defects, and repairs article, including ripping of seams and matching sizes and colors
of replacement parts. This operator may operate automatic sewing machines, utilizing knowledge of threading
machines, winding bobbins, adjusting tension, and oiling parts. Work is reviewed for accuracy, neatness, and to
determine if instructions have been followed. The following kinds of work are not covered under this classification:
fitting and marking necessary alterations; measuring and cutting materials to make new articles; designing and
making articles for special purposes; sewing leather; and using heat-sealing machine to patch articles.
16220 TAILOR
A Tailor fits, marks, alter and repair clothing, takes measurements from or fits garment to customer to determine
type and extent of cutting required, and marks garment accordingly. Job requirements are to: insert or eliminate
padding in shoulders, taper seams without distorting the drape and proportions of the garment, re-sew garment using
needle and thread or sewing machine, repair or replace defective garment parts such as snaps, zippers, buttons,
buckles, pockets, pocket flaps and coat linings, shorten or lengthen sleeves or legs; expands or narrows waist and
chest, raises or lowers collar, and sets sleeves to armholes. The Tailor maintains adequate stock of supplies,
equipment and working area, and may supervise activities of sewing machine operator or other related workers.
A person in this position operates one or more washing machines to wash household linens, garments, curtains,
drapes, and other articles. Work involves the following: manipulating valves, switches, and levers to start and stop
the machine, control the amount and temperature of water for the lathering and rinsing of each batch; mixing and
adding soap, bluing and bleaching solutions, loading and unloading the washing machine, if not done by loaders or
un-loaders (pullers), and may make minor repairs to washing machine.
This category includes occupations concerned with setting up and operating machine tools, and using hand tools to
make or repair (shape, fit, finish, assemble) metal parts, tool, gauges, models, patterns, mechanism, and machines.64
Someone in this position specializes in operating one or more than one type of machine tool (e.g., jig borer, grinding
machine, engine lathe, milling machine) to machine metal for use in making or maintaining jigs, fixtures, cutting
tools, gauges, or metal dies or molds used in shaping or forming metal or nonmetallic material (e.g., plastic, plaster,
rubber, glass). Work typically involves: planning and performing difficult machining operations which require
complicated setups or a high degree of accuracy, setting up machine tool or tools (e.g., installing cutting tools and
adjusting guides, stops, working tables, and other controls to handle the size of stock to be machined. The Machine
Tool Operator determines proper feeds, speeds, tooling, and operation sequence or selects those prescribed in
drawings, blueprints, or layouts). Work also involves using a variety of precision measuring instruments, making
necessary adjustments during machining operation to achieve requisite dimensions to very close tolerances. This
worker may be required to select proper coolants and cutting and lubricating oils to recognize when tools need
dressing, and to dress tools. In general, the work of a Machine-Tool Operator (Tool room) at the skill level called
for in this classification, requires extensive knowledge of machine shop and tool room practice usually acquired
though considerable on-the-job training and experience.
The Tool and Die Maker constructs and repairs jigs, fixtures, cutting tools, gauges, or metal dies or molds used in
shaping or forming metal or nonmetallic material (e.g., plastic, plaster, rubber, glass). Work typically involves:
planning and laying out work according to models, blueprints, drawings, or other written or oral specifications,
understanding the working properties of common metals and alloys, selecting appropriate materials, tools, and
processes required to complete task, making necessary shop computations, and setting up and operating various
machine tools and related equipment. Work for someone in this position also involves using various Tool and Die
Maker's hand tools and precision measuring instrument, working to very close tolerances, heat-treating metal parts
and finished tools and dies to achieve required qualities, and fitting and assembling parts to prescribed tolerances
and allowances. In general, the Tool and Die Maker's work requires rounded training in machine shop and tool
room practice usually acquired through formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience.
This category includes occupations concerned with preparing and arranging materials and products in bulk and non-
bulk forms for distribution or storage; moving and loading or unloading equipment, materials, and products;
operating or tending pipelines pumps and valves to transfer liquids; driving forklifts and related material-handling
machinery and equipment; and using scoops, hand trucks, and wheelbarrows to load and move materials. 65
The Forklift Operator operates a manually controlled gasoline, electric or liquid propane gas powered forklift to
transport goods and materials of all kinds within a warehouse, manufacturing plant, or other establishment.
The Material Coordinator coordinates and expedites flow of material, parts, and assemblies within or between
departments in accordance with production and shipping schedules or department supervisors' priorities. In this job,
the Material Coordinator reviews production schedules and confers with department supervisors to determine
material required or overdue and to locate material, requisitions material and establishes delivery sequences to
departments according to job order priorities and anticipated availability of material; arranges for in-plant transfer
of materials to meet production schedules, and with department supervisors for repair and assembly of material and
its transportation to various departments, and examines material delivered to production departments to verify if
type specified. This Worker may monitor and control movement of material and parts along conveyor system,
using remote-control panel board, compute amount of material needed for specific job orders, applying knowledge
of product and manufacturing processes and using adding machine; compile report of quantity and type of material
on hand, move or transport material from one department to another, using hand or industrial truck; may compile
perpetual production records in order to locate material in process of production, using manual or computerized
system, and maintain employee records.
The Material Expediter executes the following: locates and moves materials and parts between work areas of plant
to expedite processing of goods, according to pre-determined schedules and priorities, and keeps related record,
reviews production schedules inventory reports, and work orders to determine types, quantities, and availability of
required material and priorities of customer orders, confers with department supervisors to determine materials
overdue and to inform them of location, availability, and condition of materials, locates and moves materials to
specified production areas, using cart or hand truck, and records quantity and type of materials distributed and on
hand. Work may include the following tasks: directing Power-Truck Operator or Material Handling Laborer to
expedite movement of materials between storage and production areas, compare work ticket specifications with
material at work stations to verify appropriateness of material in use, prepare worker production records and
timecards, and may update and maintain inventory records, using computer terminal.
This person will perform physical tasks to transport or store materials or merchandise. Duties involve one or more
of the following: manually loading or unloading freight cars, trucks, or other transporting devices; unpacking,
shelving, or placing items in proper storage locations; or transporting goods by hand truck, cart, or wheelbarrow.
Excluded from this definition are workers whose primary function involves: a. Participating directly in the
production of goods (e.g., moving items from one production station to another or placing them on or removing
them from the production process); b. Stocking merchandise for sale; c. Counting or routing merchandise; d.
Operating a crane or heavy-duty motorized vehicle such as forklift or truck; e. Loading and unloading ships
(alongshore workers); f. Traveling on trucks beyond the establishment's physical location to load or unload
The Order Filler fills shipping or transfer orders for finished goods from stored merchandise in accordance with
specifications on sales slips, customers' orders, or other instructions. This worker may, in addition to filling orders
and indicating items filled or omitted, keep records of outgoing orders, requisition additional stock or report short
supplies to supervisor, and perform other related duties.
This position refers to an employee employed in a food processing plant whose duties involve several of the
following: loading and unloading commodities from rail cars, trucks, or other conveyances, placing merchandise in
proper storage location and transporting the merchandise by hand truck, push-pull, or forklift; blends merchandise
ingredients into pre-determined quality by heating, mixing, re-heating, etc. The Production Line Worker monitors
blending operation to ensure that finished products meets customer's requirements, monitors flow of product into
appropriate container; labels container with identifying information supplied by customer, and places containers into
appropriate shipping container. Must have knowledge of various types and sizes of shipping containers and special
requirements of customers.
Someone in this position prepares finished products for shipment or storage by placing them in shipping containers,
the specific operations performed being dependent upon the type, size, and number of units to be packed, the type of
container employed, and method of shipment. Work requires the placing of items in shipping containers, and may
involve one or more of the following: knowledge of various items of stock in order to verify content, selection of
appropriate type and size of container, inserting enclosures in container; using excelsior or other material to prevent
breakage or damage, closing and sealing container, and applying labels or entering identifying data on container.
Exclude packers who also make wooden boxes or crates.
The Shipping/Receiving Clerk performs clerical and physical tasks in connection with shipping goods of the
establishment in which employed and receiving incoming shipments. In performing day-to-day, routine tasks, this
worker follows established guidelines. In handling unusual non-routine problems, this worker receives specific
guidance from supervisor or other officials. This incumbent may direct and coordinate the activities of other
workers engaged in handling goods to be shipped or being received. Shipping duties typically involve the
following: verifying that orders are accurately filled by comparing items and quantities of goods gathered for
shipment against documents; insuring that shipments are properly packaged, identified with shipping information,
and loaded into transporting vehicles, and preparing and keeping records of goods shipped, e.g., manifests, bills of
lading. Receiving duties typically involve the following: verifying the correctness of incoming shipments by
comparing items and quantities unloaded against bills of lading, invoices, manifests, storage receipts, or other
records, checking for damaged goods, insuring that goods are appropriately identified for routing to departments
within the establishment, and preparing and keeping records of goods received.
The Store Worker I will perform the following tasks at an establishment whose primary function is that of the resale
of merchandise in a retail environment, move merchandise by use of non-motorized equipment that is intended for
display and resale purposes include the cleaning of merchandise on or in display fixtures utilizing various
merchandise techniques common to retail trade. Merchandise may be displayed by a predetermined placement
system using labels or other identifying marks. This worker will maintain the display sales area by straightening
merchandise to give a neat, full, and salable appearance, removing damaged or outdated merchandise, and
displaying merchandise in such a manner to maintain freshness and sale dates, may determine display or sale
requirements from existing inventory, may be required to keep inventory forms of merchandise stocked and
merchandise returned to storage, may be required to affix labels to merchandise indicating sale price, item
description, or other information, and may be required to offer customer or patron assistance with the location or
selection of merchandise.
Note: this class excludes any work performed in a warehouse, see warehousing classifications.
(Shelf Stocker; Store Worker II)
The Stock Clerk receives, stores, and issues equipment, materials, supplies, merchandise, foodstuffs, or tools, and
compiles stock records of items in stockroom, warehouse or storage yard. This worker sorts, or weighs incoming
articles to verify receipt of items on requisition or invoice, examines stock to verify conformance to specifications,
stores articles in bins, on floor or on shelves, according to identifying information, such as style, size or type of
material, fills orders or issues supplies from stock, prepares periodic, special or perpetual inventory of stock, and
requisitions articles to fill incoming orders. This worker also compiles reports on use of stock handling equipment,
adjustments of inventory counts and stock records, spoilage of or damage to stock, location changes, and refusal of
shipments, may mark identifying codes, figures, or letters on articles, may distribute stock among production
workers, keeping records of material issued, may make adjustments or repairs to articles carried in stock, and may
cut stock to site to fill order.
(Tool Crib Attendant)
This incumbent receives, stores, and issues hand tools, machine tools, dies, replacement parts, shop supplies and
equipment, such as measuring devices, in an industrial establishment. The Tools and Parts Attendant does the
following keeps records of tools issued to and returned by workers, searches for lost or misplaced tools, prepares
periodic inventory or keeps perpetual inventory and requisitions stock as needed, unpacks and stores new
equipment; visually inspects tools or measures with micrometer for wear or defects and reports damaged or worn-
out equipment to superiors; may coat tools with grease or other preservative, using a brush or spray gun, and may
attach identification tags or engrave identifying information on tools and equipment using electric marking tool.
(Warehouse Worker)
As directed, the Warehouse Specialist performs a variety of warehousing duties that require an understanding of the
establishment's storage plan. Work involves most of the following: verifying materials (or merchandise) against
receiving documents, noting and reporting discrepancies and obvious damages, routing materials to prescribed
storage locations; storing, stacking, or palletizing materials in accordance with prescribed storage methods,
rearranging and taking inventory of stored materials, examining stored materials and reporting deterioration and
damage, removing material from storage and preparing it for shipment. This worker may operate hand or power
trucks in performing warehousing duties. Note: Exclude workers whose primary duties involve shipping and
receiving work (see Shipping/Receiving Clerk), order filling (see Order Filler), or operating forklifts (see Forklift
This category includes occupations concerned with maintaining and repairing buildings, grounds, and related
facilities; installing, repairing, rebuilding, and maintaining in efficient operating condition a wide variety of engines
and mechanical equipment designed for use in domestics, commercial, industrial, and agricultural activities.68
This worker performs fusion welding on aircraft and ground support equipment to a qualified Welding Procedures
Specification (WPS), performs structural fusion welding on aerospace parts and components per the requirements of
specifications as prescribed by Engineering Drawings and Work Orders. The incumbent is required to read and
understand engineering drawings and welding symbols, fabricates manufacture-welded parts from engineering
drawing without direct supervision, performs fusion welding and torch brazing for ground support equipment,
ensuring the procedure is completed per the requirements of the national welding and brazing codes and
specifications. This welder welds a wide variety of materials such as aluminum, magnesium, alloyed and low alloy
steel, stainless steel and nickel alloy steels. The incumbent is required to have knowledge of the materials to select
the correct filler materials and shielding gas when generating the Weld Procedure Specification (WPS), and produce
flight critical welds and assist in the development process of generating Weld Procedure Specifications as mandated
by welding codes and specifications. The Aerospace Structural Welder determines the sequence of welding in order
to prevent or reduce the amount of warp to the weld, designs and fabricates weld holding fixtures as necessary to
perform individual welding projects, performs pre-heat and post weld stress relief operations, maintains weld
records. The incumbent may perform duties as a Qualified Weld Inspector by inspecting own welds and those of less
qualified welders, and may perform duties such as training and re-certification in the various welding processes.
This position maintains aircraft/engine logbooks and associated records. Incumbent is proficient in performing all
operator, data entry, and retrieval functions associated with aircraft recordkeeping. Technician performs networking
functions between individual stations which includes analysis, correction of hardware/software errors, and data
entry. Incumbent extracts data, formulates/interprets management reports, creates archives, and saves data in
support of deployment and detachment operations. Technician performs a wide range of clerical and administrative
duties related to aircraft maintenance, such as preparing reports/correspondence, filing, typing, and performing data
base/systems analyses.
This mechanic services, repairs, and overhauls aircraft and aircraft engines to ensure airworthiness. (See Aerospace
Structural Welder for employees whose primary duty involves welding.)
The Aircraft Mechanic I troubleshoots malfunctions in aircraft structure, landing gear, flight surfaces and controls,
anti-icing, pneudraulic, engines, auxiliary power unit, and ventilation and heating systems. This mechanic repairs,
replaces, and rebuilds aircraft structures, such as wings and fuselage, and functional components including rigging,
surface controls, and plumbing and hydraulic units, using hand tools, power tools, machines, and equipment such as
shears, sheet metal brake, welding equipment, rivet gun, and drills. This worker reads and interprets manufacturers'
and airline's maintenance manuals, service bulletins, technical data, engineering data, and other specifications to
determine feasibility and method of repairing or replacing malfunctioning or damaged components. This mechanic
performs 100-hour, progressive, isochronal, phase, periodic, and other hourly or calendar inspections, examines
reciprocating engines for cracked cylinders and oil leaks, and listens to operating engine to detect and diagnose
malfunctions, such as sticking or burnt valves, inspects jet engines and components for cracks, corrosion, foreign
object damage, burned areas, distortions, security, warping, wear, and missing segments. Inspects jet engine turbine
blades to detect cracks, distortion, corrosion, burn-out, security, or breaks, tests engine operation, using testing
equipment, such as ignition analyzer, compression checker, distributor timer, ammeter, and jet calibration (Jetcal)
tester, to locate source of malfunction. Work involves: replacing or repairing worn or damaged components, such as
carburetors, alternators, magnetos, fuel controls, fuel pumps, oil pumps, and engine mounted gearboxes, and
compressor bleed valves using hand tools, gauges, and testing equipment; removing engine from aircraft, using hoist
or forklift truck, disassembling and inspecting parts for wear, cracks, security, or other defects, and repairing or
replacing defective engine parts and reassembles and installs engine in aircraft.
Job duties require that this mechanic: adjusts, repairs, or replaces electrical wiring system and aircraft accessories,
performs preflight, thru-flight, and post-flight maintenance inspections, performs miscellaneous duties to service
aircraft, including flushing crankcase, cleaning screens and filters, greasing moving parts, and checking brakes.
This incumbent supervises the jacking and towing of aircraft, enters in the maintenance records description of the
work performed and verifies the work was performed satisfactorily, may service engines and airframe components
at line station making repairs, short of overhaul, required to keep aircraft in safe operating condition, may specialize
in work, repair and modification of structural, precision, and functional spare parts and assemblies, and may
specialize in engine repair. This worker may be required to be licensed by Federal Aviation Administration.
This mechanic maintains repairs and modifies aircraft structures and structural components of moderate difficulty,
maintains and repairs aircraft components including but not limited to flight controls, engines, hydraulics,
pneumatics, fuel systems, and mechanical components, applies technical knowledge of airframe and power plant
systems in determining equipment malfunctions and applies required expertise in restoring equipment condition and
or operation, and applies comprehensive technical expertise to solve moderate to complex problems by interpreting
technical documentation such as; blueprints or manufactures' manuals. Job requirements: must have a thorough
knowledge of aircraft mechanical component troubleshooting, repair procedures and replacement of parts, requires
broad knowledge of aircraft sheet metal/structural modifications and repair, must have basic knowledge of electrical
theory, must have thorough knowledge of aircraft unique tools such as test equipment, torque wrenches, dial
indicators, micrometers, sheet metal brakes and sheers. This job requires working knowledge of technical
publications. The incumbent receives technical guidance, as required, from supervisor or higher-level technician,
will occasionally be required to lead teams through more complex aircraft relevant tasks, and may be required to
make entries in aircraft logs and records. Must be able to prioritize workload to maintain schedules on assigned
A person in this position does the following; maintains repairs and modifies aircraft structures, structural
components and engines of complex to extreme difficulty, maintains and repairs aircraft components including but
not limited to flight controls, engines, hydraulics, pneumatics, fuel systems and mechanical components, and applies
technical knowledge of airframe and power plant systems in determining equipment malfunctions and applies
technical expertise in restoring equipment condition and operation.
This worker also applies professional technical expertise and guidance to solve complex problems by interpreting
technical data such as blueprints or manufactures' manuals. Work typically requires a thoroughly comprehensive
knowledge of aircraft mechanical component troubleshooting/repair procedures and replacement of components, a
thorough knowledge of aircraft sheet metal/structural modification and repair and the ability to determine
functionality of non-complex electrical systems. A detailed knowledge of aircraft unique tools such as test
equipment, torque wrenches, dial indicators, micrometers, cable tensiometers, sheet metal brakes and sheers, etc. is
The incumbent must possess the experience and ability to provide technical support to structural/mechanical
engineers and customers alike must possess excellent organizational skills in prioritizing workload to meet aircraft
delivery schedule. This worker will be required to make entries in aircraft logs and records, and is responsible for
providing guidance and technical expertise to lower level technicians throughout all aircraft modifications and/or
maintenance efforts.
(Airframe And Power Plant Mechanic Helper)
The person assists Aircraft Mechanic in servicing, repairing and overhauling aircraft and aircraft engines,
performing any combination of the following duties: adjusts and replaces parts such as control cables, fuel tanks,
spark plugs, tires, batteries and filters, using mechanic's tools, removes inspection plates, cowling, engine covers,
floor boards and related items to provide access for inspection and repair, and replaces items when work is
completed, assists in towing and jacking aircraft, and disconnects instruments, ignition systems, and fuel and oil
lines. This mechanic assists in dismantling, repairing, overhauling or replacing parts and assemblies such as engines,
plumbing and hydraulic systems, and aircraft structural sections, performs routine duties such as furnishing
materials, tools and supplies to mechanic; lifting and holding materials in place during operation; cleaning work
areas and machines, tools and equipment, cleans aircraft, interior and exterior parts and assemblies with solvents or
other cleaning solutions, assists in jacking and towing aircraft; Inflates tires, fills gasoline tanks and oil reservoirs,
and greases aircraft, using grease gun, and may assist flight line mechanic, worker, or servicer in servicing and
repairing aircraft prior to flight.
The Aircraft Painter coats surfaces of aircraft with paint, lacquer, epoxy, resin or other material, using brushes,
rollers, spray guns and other devices, removes old paint from aircraft, using liquid paint remover and scraper.
Smoothes surface with sandpaper and steel wool roughens aluminum surfaces with acid solution and steel wool to
insure that paint adheres to surface, masks and covers portions of surfaces not to be painted, and paint insignia,
letters or numerals on aircraft surface, using stencils.
(Airport Utility Worker)
The Aircraft Servicer (Airport Utility Worker) services aircraft, performing any combination of the following tasks,
directs incoming and outgoing aircraft near terminal or flight line parking area to assist pilot's maneuvering of the
aircraft on ground, using hand or light signals or drives light truck with guiding sign, and secures aircraft in parking
position with blocks, stakes, and tie downs.
The Aircraft Servicer (Airport Utility Worker) does the following tasks: operates service vehicles to replenish fuel,
oil, water, waste system chemicals, oxygen, hydraulic fluid, and to remove waste, enters in the maintenance records
description of the servicing performed, checks for fuel contamination by draining sumps and fuel drains; operates
ground support equipment such as electrical power supply and engine starting units, examines tires for specified air
pressure and condition, assists in jacking and towing aircraft, removes and replaces defective tires, positions and
removes boarding platforms to unload or load aircraft passengers, unloads and loads luggage and cargo, using tow
truck with luggage carts, and cleans exterior or interior of aircraft, using portable platform ladders, brushes, rags,
water hose, and vacuum. The Aircraft Servicer may de-ice aircraft wings and assemblies load and unload containers
of food, beverages, and dishes for in-flight meal services, trace lost luggage for customers and prepare lost baggage
claims, and install drag chutes or retrieve them and send them to parachute shop for repacking.
This occupation includes functions involved in disassembling, repairing, troubleshooting, examining, modifying,
maintaining, installing, and determining serviceability of aircraft survival and flight equipment such as parachutes,
life rafts, protective devices, oxygen masks, and anti-G-suits. Duties include operational and circuit checks of
emergency signaling and communication devices such as survival radios and beacons. Position requires knowledge
of mechanical and electrical repair, maintenance procedures, pyrotechnic/explosive devices, and aircraft egress
systems. Additionally, position requires familiarity with aircraft assigned to unit, detailed knowledge of the
operation and characteristics of aircraft survival and flight equipment, and the ability to demonstrate and explain
proper usage and operation of the equipment.
The Aircraft Worker makes repairs to aircraft following orders of higher grade worker, assists in troubleshooting
malfunctions in aircraft structure, landing gear, flight surfaces and controls, anti-icing, pneudraulic, engines,
auxiliary power unit, and ventilation and heating systems, removes, cleans, reinstalls, or replaces defective parts,
accessories, and components such as worn gaskets, couplings, and fittings, bad actuators, accumulators, gauges,
sections of corroded fuel and oil lines, This worker may supervise the jacking and towing of aircraft, makes
adjustments and settings such as cable tension and seat movement settings and adjustments; obtains standard parts
such as fuel and oil line connections and fittings, cable linkage, and spark plug cables and harnesses by referring to
parts manuals and by making comparisons with samples, may perform pre-flight, thru-flight, and post-flight
maintenance inspections, enter in the maintenance records description of the work performed, and services engines
and aircraft components at line station making repairs, short of overhaul required to keep aircraft in safe operating
ALSE Mechanic maintains Aircrew Flight Equipment (AFE) for aircrew to assure the proper maintenance and
operations aboard aircrafts. Incumbent ensures the maintenance inspection repair and proper use of various life
support equipment for the safety of Aircrew personnel as well as the passengers aboard the aircraft in the case of an
emergency situation.
This position manages, performs, and schedules inspections, maintenance, and adjustments of assigned aircrew
flight equipment (AFE), associated supplies, and inventory assets. The incumbent inspects, maintains, packs, and
adjusts aircrew flight equipment such as flight helmets, oxygen masks, parachutes, flotation devices, survival kits,
helmet mounted devices, aircrew ocular systems, anti-G garments, aircrew eye and respiratory protective equipment,
chemical biological protective oxygen masks/coveralls, and additional chemical defense systems. Incumbent repairs
and/or determines the feasibility of repair/replacement of fabric and rubber components, including protective
clothing, thermal radiation barriers, flotation equipment, and parachutes. Additionally, incumbent places work
orders for fabrication of authorized items.
ALSE II plans, directs, organizes, and evaluates Aircrew Flight Equipment operations pertaining to equipment
accountability, personnel reliability, mobility, and other such activities required to meet operational readiness;
associated databases shall be maintained to ensure equipment accountability. Position establishes performance
standards, improves work methods, and advises on inspection, repair, and repacking of aircrew flight equipment.
ALSE II ensures serviceability based on required specifications and technical publications. Position evaluates
problems and determines feasibility of repair or replacement related to inspecting and repairing fabric, rubber
equipment, and parachutes.
The Appliance Mechanic installs, services and repairs stoves, refrigerators, dishwashing machines, and other
electrical household or commercial appliances, using hand tools, test equipment and following wiring diagrams and
manufacturer's specifications. This person connects appliance to power source and test meters, such as wattmeter,
ammeter, or voltmeter, observes readings on meters and graphic recorders, examines appliance during operating
cycle to detect excess vibration, overheating, fluid leaks and loose parts, and disassembles appliances and examines
mechanical and electrical parts. The worker traces electrical circuits, following diagram and locates shorts and
grounds, using ohmmeter, calibrates timers, thermostats and adjusts contact points, and cleans and washes parts,
using wire brush, buffer, and solvent to remove carbon, grease and dust. This person replaces worn or defective
parts, such as switches, pumps, bearings, transmissions, belts, gears, blowers and defective wiring, repairs and
adjusts appliance motors, reassembles appliance, adjusts pulleys and lubricates moving parts, using hand tools and
lubricating equipment.
The Bicycle Repairer does the following job duties: repairs and services bicycles, using power tools and hand tools,
tightens and loosens spokes to align wheels, disassembles axle to repair coaster brakes and to adjust and replace
defective parts, using hand tools, and adjusts cables or replaces worn or damaged parts to repair hand brakes. This
incumbent also performs these tasks: installs and adjusts speed and gear mechanisms, shapes replacement parts,
using bench grinder, installs, repairs, and replaces equipment or accessories, such as handle bars, stands, lights, and
seats, rubs tubes with scraper and places patch over hole to repair tube. The Bicycle Repairer may paint bicycle
frame, using spray gun or brush, weld broken or cracked frame together, using oxyacetylene torch and welding rods,
and assemble new bicycles and accessories.
A Cable Splicer installs, maintains, repairs, and modifies cable systems. This worker uses engineered drawings,
statements of work, and technical manuals to determine requirements for underground, buried, and aerial cable
systems, prepares and installs distribution equipment, terminates tip cables on main distribution frames, and installs,
maintains, and repairs dry air compressors and continuous flow and static pressurization systems. This incumbent
ensures techniques, materials, and accomplishments are according to technical standards and specifications and
engineered directives; locates, repairs, and/or replaces splice cases, performs pneumatic troubleshooting to locate
faulty splice cases and pressure component assemblies, using resistance measurements and pressure gradients, and
determines course of signal deterioration in voice and data circuits over cable by using test equipment. This person
also interprets compressor meter readings and adjusts controls, and troubleshoots pneumatic and electrical
malfunctions in cable air-dryer compressors.
The Carpenter, Maintenance performs the carpentry duties necessary to maintain in good repair building woodwork
and equipment such as bins, cribs, counters, benches, partitions, doors. Work involves most of the following:
planning and laying out of work from blueprints, drawings, models, or verbal instructions, using a variety of
carpenter's hand tools, portable power tools and standard measuring instruments, and making standard shop
computations relating to dimensions of work; and selecting materials necessary for the work. In general, the work of
the maintenance carpenter requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal
apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience.
The Carpet Layer prepares floor by removing old carpet or other covering, stripping, patching, or cleaning floor,
measures and cuts carpeting to size, using carpet knife; lays padding and places carpeting on top of padding, cuts,
trims, and stretches carpeting to fit along wall edges, openings, and projections, installs metal edging and metal door
strips; may lay carpet tiles, applying adhesive to floor, and transport carpeting to installation site.
An Electrician performs a variety of electrical trade functions such as the installation, maintenance, or repair of
equipment for the generation, distribution, or utilization of electric energy. Work involves most of the following:
installing or repairing any of a variety of electrical equipment such as generators, transformers, switchboards,
controllers, circuit breakers, motors, heating units, conduit systems, or other transmission equipment; working from
blueprints, drawings, layouts, or other specifications, locating and diagnosing trouble in the electrical system or
equipment, working standard computations relating to load requirements of wiring or electrical equipment, and
using a variety of electrician's hand tools and measuring and testing instruments. In general, the work of the
maintenance electrician requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship
or equivalent training and experience.
The Electronics Technician, Maintenance maintains repairs, troubleshoots, modifies and installs various types of
electronic equipment and related devices such as electronic transmitting and receiving equipment (e.g., radar, radio,
television, telecommunication, sonar, and navigational aids); personal and main frame computers and terminals,
industrial, medical, measuring, and controlling equipment; and industrial robotic devices. The successful incumbent
applies technical knowledge of electronics principles in determining equipment malfunctions, and applies skill in
restoring equipment operation, evaluates performance and reliability of prototype or production mode, and
recommends changes in circuitry or installation specifications to simplify assembly and maintenance.
The Electronics Technician Maintenance I applies basic technical knowledge to perform simple or routine tasks
following detailed instructions, performs such tasks as replacing components, wiring circuits, repairing simple
electronic equipment; and taking test readings using common instruments such as digital multi-meters, signal
generators, semiconductor testers, curve tracers, and oscilloscopes. This person works under close supervision
receiving technical guidance from supervisor or higher-level technician. Work is checked frequently for accuracy.
The Electronics Technician Maintenance II applies basic and some advanced technical knowledge to solve routine
problems by interpreting manufacturers' manuals or similar documents. Work requires familiarity with the
interrelationships of circuits and judgment in planning work sequence, in selecting tools, testing instruments, and is
reviewed for compliance with accepted practices. This technician works under immediate supervision and achieves
technical guidance, as required, from supervisor or higher-level technician.
The Electronics Technician Maintenance III applies advanced technical knowledge to solve complex problems that
typically cannot be solved solely by referencing manufacturers' manuals or similar documents. Examples of such
problems include determining the location and density of circuitry, evaluating electromagnetic radiation, isolating
malfunctions, and incorporating engineering; changes. Work typically requires an understanding of the
interrelationships of circuits, exercising independent judgment in performing such tasks as making circuit analyses,
calculating wave forms, and tracing relationships in signal flow, using complex test instruments such as high
frequency pulse generators, frequency synthesizers, distortion analyzers, and complex computer control equipment.
Work may be reviewed by supervisor for general compliance with accepted practices. This position may provide
technical guidance to lower level technicians.
The Elevator Repairer repairs and maintains "Automated People Movers" and like named devices used in the
transportation of people and materials including, but not limited to elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, and moving
walkways to meet safety regulations and building codes. This worker trouble shoots and determines causes of
trouble in brakes, electrical motors, switches, signal and control systems, using computers, test lamps, voltmeters,
ammeters, and oscilloscopes, disassembles defective units and repairs or replaces parts such as electrical door locks,
cables, electrical wiring and faulty safety devices installs push button control systems, complete control systems,
and other devices to modernize automated people mover systems, and cleans and lubricates bearing and other parts
to minimize friction.
The Elevator Repairer Helper assists Elevator Mechanics or Repairers to service and repair "Automated People
Movers" and like named devices used in the transportation of people and materials including, but not limited to,
elevators, dumbwaiters, and moving walkways to meet safety regulations and building codes. This helper assists in
all maintenance or repair functions while under the direct supervision of an Elevator Mechanic or Repairer using
mechanic's hand tools.
The Fabric Worker makes, alters, and repairs a variety of fabric articles such as clothing, awnings, tents, gun covers,
sleeping bags, parachutes, inflatable shelters, flags, bed linens, and belts. Fabrics include wool, cotton, canvas,
nylon, polyester, olefin, metallic fabrics, leatherette, velour, burlap, felt, vinyl, and fabrics made of rubber yarns or
plastic filaments. The Fabric Worker takes measurements and makes patterns and layouts, marks, cuts, fits, and sews
or cements parts together, using hand- or power tools and equipment and knowledge of fabrics and construction
methods, and may do upholstery work on such items as cushions and vehicle seats.
The Fire Alarm System Mechanic inspects, tests, maintains, and repairs installed fire alarm detection and
suppression systems in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and National Fire Protection Association
standards, inspects fire alarm equipment visually and replaces defective components, tests initiating and signal
circuits, detectors, and system transmitter, makes needed repairs, and checks pressure gauges on suppression system
storage containers and recharges or replaces containers.
The Fire Extinguisher Repairer performs the following duties: repairs and tests fire extinguishers in repair shops and
in establishments, such as factories, homes, garages, and office buildings, Using hand tools and hydrostatic test
equipment, this repairer dismantles extinguisher and examines tubings, horns, head gaskets, cutter disks, and other
parts for defects, and replaces worn or damaged parts. Using hand tools, this repairer cleans extinguishers and
recharges them with materials, (such as soda water and sulfuric acid, carbon tetrachloride, nitrogen or patented
solutions); tests extinguishers for conformity with legal specifications using hydrostatic test equipment, and may
install cabinets and brackets to hold extinguishers.
The Fuel Distribution System Mechanic maintains and repairs fuel storage and distribution systems, using hand and
power tools and testing instruments, inspects fuel receiving, storage, and distribution facilities to detect and correct
leakage, corrosion, faulty fittings, and malfunction of mechanical units, meters, and gauges, (such as distribution
lines, float gauges, piping valves, pumps, and roof sumps); inspects electrical wiring, switches, and controls for safe-
operating condition, grounding, and adjustment, lubricates and repacks valves; lubricates pumps, replaces gaskets,
seals and corrects pumping equipment misalignment, and cleans strainers and filters. This mechanic services water
separators, checks meters for correct delivery and calibration, overhauls system components such as pressure
regulating valves and excess valves, disassembles, adjusts, aligns, and calibrates gauges and meters or replaces
them, removes and installs equipment such as filters and piping to modify system or repair and replace system
component. Duties include: cleaning fuel tanks and distribution lines, removing corrosion and repainting surfaces,
overhauling vacuum and pressure vents, floating roof seals, hangers, and roof sumps, and maintaining record of
inspections and repairs.
The Fuel Distribution System Operator receives, stores, transfers, and issues fuel through pipelines at main line or
terminal stations, receives fuel by tanker, ships fuel by pipeline, tank car, tank truck, and barge, prepares and checks
receiving or ship's documents, connects lines, grounding wires, and loading and offloading arms or hoses to
pipelines; and visually inspects samples of fuel, and checks gravity and flashpoint. This operator gauges tanks for
water, temperature, and fuel levels, checks pumping systems for correct operating pressure or unusual noises,
performs preventive maintenance and repairs on terminal systems, assists in maintenance of government-owned
railroad loading and switch area, performs general housekeeping and grounds maintenance for terminal, pipeline and
dock areas.
The General Maintenance Worker performs general maintenance and repair of equipment and buildings requiring
practical skill and knowledge (but not proficiency) in such trades as painting, carpentry, plumbing, masonry, and
electrical work. Work involves a variety of the following duties: replacing electrical receptacles, wires, switches,
fixtures, and motors, using plaster or compound to patch minor holes and cracks in walls and ceilings, repairing or
replacing sinks, water coolers, and toilets painting structures and equipment; repairing or replacing concrete floors,
steps, and sidewalks, replacing damaged paneling and floor tiles, hanging doors and installing door locks, replacing
broken window panes, and performing general maintenance on equipment and machinery. Excluded are: a. Craft
workers included in a formal apprenticeship or progression program based on training and experience; b. Skilled
craft workers required to demonstrate proficiency in one or more trades; c. Workers performing simple maintenance
duties not requiring practical skill and knowledge of a trade (e.g., changing light bulbs and replacing faucet
The Ground Support Equipment Mechanic diagnoses malfunctions and repairs Ground Support Equipment (GSE),
advises and trains lower grade workers on diagnosis and repair of less complex repair/maintenance problems,
inspects and approves completed maintenance actions, solves repair problems by studying drawings, wiring
diagrams and schematics, and technical publications; uses automated maintenance data systems to monitor
maintenance trends, analyze equipment requirements, maintain equipment records, and document maintenance
actions, and analyzes, diagnosis, and repairs GSE using conventional and digital multi-meters, voltmeters,
ohmmeters, frequency counters, oscilloscopes, circuit card testers, transistor testers, and hand tools.
This mechanic maintains external fuel and grounding systems, performs scheduled and unscheduled maintenance on
GSE, inspects, tests, and operates GSE to determine equipment serviceability and proper operation, services
equipment with fuel, oil, water, coolant, hydraulic fluid, refrigerant, and compressed air, diagnoses mechanical and
electronic circuitry malfunctions using visual and auditory senses, test equipment, and technical publications. This
work also does the following: disassembles and assembles malfunctioning GSE accessories and components,
removes, disassembles repairs, cleans, treats for corrosion, assembles, and reinstalls GSE components and
accessories, stencils and marks GSE in accordance with technical publications, stores, handles, labels, uses, and
disposes of hazardous materials and waste in accordance with all state, local, and federal environmental standards
and regulations. This mechanic prepares GSE for storage and mobility deployment; and operates, cleans, inspects,
and services GSE towing vehicles. In addition to maintaining vehicle records, this mechanic maintains and updates
paper and electronic equipment records, provides dispatch service for GSE, including positioning equipment to
support aircraft maintenance and flying operations, practices good housekeeping, tool control, Foreign Object
Damage prevention, and safety at all times.
The Ground Support Equipment Servicer inspects, tests, and operates GSE to determine equipment serviceability
and proper operation, services equipment with fuel, oil, water, coolant, hydraulic fluid, refrigerant, and compressed
air, prepares Ground Support Equipment (GSE) for storage and transportation, uses automated maintenance data
systems to maintain equipment records, and document maintenance actions and maintains external fuel and
grounding systems. In addition, this servicer stencils and marks GSE in accordance with technical publications,
stores, handles, labels, uses, and disposes of hazardous materials and waste in accordance with all state, local, and
federal environmental standards and regulations, operates, cleans, inspects, and services GSE towing vehicles. This
worker maintains vehicle records, maintains and updates paper and electronic equipment records, provides dispatch
service for GSE, including positioning equipment to support aircraft maintenance and flying operations, and
practices good housekeeping, tool control, Foreign Object Damage prevention and safety at all times.
The Ground Support Equipment Worker makes repairs to Ground Support Equipment (GSE) following orders of a
higher-grade worker, troubleshooting malfunctions of GSE using conventional and digital multi-meters, voltmeters,
ohmmeters, frequency counters, oscilloscopes, circuit card testers, transistor testers, and hand tools, prepares GSE
for storage and transportation, uses automated maintenance data systems to maintain equipment records, and
document maintenance actions, maintains external fuel and grounding systems. This worker performs scheduled and
unscheduled maintenance on GSE, inspects, tests, and operates GSE to determine equipment serviceability and
proper operation, services equipment with fuel, oil, water, coolant, hydraulic fluid, refrigerant, and compressed air,
disassembles and assembles malfunctioning GSE accessories and components. In addition, the Ground Support
Equipment Worker removes, disassembles repairs, cleans, treats for corrosion, assembles, and reinstalls GSE
components and accessories, stencils and marks GSE in accordance with technical publications, stores, handles,
labels, uses, and disposes of hazardous materials and waste in accordance with all state, local, and federal
environmental standards and regulations, operates, cleans, inspects, and services GSE towing vehicles; maintains
vehicle records, maintains and updates paper and electronic equipment records, provides dispatch service for GSE,
including positioning equipment to support aircraft maintenance and flying operations, and practices good
housekeeping, tool control, Foreign Object Damage prevention and safety at all times.
23390 GUNSMITH (Occupational Base)
The Gunsmith can design, fabricate, modify, repair and service foreign and domestic firearms, weapons and
accessories. Employee possesses required knowledge in the use of hand tools, machine tools, and other equipment
necessary to perform assigned duties, has the knowledge and skill to design and construct prototype small arms from
drawings or customer input. This employee is capable of designing computer prototypes from customer input, has
necessary knowledge of munitions and ballistics to accomplish assigned tasks. All required knowledge is typically
obtained through technical schools and/or on the job experience. This incumbent plans and conducts training as
The Gunsmith I is responsible to: perform detailed assembly and disassembly of foreign and domestic small arms
weapons including t small arms inspection, maintenance, and minor repairs. This employee possesses knowledge of
the tools (i.e. hammers, punches, files, stones, etc.) and gauges needed to perform assigned duties, has limited
knowledge in the operation of gun-smiting machinery such as lathes, milling machines, surface grinders, etc., as
well as limited knowledge of tooling used with those machines. The Gunsmith I has knowledge of basic shop safety
procedures needed to work in a small arms environment, performs support functions for the shop, to include bead
blasting and preparing metal parts for refinishing. Other support functions include, but are not limited to, ammo
inventory and residue turn-in, publication and catalogue updates, tool and capital equipment maintenance,
calibration control, weapons cleaning and organizational level weapons maintenance. This person may assist
primary instructor in conducting Armorer's courses on specific small arms systems.
In addition to performing all functions of Level I Gunsmith, the level II usually requires attendance at factory
Armorer's courses of small arms in the arms room inventory, performs major repairs on foreign and domestic
standard and non-standard small arms weapons, can build either custom pistols or rifles with little or no supervision,
possesses excellent knowledge of gun-smiting tools and procedures, and possesses moderate knowledge of firearms
operating principles and ballistics. This worker has a thorough understanding of firearm operation principles, has a
moderate knowledge of internal/external ballistic theories, can fabricate special jigs, fixtures and other special
tooling with some supervision, can read and understand blueprint drawings, and can work from those drawings
under direct supervision. The Gunsmith II can perform as primary instructor on most standard and non-standard
small arms weapon systems. This position may require computer literacy.
Qualification for this position usually requires attendance at a formal one to two year accredited in-house gun-
smiting course, or equivalent work experience. This worker has a thorough understanding of, and can instruct in
external/internal and terminal ballistics, can build custom pistols and rifles, as well as other types of weapons
systems with no supervision, and has a thorough understanding of machine tools and equipment. In addition, this
incumbent can do the following: work from blueprints without supervision, design, fabricate and develop prototype
small arms systems from a drawing or form customer input, work to Special Repair Facility Level maintenance, and
can design computer prototypes from customer input. The Gunsmith III consults with government officials in all
facets concerning the Weapons Department, such as, but not limited to, indoor/outdoor range design, ammunition
fundamentals ballistics, weapons mounts, suppressors, optic systems, prototype development and reverse
engineering projects, and performs direct supervision and training of subordinate gunsmiths.
The Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning Mechanic installs, services and repairs environmental-control
systems in residences, department stores, office buildings, and other commercial establishments, utilizing
knowledge of refrigeration theory, pipefitting and structural layout, mounts compressor and condenser units on
platform or floor, using hand tools, following blueprints or engineering specifications, fabricates, assembles and
installs ductwork and chassis parts, using portable metalworking tools and welding equipment, and installs
evaporator unit in chassis or in air-duct system, using hand tools. This mechanic also cuts and bends tubing to
correct length and shape, using cutting and bending equipment and tools, cuts and threads pipe, using machine-
threading or hand-threading equipment, joins tubing or pipes to various refrigerating units by means of sleeves,
couplings or unions, and solders joints, using torch, forming complete circuit for refrigerant, installs expansion and
discharge valves in circuit.
This worker connects motors, compressors, temperature controls, humidity controls, and circulating ventilation fans
to control panels and connects control panels to power source; installs air and water filters in completed installation,
injects small amount of refrigerant into compressor to test systems and adds Freon gas to build up prescribed
operating pressure. This mechanic observes pressure and vacuum gauges and adjusts controls to insure proper
operation, tests joints and connections for gas leaks, using gauges or soap-and-water solution, wraps pipes in
insulation batting and secures them in place with cement or wire bands, replaces defective breaker controls,
thermostats, switches, fuses and electrical wiring to repair installed units, may install, repair and service air
conditioners, ranging from fifteen to twenty tons cooling capacity in warehouses and small factory buildings.
The Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Mechanic (Research Facility) installs, modifies and repairs
refrigeration - hermetic, semi-hermetic, mechanical, screw, scroll and centrifugal units to 1100 tons; air
conditioning, ventilation; reverse osmosis systems, computer rooms; process coolers; ice machines; evaporative
cooling; air compressing and related control systems, including pneumatic, DDC, and building control systems
equipment. This person performs difficult installation tasks involving assembly, testing, calibrating, and adjusting of
temperature control and environmental control systems such as air conditioning plants, air environmental control
systems, air distribution systems and complex dual equipment cooling installations, specialized refrigerated
warehouses and facilities, and evaporative mechanical ventilation, and dehumidification systems.
The Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Mechanic (Research Facility) installs new or repaired component
and performs complex modifications of systems and components in accordance with applicable electrical
publications and directives, and will maintain and repair specialized laboratory equipment such as fume hoods, de-
ionized water systems, bio-clean systems, vacuum systems, cascade refrigeration systems, and laboratory sinks. This
mechanic may perform complex repair of systems component such as compressors, condensers, heat pumps
regulators, fluid and refrigerant gas lines valves, meters, gages, thermostats, pumps, mechanical linkage, and
electrical sensing, switching and controlling devices including pneumatic controls, variable speed drives, digital
controlled devices, electronic, hydraulic heating and cooling and economizer systems
The Heavy Equipment Mechanic analyzes malfunctions and repairs, rebuilds and maintains power equipment, such
as cranes, power shovels, scrapers, paving machines, motor graders, trench-digging machines, conveyors,
bulldozers, dredges, pumps, compressors and pneumatic tools. This worker operates and inspects machines or
equipment to diagnose defects, dismantles and reassembles equipment, using hoists and hand tools, examines parts
for damage or excessive wear, using micrometers and gauges, replaces defective engines and subassemblies, such as
transmissions, and tests overhauled equipment to insure operating efficiency. The mechanic welds broken parts and
structural members, may direct workers engaged in cleaning parts and assisting with assembly and disassembly of
equipment, and may repair, adjust and maintain mining machinery, such as stripping and loading shovels, drilling
and cutting machines, and continuous mining machines.
The Heavy Equipment Operator operates heavy equipment such as cranes, clamshells, power shovels, motor
graders, heavy loaders, carryalls, bulldozers, rollers, scrapers, and large industrial tractors with pan or scrapper
attachments. Equipment is used to excavate, load, or move dirt, gravel, or other materials. Operator may read and
interpret grade and slope stakes and simple plans, and may grease, adjust and make emergency repairs to
The Instrument Mechanic installs, repairs, maintains, and adjusts indicating, recording, telemetering, and controlling
instruments used to measure and control variables, such as pressure, flow, temperature, motion, force, and chemical
composition, using hand tools and precision instruments. This worker disassembles malfunctioning instruments,
examines and tests mechanism and circuitry for defects; troubleshoots equipment in or out of control system and
replaces or repairs defective parts, reassembles instrument and tests assembly for conformance with specifications,
using instruments, such as potentiometer, resistance bridge, manometer, and pressure gauge; inspects instruments
periodically, and makes minor calibration adjustments to insure functioning within specified standards. This
mechanic may adjust and repair final control mechanisms, such as automatically controlled valves or positioners,
and may calibrate instruments according to established standards.
The Laboratory/Shelter Mechanic performs and, on occasion, will work alone performing removal, repair and
installation to a variety of items pertaining to rebuilding and the repair of air transport galley laboratories,
communications shelters, trailers and vans; this worker removes, repairs or replaces broken screws, bolts riv-nuts,
pop rivets, brackets, skids, floors, and luge, etc. This person fills holes, dents and grooves on the various shelters
with filer materials such as Scotch Weld, silastic, and plastic filler, fits positions and attaches patches, removes old
and worn gaskets and replaces insuring that gasket is fitted properly to assure water tightness. On occasion, this
mechanic removes, makes minor repairs, installs minor appliances, installs the various marking and identifications
plates, works with higher-grade employees in providing estimates as to man-hours required to accomplish repairs.
On familiar projects, this mechanic works with technical manuals and repair specifications and procedures, properly
laying out and installing equipment racks, brackets, tool boards, holding devices, benches, mounts tables, etc.
This mechanic removes repairs and/or replaces filters, blowers and heaters, visually locates defective operating
hardware making repairs as required to items such as doors, handles, locks, hinges, fastening devices, etc., and
checks all exterior seams for tightness and fit, making repairs as necessary. The Laboratory/Shelter Mechanic works
with higher graded employees in performing structural repair, assists higher graded employee in the water test area
performing high and low pressure tests and fording tests, performs pull test on shelter lifting eyes according to
specifications, and inspects the shelter during these tests watching for any deficiencies. When deficiencies are noted,
he/she makes on the spot repair or returns shelter to the line for necessary repair.
The Laborer performs tasks that require mainly physical abilities and effort involving little or no specialized skill or
prior work experience. The following tasks are typical of this occupation: The Laborer loads and unloads trucks, and
other conveyances, moves supplies and materials to proper location by wheelbarrow or hand truck; stacks materials
for storage or binning, collects refuse and salvageable materials, and digs, fills, and tamps earth excavations, The
Laborer levels ground using pick, shovel, tamper and rake, shovels concrete and snow; cleans culverts and ditches,
cuts tree and brush; operates power lawnmowers, moves and arranges heavy pieces of office and household
furniture, equipment, and appliance, moves heavy pieces of automotive, medical engineering, and other types of
machinery and equipment, spreads sand and salt on icy roads and walkways, and picks up leaves and trash.
The Locksmith installs, repairs, modifies, and opens a variety of locking mechanisms found on doors, desks,
compartments, mobile equipment, safes, and vaults. This worker examines locking mechanism and installs new unit
or disassembles unit and replaces worn tumblers, springs, and other parts or repairs them by filing, drilling, chiseling
and grinding, opens door locks by moving lock pick in cylinder or opens safe locks by listening to lock sounds or
drilling. This worker makes new or duplicate keys, using key cutting machine, changes combination by inserting
new or repaired tumblers into lock, and establishes keying systems for buildings.
The Machinery Maintenance Mechanic repairs machinery or mechanical equipment. Work involves most of the
following: examining machines and mechanical equipment to diagnose source of trouble, dismantling or partly
dismantling machines and performing repairs that mainly involve the use of hand tools in scraping and fitting parts.
Responsibilities include replacing broken or defective parts with items obtained from stock, and ordering the
production of a replacement part by a machine shop or sending the machine to a machine shop for major repairs.
Duties also include preparing written specifications for major repairs or for the production of parts ordered from
machine shops, reassembling machines and making all necessary adjustments for operation. In general, the work of
a Machinery Maintenance Mechanic requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal
apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. Excluded from this classification are workers whose primary
duties involve setting up or adjusting machines.
The Machinist, Maintenance produces replacement parts and new parts in making repairs of metal parts of
mechanical equipment. Work involves most of the following: interpreting written instructions and specifications,
planning and laying out of work, using a variety of machinist's hand tools and precision measuring instruments,
setting up and operating standard machine tools. This incumbent is responsible for the shaping of metal parts to
close tolerances, making standard shop computations relating to dimensions of work, tooling, feeds, and speeds of
machining; knowledge of the working properties of the common metals, selecting standard materials, parts, and
equipment required for this work; and fitting and assembling parts into mechanical equipment. In general, the
machinist's work normally requires a rounded training in machine-shop practice, usually acquired through a formal
apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience.
The Maintenance Trades Helper assists one or more workers in the skilled maintenance trades by performing
specific or general duties of lesser skill such as: keeping a worker supplied with materials and tools, cleaning
working area, machine, and equipment; assisting journeyman by holding materials or tools; and performing other
unskilled tasks as directed by journeyman. The kind of work the helper is permitted to perform varies from trade to
trade. In some trades the helper is confined to supplying, lifting, and holding materials and tools, and cleaning
working areas and in others, the worker is permitted to perform specialized machine operations, or parts of a trade
that are also performed by workers on a full-time basis.
23590 METROLOGY TECHNICIAN (Occupational Base)
This category includes occupations responsible for the calibration and certifying of electronic and
physical/dimensional measuring and test equipment to technical specifications, maintaining traceability to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The Metrology Technician I will do most or all of the following: calibrate and certify electronic and
physical/dimensional measuring and test equipment to technical data specifications, maintaining traceability to the
NIST, US Department of Commerce or by reference to natural constants. This person will utilize calibration
methods and techniques based on principles of measurement science, technical analysis of measurement problems,
accuracy and precision requirements, troubleshoot, align, and repair malfunctioning measuring and test equipment
using theories of operation, block diagrams, schematics, logic trees, and software diagnostics. This worker inspects
measuring and test equipment for preventive maintenance, cleanliness, and safety requirements, and will document
results of measurements and calibrations on calibration certificates.
The Metrology Technician II independently determines and performs operations required to calibrate and certify
electronic and physical/dimensional measuring and test equipment, maintaining traceability to the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST), US Department of Commerce, or by reference to natural constants. The
incumbent will utilize calibration methods and techniques based on principles of measurement science, technical
analysis of measurement problems, and accuracy and precision requirements.
The Metrology Technician II identifies magnitude of error sources contributing to uncertainty of results to determine
reliability of measurement process in quantitative terms, diagnoses and repairs malfunction in complex measuring
and test equipment using theories of operation, block diagrams, schematics, logic trees, and software diagnostics to
the component level. This worker provides training to apprentice technicians on metrology principle, resolving
technical problems, and complicated electronic theory. This worker will inspect measuring and test equipment for
preventive maintenance, cleanliness, and safety requirements, analyze and interpret results of measurements and
calibrations using mathematical formulas, and document results of measurements and calibrations on calibration
certificates and calibration correction charts.
The Metrology Technician III independently determines and performs operations required to calibrate and certify
electronic and physical/dimensional measuring and test equipment, maintaining traceability to the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST), US Department of Commerce, or by reference to natural constants. This
Worker assesses and utilizes calibration methods and techniques based on principles of measurement science,
technical analysis of measurement problems, and accuracy and precision requirements, analyzes magnitude of error
sources contributing to uncertainty of results and/or test accuracy ratios to determine reliability of measurement
process in quantitative terms. The Incumbent recommends substitution of standards or measuring equipment if
required, diagnoses and repairs malfunctions in complex measuring and test equipment using theories of operation,
blocks diagrams, schematics, logic trees, and software diagnostics to the component level. The Metrology
Technician III provides training to apprentice and journeyman technicians on metrology principle, resolving
technical problems, and complicated electronic theory, implements quality control plan, identifies nonconformities,
analyzes and interprets trends; recommends corrective actions, investigates and identifies root causes of problems.
The Metrology Technician III interprets engineering drawings, schematic diagrams, or formulas to determine quality
and reliability standards, inspects measuring and test equipment for preventive maintenance, cleanliness, and safety
requirements, analyzes and interprets results of measurements and calibrations using mathematical formulas and
authenticate calibration certificates for measurements and calibrations and calibration correction charts.
The Millwright installs new machines or heavy equipment, and dismantles and installs machines or heavy
equipment when changes in the plant layout are required. Work involves most of the following: planning and laying
out work; interpreting blueprints or other specifications, using a variety of hand tools and rigging; making standard
shop computations relating to stresses, strength of materials, and centers of gravity, aligning and balancing
equipment, selecting standard tools, equipment and parts to be used, and installing and maintaining in good order
power transmission equipment such as drives and speed reducers. In general, the Millwright's work normally
requires a rounded training and experience in the trade acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent
training and experience.
The Office Appliance Repairer repairs and services office machines, such as adding, accounting, calculating
machines and typewriters, using hand tools, power tools, micrometers and welding equipment. This worker operates
machine to test moving parts and to listen to sounds of machines to locate causes of trouble, disassembles machine
and examines parts, such as gears, guides, rollers, and pinions for wear and defects, using micrometers, repairs,
adjusts, or replaces parts, and cleans and oils moving parts. This person may give instructions in operation and care
of machines to machine operators, or assemble new machines.
The Painter, Maintenance paints and redecorates walls, woodwork and fixtures. Work involves the following:
knowledge of surface peculiarities and types of paint required for different applications, preparing surface for
painting by removing old finish or by placing putty or filler in nail holes and interstices, and applying paint with
spray gun or brush. This person may mix colors, oils, white lead and other paint ingredients to obtain proper color or
consistency. In general, the work of the maintenance painter requires rounded training and experience usually
acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience.
The Pipefitter, Maintenance installs or repairs water, steam, gas or other types of pipe and pipefitting. Work involves
most of the following: laying out work and measuring to locate position of pipe from drawings or other written
specifications, cutting various sizes of pipe to correct lengths with chisel and hammer, oxyacetylene torch or pipe-
cutting machines, threading pipe with stocks and dies. This person is responsible for bending pipe by hand-driven or
power-driven machines, assembling pipe with couplings and fastening pipe to hangers, making standard shop
computations relating to pressures, flow and size of pipe required; and making standard tests to determine whether
finished pipes meet specifications. In general, the work of the Maintenance Pipefitter requires rounded training and
experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. Workers
primarily engaged in installing and repairing building sanitation or heating systems are excluded.
The Plumber, Maintenance assembles, installs and repairs pipes, fittings and fixtures of heating, water, and drainage
systems, according to specifications and plumbing codes, studies building plans and working drawings to determine
work aids required, and sequence of installations. This worker inspects structure to ascertain obstructions to be
avoided to prevent weakening of structure resulting from installation of pipe, and locates and marks position of pipe
and pipe connections and passage holes for pipes in walls and floors.
This worker cuts openings in walls and floors to accommodate pipe and pipe fittings, using hand tools and power
tools, cuts and threads pipe, using pipe cutters, cutting torch, and pipe-threading machine, bends pipe to required
angle by use of pipe-bending machine, or by placing pipe over block and bending it by hand. The Plumber,
Maintenance assembles and installs valves, pipefittings, and pipes composed of metals, such as iron, steel, brass and
lead, and nonmetals, such as glass, vitrified clay, and plastic. This person joins pipe by use of screws, bolts, fittings,
solder, plastic solvent, and caulks joints, fills pipe system with water or air and reads pressure gauges to determine
whether system is leaking, installs and repairs plumbing fixtures, such as sinks, commodes, bathtubs, water heaters,
hot water tanks, garbage disposal units, dishwashers, and water softeners. This person repairs and maintains
plumbing by replacing washers in leaky faucets, mending burst pipes, and opening clogged drains, and may weld
holding fixtures to steel structural members.
The Pneudraulic Systems Mechanic maintains, modifies, and repairs hydraulic and pneumatic systems and
components that actuate mechanisms or produce, control, and regulate the flow of fluids (liquids and gases), tests for
and isolates malfunctions in hydraulic and pneumatic systems or components, utilizing technical manuals and
schematics, and modifies, repairs or disassembles and overhauls systems or components.
23850 RIGGER
A Rigger assembles rigging to lift and move equipment or material in manufacturing plant or shipyard, selects
cables, ropes, pulleys, winches, blocks, and sheaves, according to weight and size of load to be moved, attaches
pulley and blocks to fixed overhead structures, such as beams, ceilings, and gin pole booms, with bolts and clamps,
attaches load with grappling devices, such as loops, wires, ropes and chains, to crane hook, gives directions to
Bridge-or-Gantry-Crane Operator or Hoisting Engineer engaged in hoisting and moving loads to insure safety of
workers and material handled, using hand signals, loudspeaker, or telephone. The Rigger also sets up, braces, and
rigs hoisting equipment, using hand tools and power wrenches, splices rope and wire cables to make or repair slings
and tackle, and may direct workers engaged in hoisting machinery and equipment into ships.
The Scale Mechanic installs, calibrates, and repairs weighing scales, using hand tools, power tools, and standard test
weights, moves scale into position, using hoists and rollers, inserts shims between scale base and foundation to level
scale, secures scale to foundation, using hand tools. This worker tests scale, using certified weights, and adjusts
pivots, dial settings, and pendulums to ensure that weight indication meets legal specifications, turns setscrews to
adjust spring scales disassembles scales and repairs or replaces worn or damaged parts, such as pivots and bearings.
This worker straightens, cleans, and repaints structural parts of scale, and may install, adjust and repair
electronically controlled scales.
The Sheet-Metal Worker, Maintenance fabricates, installs and maintains in good repair the sheet-metal equipment
and fixtures (such as machine guards, grease pans, shelves, lockers, tanks, ventilators, chutes, ducts, metal roofing)
of an establishment. Work involves most of the following: planning and laying out all types of sheet-metal
maintenance work from blueprints, models, or other specifications, setting up and operating all available types of
sheet-metal working machines, using a variety of hand tools in cutting, bending, forming, shaping, fitting and
assembling, and installing sheet-metal articles as required. In general, the work of the maintenance sheet-metal
worker requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent
training and experience.
The Small Engine Mechanic repairs fractional-horsepower gasoline engines used to power lawnmowers, garden
tractors, and similar machines, using hand tools, locates causes of trouble, dismantles engines, using hand tools, and
examines parts for defects, replaces or repairs parts, such as rings and bearings, cleans and adjusts carburetor and
magneto, starts repaired engines and listens to sounds to test performance.
The Telecommunications Mechanic installs, removes, tests, troubleshoots, programs, maintains, and repairs voice
and non-voice communications systems including intercom and public address systems, alarm systems, digital
switching equipment, miscellaneous telephone, radio, fire alarms, intrusion alarms and compute data circuits, and
related apparatus required in central switching office.
The Telecommunications Mechanic I installs, removes, maintains, modifies, troubleshoots, and repairs voice and/or
non-voice communications systems including intercom and public address systems, alarm systems, teletype
equipment, and electronic and electromechanical telephone key systems/PBAXs; terminal and communications
equipment, including line drivers. This mechanic runs cables, key cables, or house wire to all telephone sets,
terminal connectors, lugs, pins, or screws, associated with key telephone equipment and/or terminating equipment
for non-voice circuits.
The Telecommunications Mechanic II installs, tests, troubleshoots, programs, maintains, and repairs digital
switching equipment, attendant consoles, power and ringing relay racks, miscellaneous telephone, radio, fire alarms,
intrusion alarms, and computer data circuits and related apparatus required in the central switching office. This
worker analyzes system failures and other unusual system occurrences to isolate the source of the problem and
determine whether the failure is caused by software, hardware, or other factors. Employees in this position maintain
manual and/or computerized central office records, including detail records, traffic analysis records, cable records,
line records, subscriber service records, and spare parts inventories.
This occupation includes jobs that involve installing, and repairing aerial and underground communications lines
and auxiliary equipment such as conduits, insulators, and poles. The work does not require completing line
This incumbent welds metal components together to fabricate or repair products, such as machine parts, plant
equipment, mobile homes, motors and generators, according to layouts, blueprints or work orders, using brazing and
a variety of arc and gas welding equipment. This worker welds metal parts together, using both gas welding or
brazing and any combination of arc welding processes, performs related tasks such as thermal cutting and grinding,
repairs broken or cracked parts, fills holes and increases size of metal parts, positions and clamps together
components of fabricated metal products preparatory to welding. This worker may locate and repair cracks in
industrial engine cylinder heads, using inspection equipment and gas torch, may perform repairs only and be
required to pass employer performance tests or standard tests to meet certification standards of governmental
agencies or professional and technical associations.
Note: Employees welding aircraft and ground support equipment should be classified as an Aerospace Structural
This incumbent sets up and operates portable drilling rig (machine and related equipment) to drill wells, extends
stabilizing jackscrews to support and level drilling rig, moves levers to control power-driven winch that raises and
extends telescoping mast. This person bolts trusses and guy wires to raise mast and anchors them to machine frame
and stakes, and assembles drilling tools, using hand tools or power tools. The Well Driller moves levers and pedals
to raise tools into vertical drilling position and lowers well casing (pipe that shores up walls of well) into well bore,
using winch, moves levers and pedals and turns hand wells to control reciprocating action of machine and to drive or
extract well casing.
This employee pumps water into well to facilitate drilling by cooling drill bit and removing drillings, listens to
sounds of drilling machine and feels cable or brake to determine drilling conditions and to identify variations such as
entering new strata or striking rock, moves levers to adjust stroke and impact of cable tool drilling machine or
changes drill bits of rotary drilling machine to fit changing conditions, and replaces drill bit with tool to collect
samples of earth or rock being penetrated. This worker examines samples to determine nature of strata encountered
or submits samples to laboratory for analysis, records drilling progress and geological data, and splices worn or
broken cable. This incumbent may sharpen bits by heating them in forging furnace and hammering edges on anvil,
build up worn drill bits by arc welding, tempering bits in furnace, and by quenching them in water, retrieve lost
equipment from bore holes, using specialized retrieval tools and equipment, may fabricate well casings, or restore
wells to active production.
The Woodcraft Worker makes and repairs high-grade wooden items such as fine cabinets and furniture, studies
blueprints or drawings of articles to be constructed or repaired, and plans sequence of cutting or shaping operations
to be performed. This worker marks outline or dimensions of parts on paper or lumber stock, according to blueprint
or drawing specifications, matches materials for color, grain, or texture, sets up and operates woodworking
machines, such as power saws, jointer, mortiser, tenoner, molder, and shaper, to cut and shape parts from
woodstock. This worker trims component parts of joints to insure snug fit, using hand tools, such as planes, chisels,
or wood files; bores holes for insertion of screws or dowels by hand or using boring machine, glues, fits, and clamps
parts and subassemblies together to form complete unit using clamps or clamping machine, and drives nails or other
fasteners into joints at designated places to reinforce joints. This worker sands and scrapes surfaces and joints of
articles to prepare articles for finishing, may dip, brush, or spray assembled articles with protective or decorative
materials, such as stain, varnish or paint, and may install hardware, such as hinges, catches, and drawer pulls.
The Woodworker constructs and repairs items such as boxes, crates, pallets, and storage bins from wood and wood
substitutes, studies specifications; and measures, marks, and cuts boards, using patterns, templates, ruler, pencil, and
hand and power saws. This worker fastens or installs parts, using hammer, nailing machine, or power staple, repairs
defective containers by replacing damaged parts, inserts wood bracings, cardboard files, and felt pads in containers.
This incumbent may build crate around object, using ruler, hand tools, and pneumatic nailer, may fabricate, repair,
modify, and replace woodwork on vehicle sides and beds, apply preservative to prolong wood life, and may pack,
seal, band, and apply markings to crates and containers.
This category includes occupations concerned with cutting and styling hair; shaping, cleaning and polishing
fingernails, applying cosmetics, caring for and providing support services for children and adults.
24510 BARBER
A Barber provides customers with barbering services, cuts, blow-dries, trims, and tapers hair, using clippers, comb,
blow-drier, and scissors. This person applies lather and shaves beard or shapes hair contour (outline) on temple and
neck, using razor, performs other tonsorial services, such as applying hairdressings or lotions, dyeing, shampooing,
singeing, or styling hair, and massaging face, neck, or scalp. The Barber records service charge on ticket, and may
sell lotions, tonics, or other cosmetic supplies.
A Beautician provides beauty services for customers, analyzes hair to ascertain condition of hair, applies bleach, dye
or tint, using applicator or brush, to color customer's hair and scalp with water, liquid soap, dry powder, or egg, and
rinses hair with vinegar, water, lemon, or prepared rinses. This employee massages scalp and gives other hair and
scalp-conditioning treatments for hygienic or remedial purposes, styles hair by blowing, cutting, trimming and
tapering, using clippers, scissors, razors, and blow-drier, suggests coiffure according to physical features of patron
and current styles, or determines coiffure from instructions of patron. The Beautician applies water or waving
solutions to hair and winds hair around rollers, or pin curls and finger waves hair, sets hair by blowing dry, natural-
set, or presses hair with straightening comb. This incumbent suggests cosmetics for conditions, such as dry or oily
skin; applies lotions and cream to customer's face and neck to soften skin and lubricate tissues, performs other
beauty services, such as massaging face or neck, shaping and coloring eyebrows or eyelashes, removing unwanted
hair or retain curls or waves in hair and waving or curling hair, and cleans, shapes, and polishes fingernails and
This position provides case management and counseling services to patients and their families while assisting the
patient’s social adjustment. Duties include but are not limited to analyzing information and appraising the interest of
patients while promoting positive community relations and acting as unit managers in their absence. Safety
precautions are taken with patients as needed.
This incumbent organizes and leads activities of children in nursery schools, day care centers, and similar
organizations, receives children from parents, noting any special instructions parents may provide, helps children
remove outer garments, prepares play materials and ensures that play areas, equipment and toys are safe and
sanitary, supervises play periods, organizes and participates in games, reads to children, distributes toys and play
materials, and teaches children simple painting, drawing, handwork, songs and similar activities. This worker
attends to physical needs of children, assists them to develop self-help skills, and helps children to develop habits of
caring for own clothing and picking up and putting away toys and books, and maintains discipline. Work includes
the following: consoling upset or distressed children, directing rest periods, preparing and serving meals or snacks.
The Childcare Attendant eats with children and observes food intake and needs of children, teaches table manners,
and clears tables, ensures that children remain clean, and that each child leaves with parent or authorized individual.
This worker may wash, dry, fold, and store bed linens, blankets and diapers.
This incumbent performs clerical and administrative support duties in childcare center that provides dependent care
and preschool programs, enrolls children in day care and preschool programs, assists parents in completing
enrollment forms, receives and confirms reservations by telephone, and assigns children to rooms. This clerk
ensures space is available for regular and hourly patrons, greets patrons and helps children make transition to center
environment, and remains alert to detect early signs of distress, abnormal behavior, or suspected illnesses or diseases
in children. This clerk keeps enrollment records, ensures that enrollment forms including immunization records are
updated, as necessary, compiles hourly and daily registration reports, compiles records of children who will be
present for meals and snacks, advises cook of meal requests, updates reservation records, labels children's
belongings, and ensures that parents fill out daily information or medication forms, if needed.
This clerk collects fees for all aspects of center operation, calculates and posts all changes to patron's accounts, and
balances total with control records, prepares and safeguards cash receipts in accordance with applicable directives,
prepares daily cashier's report per office guidelines, prepares daily activity report and, as required, a consolidated
activity report, keeps daily attendance report. Orders and distributes supplies, and arranges meetings. The Childcare
Center Clerk makes appointments for director or other staff members, greets and screens callers who contact the
center either in person or by telephone and answers questions concerning such matters as fees and tuition; computes
staff/child ratios and advises director when additional staff is needed, maintains lounge and work area in a clean and
orderly manner, and contacts parents when a child becomes ill or injured. This clerk informs parents of incidents and
prepares incident reports for parents' signatures, may open center in the morning and close it at night, and may serve
as Child Care Attendant.
The Chore Aide provides basic housekeeping services in homes of elderly or disabled adults, cleans house,
apartment, or room in accordance with instructions provided in service plan prepared by supervisor and to satisfy
client to extent possible, using devices normally found in private homes, including brooms, light mops, dust cloths,
vacuum sweepers, and washing machines and dryers for laundry. Specific cleaning tasks include sweeping, mopping
and/or vacuuming floors, dusting furniture, wiping counter tops and stove tops, defrosting refrigerators, removing
trash, and cleaning metal and porcelain bathroom fixtures. This aide makes beds and changes linens, does laundry;
goes grocery shopping following a prepared grocery list, prepares meals, and runs errands.
This incumbent develops and implements a family support program. Provides support to families impacted by
Aerospace Expeditionary Force (AEF) and other long and short-term mobilization assignments, communicates with
families, involving them in activities that will assist during separation, and identifies family issues and demographic
trends. This worker establishes and maintains formal agreements and relationships with federal state and local aid
agencies, as well as an informal network with charitable, religious and human service group to establish deliver and
promote family support and readiness, and projects long-term family readiness and support plans and resource
The Homemaker advises family in private home in how to deal with problems, such as those concerning nutrition,
cleanliness, and household utilities, advises and assists family members in planning nutritious meals, purchasing and
preparing foods, and utilizing commodities from surplus food programs. This person assists the head of household in
training and disciplining children, assigns and schedules housekeeping duties to children according to their
capabilities. The Homemaker also encourages parents to take interest in children's schoolwork and assists them in
establishing good study habits, explains fundamental hygiene principles and renders bedside care to individuals,
who are ill, and trains other family members to provide required care, participates in evaluating needs of individuals
served, and confers with a caseworker to plan for continuing additional services.
The Nail Technician provides clients with a complete understanding of proper nail care, educating the client
regarding shape, cleanliness, color, and length of nails, and advises the client of the best nail type to choose which
will benefit the client most. The Nail Technician provides nail sculpturing services to clients, and provides the
following nail services: basic & French manicure, hot oil manicure, hand paraffin, polish change, acrylic set, acrylic
fills, artificial nail removal, nail repair (each), pedicure, foot paraffin, spa pedicure with paraffin, hair removal (basic
waxing) of eyebrows, lip, and chin.
This category includes occupations concerned with operating water and sewage treatment plants, gas plants, power
plants, stationary engines and related equipment, chemical plants, and petroleum plants. The occupations are
concerned with minute-by-minute operation and not with marketing, supplies, personnel, and other non-operating
The Boiler Tender tends one or more boilers to produce steam or high-temperature water for use in an establishment,
fires boiler, observes and interprets readings on gauges, meters, and charts which register various aspects of boiler
operation, adjusts controls to insure safe and efficient boiler operation and to meet demands for steam or high-
temperature water. This incumbent may also do one or more of the following: maintain a log in which various
aspects of boiler operation are recorded; clean, oil, make minor repairs or assist in repair to boiler room equipment;
and following prescribed methods, treat boiler water with chemicals and analyze boiler water for such things as
acidity, causticity, and alkalinity.
Bridge Tenders ensure that the drawbridge opens promptly and safely, considering both vehicular and marine traffic,
and that operating machinery is maintained in a serviceable condition.
(Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator)
This incumbent operates sewage treatment, sludge processing, and disposal equipment in wastewater (sewage)
treatment plant to control flow and processing of sewage, monitors control panels and adjusts valves and gates
manually or by remote control to regulate flow of sewage, observes variations in operating conditions and interprets
meter and gauge readings, and tests results to determine load requirements. This worker starts and stops pumps,
engines, and generators to control flow of raw sewage through filtering, settling, aeration, and sludge digestion
processes, maintains log of operations and records meter and gas readings, gives directions to wastewater treatment-
plant attendants and sewage-disposal workers in performing routine operations and maintenance, and may collect
sewage sample, using dipper or bottle and conduct laboratory tests, using testing equipment, such as colorimeter.
This person may operate and maintain power-generating equipment to provide steam and electricity for plant.
The Stationary Engineer operates and maintains one or more systems that provide an establishment with such
services as heat, air-conditioning (cool, humidify, dehumidify, filter, and circulate air), refrigeration, steam or high-
temperature water or electricity. Duties involve: observing and interpreting readings on gauges, meters and charts
which register various aspects of the system's operation, adjusting controls to insure safe and efficient operation of
the system and to meet demands for the service provided, recording in logs various aspects of the system's operation,
keeping the engines, machinery and equipment of the system in good working order. This engineer may direct and
coordinate activities of other workers (not stationary engineers) in performing tasks directly related to operating and
maintaining the system or systems. The classification excludes head or chief engineers in establishments employing
more than one engineer. Workers are required to be skilled in the repair of electronic control equipment; workers in
establishments producing electricity, steam, or heated or cooled air primarily for sale, and Boiler Tenders.
This incumbent tends ventilating and heating equipment, such as fans, vacuum pumps, air compressors, vents and
ducts, and lubrication-oil coolers used in buildings or industrial processes; adjusts valves to regulate temperature of
lubrication oil and flow of water through system, moves controls to regulate speed of fans, adjust vents and ducts,
records gauge readings, and repairs completed, and time lost because of inoperative equipment. This worker writes
repair work order tickets and out-of-order tags preparatory to equipment repair, inspects equipment to detect
excessive noise and heat, replaces gauges and tightens and chalks leaky fittings, using wrenches, hammers, and
chalking tool, cleans carbon deposits, pitch, and grease from fans, vents and ducts, using scrapers, hammer, and
compressed air or steam.
This position controls treatment plant machines and equipment to purify and clarify water for human consumption
and for industrial use. This person operates and controls electric motors, pumps, and valves to regulate flow of raw
water into treating plant and dumps specified amounts of chemicals such as chlorine, ammonia, and lime into water,
or adjusts automatic devices that admit specified amounts of chemicals into tanks to disinfect, deodorize, and clarify
water. This person starts agitators to mix chemicals and allows impurities to settle to bottom of tank, turns valves to
regulate water through filter beds to remove impurities, pumps purified water into water mains, monitors panel
board and adjusts controls to regulator flow rates, loss of head pressure and water elevation and distribution of
water. This operator cleans tanks and filter beds, using backwashing (reverse flow of water), repairs and lubricates
machines and equipment, using hand- and power tools, tests water samples to determine acidity, color, and
impurities, using colorimeter, turbidimeter, and conductivity meter. Work includes dumping chemicals such as
alum into tanks to coagulate impurities and reduce acidity, recording data, such as residual content of chemicals,
water turbidity, and water pressure. This operator may operate portable water-purification plant to supply drinking
water, and purify wastewater from plant preparatory to pumping water into rivers and streams or city mains.
This category includes occupations concerned with providing protection against fire, fighting fires, and detecting
fire hazards; maintaining law and order to protect individuals and property, directing and controlling traffic and
maintaining order in court; and guarding property to prevent illegal entry, fire, theft, and vandalism, to ensure safety
of people.
The Alarm Monitor operates communication equipment to receive incoming calls for assistance and dispatches
personnel and equipment to scene of emergency, operates telephone console to receive incoming calls for assistance,
questions caller to determine nature of problem and type and number of personnel and equipment needed, following
established guidelines, and scans status charts and computer screen to determine units available. This worker
monitors alarm system signals that indicate location of fire or other emergency, operates two-way radio to dispatch
police, fire, medical, and other personnel and equipment, and to relay instructions or information to remove units.
This worker types commands on computer keyboard to update files and maintain logs, tests communications and
alarm equipment, and backup systems to ensure serviceability. The Alarm Monitor may provide pre-arrival
instructions to caller, utilizing knowledge of emergency medical techniques, and activate alarm system to notify fire
The Investigators travel nationwide, including U. S. Territories, to perform background investigations on applicants,
employees, and contractor employees. Investigators travel to the applicant’s former schools, residences, places of
employment, etc. At these places, the investigators will interview references, relatives, neighbors, friends, co-
workers, and other sources to acquire background information regarding the subject person. They will also compile
data from written information found in schools, and employment records. Upon completion, the investigator will
compile all the data into a report and submit it to the government. This investigator may be required to perform
these duties in other U.S. Territories such as the Virgin Islands, or Puerto Rico.
The Baggage Inspector inspects/screens all passenger baggage and personnel prior to tenting passenger terminal,
uses x-ray machine, metal detectors and explosive residue detection equipment, and inspects personnel and/or
baggage manually, if required. This inspector is responsible for ensuring that passengers and personnel entering the
terminal do not possess unauthorized material such as weapons, explosives, etc. This person communicates with
law enforcement personnel if unauthorized material is discovered, or in case of emergency. This worker conducts
facility observations to ensure the safety of personnel inside and outside the facility by walking through the building
ensuring that there are no obvious treats, unusual situations or suspicious activities, and notifies the proper
authorities if such situations occur. The Baggage Inspector may perform routine testing and maintenance of
screening equipment.
The Corrections Officer maintains order among inmates in a prison or local jail, performs routine duties in
accordance with established policies, regulations, and procedures to guard and supervise inmates in cells, at meals,
during recreation, and on work assignments, and may employ weapons or force to maintain discipline and order.
Typical duties include: taking periodic inmate counts, searching inmates and cells for contraband articles, inspecting
locks, windows bars, grills, doors, and grates for tampering, aiding in prevention of escapes and taking part in
searches for escaped inmates, and escorting inmates to and from different areas for questioning, medical treatment,
work and meals. The Corrections Officer may act as outside wall guard, usually on rotation.
Excluded are:
a. Workers receiving on-the-job training in basic correctional activities.
b. Positions responsible for providing counseling or rehabilitation services to inmates.
This incumbent patrols courthouse to provide security, escorts defendants to and from courtroom, and stands guard
during court proceedings, checks courtroom for security. Assignments include not only the monitoring of entrances
to the court, but also attention to the special needs of the court system, particularly in the area of personal protection
for the judges, jurors, witnesses, attorneys and other persons involved with the court, including the general public.
Duties require specialized training in methods and techniques of protecting security areas. This incumbent is
required to demonstrate continuing physical fitness and proficiency with firearms or other special weapons.
The Detection Dog Handler utilizes a trained explosives or narcotic detection dog to conduct searches and
inspections of structures, objects, ships and watercraft, aircraft and open areas, works with canine partner to
maintain control and develop skills. This handler may require canine and kennels support including the grooming
and feeding canine partner, and use of two-way radio communication devices, cellular phones, communications
devices and other devices as necessary to communicate. This worker maintains a log, written reports and canine and
handler records, and may perform duties in a uniform or in civilian clothes.
The Detention Officer performs various duties related to detention, safeguarding, security and escort of violators of
immigration laws, exercises surveillance over detainees, and maintains order and discipline, attends to sheltering,
feeding, and physical well-being of detainees, and counseling of alien detainees on personal matters. This worker
guards detainee's at deportation or exclusion hearings, recognizes potentially hazardous health, safety, security, or
discipline problems, supervises voluntary work details, and encourages participation in organized recreational
The Firefighter controls and extinguishes fires. They may drive vehicle to scene of fire following predetermined
route, or selecting alternate route when necessary. This worker positions vehicle considering such factors as wind
direction, sources of water, hazards from falling structures, and location of armaments or aircraft, operates pumps,
foam generators, boom and ground sweeps nozzles, and other similar equipment, uses a variety of special protective
gear in situations where poisonous gases, radioactive materials, and hazardous biological products are involved.
The Firefighter determines proper pressures for the distances to be pumped and the number of lines being used.
When operating a crash truck, this incumbent maneuvers the vehicle to keep the fire in optimum range while
ensuring that backflash will not occur, maintains a constant awareness of water levels in self-contained tanks and
warns handline and rescue man when tanks are close to running dry. This worker performs daily preventive
maintenance inspection of vehicle and equipment, minor maintenance such as oil changes, replacing packing in
pumps, and draining and flushing tanks, and otherwise ensuring that all equipment is in usable condition.
27100 GUARD (Occupational Base)
This guard protects property from theft or damage, or persons from hazards or interference. Duties involve serving
at a fixed post, making rounds on foot or by motor vehicle, or escorting persons or property. This worker may be
deputized to make arrests, and may help visitors and customers by answering questions and giving directions. This
person may be required to demonstrate proficiency in the use of firearms and other special weapons and continuing
physical fitness.
27101 GUARD I
This guard carries out detailed instructions and procedures primarily oriented to insure that emergencies and security
violations are readily discovered, and reported to appropriate authority. The primary duty is to observe and report
security and emergency situations. This guard intervenes directly only in situations which require minimal action to
safeguard property or persons. Duties require minimal training and physical fitness standards. 95
27102 GUARD II
The Guard II enforces regulations and procedures designed to prevent breaches of security, exercises judgment and
uses discretion in responding to incidents and emergencies, determining whether to intervene directly, ask for
assistance as time permits, keep situation under control or surveillance, or to report incident or situation to the
appropriate authority for handling. Duties require specialized training in methods and techniques of protecting
controlled areas. Commonly, the Guard II is required to demonstrate proficiency with firearms and other special
weapons, and to meet rigorous physical fitness standards.
27130 POLICE OFFICER (Occupational Base)
The Police Officer enforces laws established for the protection of persons and property, by detaining, arresting,
interrogating, and incarcerating suspected violators, and appearing as a witness at trials. Work is performed in
uniform or civilian clothes, and officers are typically armed.
Excluded are:
a. Supervisory positions.
b. Criminal investigators.
c. Police detectives and specialists performing duties above those described for Police Officer II.
d. Positions requiring the operation of aircraft.
e. Police academy cadets and positions receiving on-the-job training and experience in basic police activities.
This officer carries out general and specific assignments from superior officers in accordance with established rules
and procedures, maintains order, enforces laws and ordinances, and protects life and property in an assigned patrol
district or beat by performing a combination of duties. These duties could include:: patrolling a specific area on foot
or in a vehicle, directing traffic, issuing traffic summonses, investigating accidents; apprehending and arresting
suspects, processing prisoners, and protecting scenes of major crimes. This officer may participate with detectives
or investigators in conducting surveillance operations.
In addition to the basic police duties described at level I, the Police Officer II receives additional compensation to
specialize in one or more activities, such as: canine patrol, special reaction teams, juvenile cases, hostage
negotiations, and participating in investigations or other enforcement activities requiring specialized training and
This incumbent greets and screens individuals desiring entry into pre-boarding staging areas, operate x-ray and other
screening equipment, monitors screens, and physically checks passengers for forbidden articles, identifies prohibited
articles, immediately notifies supervisor if detected, and responds to audible alarms. This monitor logs suspected
violations, conducts routine maintenance and adjustment of monitoring equipment. The Single Point Entry Monitor
will maintain accurate records, and may perform loading and unloading zone and short -term overdue checks as part
of the interior and exterior surveillance.
This category includes occupations concerned with the operation of carnival, recreational activities and sports
facilities and activities, maintenance of recreational material and equipment, officiating of organized athletic
contests and meets, and health and fitness center facilities and activities.
This operator works under supervision of carnival contractor who checks performance for safety, reliability and
attentiveness, operates and maintains amusement rides such as roller coasters, ferris wheels, pony rides, etc., sets up
and prepares amusement rides for use by the public, accepts ticket as tender for rides, performs other duties as
This incumbent works under the supervision of carnival contractor who checks performance for safety, reliability
and attentiveness repairs amusement rides such as roller coasters, ferris wheels, car rides, etc., checks set up of
amusement rides for safety and thoroughness, and performs other duties as assigned.
The Carnival Worker works under supervision of carnival contractor, receives change fund from supervisor and
signs appropriate hand receipts, rings sales on cash register, collects admission fee/tickets as tender for participation
in/on amusement rides and sideshows, etc. This worker makes necessary change. Accounts for cash issued at
beginning of tour, and receipts for sales, refers unusual problems to supervisor, may conduct internal performance
checks for carnival’s compliance to contract specifications, and performs other duties as assigned.
Gate Attendant duties include, but are not limited to, opening and closing the park entrance gate, posting shelter
reservations, issuing entrance passes and brochures, handling emergency communications for ranger and/or medical
services, disseminating information to and answering questions from the public regarding park rules, available
facilities, etc. All attendant interaction with the public shall be performed diplomatically, courteously, and
The Lifeguard monitors activities at swimming pool to prevent accidents and to provide assistance to swimmers,
maintains order in pool and pool areas, rescues swimmers in danger of drowning and administers first aid, inspects
facilities for cleanliness, cleans pool and pool areas including bathhouse, determines chlorine content and pH value
of water using water testing kit, and records readings. This person may check in and out items such as towels and
personal items, may conduct or officiate at swimming meets, and may give swimming instruction.
"This incumbent assists in operation of state or national parks, monument, historic site, or recreational areas,
performing a combination of clerical and other duties. This attendant greets visitors at facility entrance, hands out
informational pamphlets, maps, explains regulations, and other information concerning camping and visiting the
facility. The Park Attendant assigns campground or recreational sites, collects fees, fills out camping and visitor
permits, and maintains register of campers and visitors, maintains campgrounds and other areas, cautions visitors
against infractions of rules, and reports all disturbances and problems to superior officer or as a last resort to local
law enforcement officers. This attendant replenishes firewood, and assists in maintaining camping and recreational
areas in clean and orderly condition, and conducts tours of premises and answers visitors' questions when stationed
at historic park, site or monument.
The Park Attendant operates projection and sound equipment and assists in presentation of interpretive programs,
provides simple first aid treatment to visitors injured on premises, and assists persons with more serious injuries to
obtain appropriate medical care, and participates in carrying out fire-fighting or conservation activities. This worker
assists other workers in activities concerned with restoration of buildings and other facilities, or excavation and
presentation of artifacts when stationed at historic or archeological site, keeps a record of all complaints and
criticisms of park facilities, and reports maintenance items to superior. "
Accepts reservations, collects fees, hands out towels, checks out equipment, maintains records of material used,
number of patrons and other required information for operation of the facility. May prepare individual exercise
records including measuring and patrons exercise objectives. Demonstrates proper use of equipment. May monitor
exercise areas, sauna, steams rooms, whirlpool and dressing areas to ensure compliance with facility rules.
The Recreation Specialist plans, organizes, and directs comprehensive public and voluntary recreation programs at
recreation building, indoor center, playground, playfield, or day camp. This person studies and analyzes recreational
needs and resources, oversees and assigns duties to staff, interprets recreation programs and their philosophy to
individuals and groups through personal participation and staff assignments, and schedules maintenance and use of
The Sports Official officiates at competitive games or other sporting events such as baseball, basketball, football,
soccer, softball, swimming, and volleyball, performing one or more of the following tasks: starting competition, race
or other event and controls progress of event according to established rules. This official observes actions of
participants to detect infractions of the rules, and cautions or penalizes offenders, gives rulings on disputable
matters, inspects game equipment and playing surfaces to ensure safety of players and officials. This worker keeps
records such as scores, duration of races and finishing positions, depending on type of event, and postpones or
forfeits games due to misconduct or inclement weather.
The Swimming Pool Operator operates and maintains swimming pool and auxiliary equipment, fills pool and tests
water for proper chlorine content, regulates feeders and puts in prescribed amounts of soda ash and chlorine
according to specific instructions to purify water, checks heating and pumping equipment, and adjusts or makes
minor repairs using mechanic's hand tools. This operator changes chlorine tanks, as required, removes leaves and
other debris from water, using net, cleans bottom and sides of pool, using such aids as underwater vacuum cleaner,
hose, brush, detergent, acid solution, and sander. Inspects and replaces loose or damaged tile, cleans and repairs
filter system. Reports emergencies or unusual malfunctions to superior, and prepares report of materials used and
work performed.
This category includes: occupations concerned with longshoremen and related terminal/warehouse and ship export
and import cargo, services of seagoing vessels, to include dangerous and hazardous items, loading/unloading boxed,
crated, wrapped and palletized freight from/to ships at dockside to various types of transportation devices. These
devices include trucks, trailers, vans, boxcars, flat cars, sea vans on wheeled chassis, roll on/roll off and other
wheeled metal containers.
The Blocker and Bracer secures cargo in or aboard cargo carriers such as trucks, vans, trailers, railroad cars, sea
vans, barges and ships to prevent damage during its transportation, determines appropriate lumber size and kind and
prepares the lumber required for braces, chocks, blocks, beams, planking, cribbing, skids, cradles, saddles, etc.,
using hand and power tools. This worker nails, spikes, bolts, or fastens with wood screws or lag screws supporting
and bracing fixtures to secure cargo items, constructs weatherproof shelters over some types of deck loads, guys,
lashes and binds heavy equipment to pad eyes, rings, eyelets, hooks, stanchions, cleats, or other supporting fixtures
using chains, ropes, cable, wires or metal straps. This worker constructs temporary trestles, decking, bulkheads,
cribbing and sheathing, and cuts dunnage to support, stiffen, or separate bulky or heavy cargo.
The Hatch Tender signals Winch Operator (water trans.) to transfer cargo from dock to ship's hold or from ship's
hold to dock, observes workers attaching or detaching slings to or from loads to determine moment for signaling,
waves arms to indicate ready signal for transfer of cargo, and may alternate jobs with Winch Operator.
The Line Handler secures and removes ship's docking lines to and from dock, catches lines heaved from ship
attempting to dock, drags lines to bitts on dock and slips eye of mooring lines over bitts, removes lines from bitts
when ships depart, and may drive vehicle to pull in docking lines.
29040 STEVEDORE (Occupational Base)
The Stevedore loads and unloads ship’s cargo, carries or moves cargo by hand truck to wharf and stacks cargo on
pallets or cargo boards to facilitate transfer to and from ship, may operate material handling equipment, such as
power winch, grain trimmer, crane, and lift truck, to transfer cargo into or from ship and about dock area.
The Stevedore I loads and unloads ships' cargos, carries or moves cargo by hand truck to wharf and stacks cargo on
pallets or cargo boards to facilitate transfer to and from ship, stacks cargo in transit shed or in hold of ship as
directed by Header, and attaches and moves slings used to lift cargo. This worker guides load being lifted to prevent
swinging and shores cargo in ship's hold to prevent shifting during voyage. May be called longshoreman or may be
designated according to area in which work is performed as stevedore, dock; stevedore, front; stevedore, hold.
"The Stevedore II operates material handling equipment, such as power winch, grain trimmer, crane, and lift truck,
to transfer cargo into or from ship and about dock area, operates crane or winch to load or unload cargo, such as
automobiles, crates, scrap, and steel beams, using hook, magnet, or sling attached in accordance with signals from
other workers. This worker moves controls to start flow of grain from spouts of grain trimmer, stopping flow and
repositioning spout over each hatch when previous hatch is filled.
The Stevedore II drives lift truck along dock or aboard ship to transfer bulk items, such as lumber, pallet-mount
machinery, and crated products within range of winch, drives tractor to transfer loaded trailers from warehouse
dockside, and may position and fasten hose lines to ships' cargo tanks when loading or unloading liquid cargo, such
as animal fats, vegetable oils, molasses, or chemicals. This worker may perform variety of manual duties, such as
lashing or shoring cargo aboard ship, attaching slings, hooks, or other lifting devices to winch for loading or
unloading, and signaling other workers to move, raise, or lower cargo, and may direct activities of cargo gang
consisting of Stevedore I. This worker may also be called longshoremen. "
This category includes occupations concerned with providing technical assistance to engineers and scientists in both
laboratory and production activities as well as occupations concerned with independently operating and servicing
technical equipment and systems. Characteristic of occupations in this category is the requirements for a knowledge
of scientific, engineering, and mathematical theories, principles and techniques that are less than full professional
knowledge but which, nevertheless, enables the technician to understand how and why a specific device or system
The technician solves practical problems encountered in fields of specialization, such as those concerned with
development of electrical and electronic circuits, and establishment of testing methods for electrical, electronic,
electromechanical, and hydro-mechanical devices and mechanisms. Work involves the application of engineering
principles in solving design, development, and modification problems of parts or assemblies for products or systems,
and application of natural and physical science principles to basic or applied research problems in fields, such as
metallurgy, chemistry, and physics. The technician may perform technical procedures and related activities
independently. Workers with the title of Technician who are concerned primarily with maintenance and repair are
classified with Mechanics and Maintenance and Repair Occupations.
This position controls traffic of aircraft operating within a designated sector of airspace between centers and beyond
airport terminal areas while en route along airways and over certain oceanic routes. This worker utilizes constant
radar surveillance to issue speed, altitude and directional instructions to pilots for purpose of keeping aircraft
properly separated. The incumbent also provides approach control service to aircraft going into certain airports
within a center's assigned area. The type of control exercised, the procedures and techniques employed, and the
equipment utilized in the air traffic control centers are similar to those used in the terminals (see Air Traffic Control
Specialist, Terminal).
This incumbent receives and transmits flight plans, meteorological, navigational, and other information in air traffic
control station to perform preflight and emergency service for airplane pilots, accepts flight plans from pilots in
person or by telephone and reviews them for completeness. This specialist routes plans for operating under
instrument flight rules to control center and for operating under visual flight rules to station in vicinity of destination
airport, using radio, teletype, radiotelephone, radiotelegraph, telephone, or interphone, and provides meteorological,
navigational, and other information to pilots during flight, using radio.
This Air Traffic Control Specialist relays traffic control and other instructions concerned with aircraft safety to
pilots, radios such information as identifying landmarks, beacons and available landing fields to pilots in flight,
maintains file of plans for operating under visual flight rules until completion of flight, and contacts facilities along
route of flight to secure information on overdue aircraft. This worker reports lost aircraft to control center for rescue
or local emergency services, monitors such radio aids to navigation as range stations, fan markers and voice
communication facilities, and notifies air personnel of availability of these facilities, and maintains written records
of messages transmitted and received.
This incumbent controls air traffic on and within vicinity of airport according to established procedures and policies
to prevent collisions and to minimize delays arising from traffic congestion. This worker answers radio calls from
arriving and departing aircraft and issues such landing and takeoff instructions and information as runway to use,
wind velocity and direction, visibility, taxiing instructions, and pertinent data on other aircraft operating in vicinity.
This specialist transfers control of departing flights to and accepts control of arriving flights from air traffic control
center, using telephone or interphone, alerts airport emergency crew and other designated personnel by radio or
telephone when airplanes are having flight difficulties.
The worker pushes buttons or pulls switches to control airport floodlights and boundary, runway, and hazard lights,
and scans control panel to ascertain that lights are functioning, operates radio and monitors radarscope to control
aircraft operating in vicinity of airport. The specialist also receives cross-country flight plans and transmits them to
air traffic control center, signals aircraft flying under visual flight rules, using electric signal light or flags, may
control cross-runway traffic by radio directions to guards or maintenance vehicles, and may keep written record of
messages received from aircraft.
30020 ARCHEOLOGICAL TECHNICIAN (Occupational Base)
This class provides technical support to professional Archeologist, utilizing a basic understanding of anthropological
and archeological field techniques in connection with locating, testing and evaluating cultural resource sites,
conducts pre-field office research, field surveys, and site testing, using a variety of reference materials. These
worker interview with source individuals, aerial photographs and technical instruments, search areas of proposed
projects for evidence of historic and re-historic archeological remains, and determine exact locations of sites and
marks them on maps and aerial photographs.
Under the direct supervision of archaeological crew chiefs and under the general supervision of field
director/project, the Archeological Technician I performs unskilled and semi- skilled tasks at archaeological field
sites. This person assists crew chief in activities associated with the excavation of project areas and found features,
walks over project searching for archaeological materials such as historic and prehistoric remains, excavates,
screens, back-fills excavated areas, assists in preparation of sketch maps and forms, and field photography, conducts
simple surveys using compass, topographical map and aerial photographs. This worker determines the exact
locations of sites and marks them on maps and/or aerial photographs, records information on archeological site
survey form and prepares simple reports, and cleans, packages, and labels artifacts recovered from inventories and
excavations and assists in the flotation of soil samples.
Under the general supervision of field director/project, this archaeologist, performs skilled tasks, conducts hand
excavations, completes plan and profile maps of excavated units, and completes standard feature and level forms,
screens soils to recover artifacts. This technician performs flotation of soil samples, walk over, and shovel testing,
catalogs, packages and labels archaeological artifacts, maintains field equipment and supplies, and conducts
inventories of cultural resources in areas of proposed projects. This incumbent researches reference material such as
state and national register files, historic documents.
Under the general supervision of field director/project, this archaeologist, performs skilled tasks, conducts hand
excavations, completes plan and profile maps of excavated units, and completes standard feature and level forms,
screens soils to recover artifacts. This technician performs flotation of soil samples, walk over, and shovel testing,
catalogs, packages and labels archaeological artifacts, maintains field equipment and supplies, and conducts
inventories of cultural resources in areas of proposed projects. This incumbent researches reference material such as
state and national register files, historic documents, archeological reports, maps and aerial photos, and interviews
source individuals concerning project areas, performs on-the-ground area searches for surface and subsurface
evidence of historic and prehistoric archeological remains.
This technician identifies and records historic and prehistoric cultural resource sites prepares Archeological
Reconnaissance Reports (AARF's) and maps, and ensures that archeology work assignments are carried out in safe,
timely manner according to established standards and procedures. This technician maintains the Archeological
Reconnaissance schedule by estimating and reporting and expected time of completion of each project and updating
the project planning board, reviews work in progress to see that standards for pre-field research, survey design, site
recording, graphics and final report are being met, and advises other employees on methods of cultural resource
inventory. This worker also provides written instructions, research materials and supplies to all involved in planning
and operation of natural resource activities.
Under the direct supervision of archaeological crew chiefs and under the general supervision of field
director/project, the Archeological Technician I performs unskilled and semi- skilled tasks at archaeological field
sites. This person assists crew chief in activities associated with the excavation of project areas and found features,
walks over project searching for archaeological materials such as historic and prehistoric remains, excavates,
screens, back-fills excavated areas, assists in preparation of sketch maps and forms, and field photography, conducts
simple surveys using compass, topographical map and aerial photographs. This worker determines the exact
locations of sites and marks them on maps and/or aerial photographs, records information on archeological site
survey form and prepares simple reports, and cleans, packages, and labels artifacts recovered from inventories and
excavations and assists in the flotation of soil samples.
This incumbent provides technical assistance to professional Cartographers in connection with the construction or
revision of maps and charts. Work involves the solution of technical problems that require primarily the application
of a practical knowledge of the methods and techniques by which maps and charts are constructed. The
Cartographic Technician performs any, or a combination of duties such as: collecting, evaluating and selecting
source materials, compiling information from source materials and developing a plan for using the information in
accordance with product specifications. Duties could involve obtaining reliable measurements of earth's surface
features such as elevations and distances from photographs by using photogram metric techniques and equipment,
using drafting tools and automated equipment to make maps and charts, assembling aerial photographs into mosaics,
and reviewing and editing map and chart manuscripts.
30050 CRYOGENIC TECHNICIAN (Occupational Base)
The Cryogenic Technician ensures the proper operation of gas liquefying apparatus and the proper handling of
cryogenic liquids.
Position is responsible for receiving/transferring bulk shipments of liquefied gases and operating/maintaining
equipment used in the production, storage, and transference of such gases. Incumbent builds/maintains gas transfer
systems and cascades gases up to a pressure of 3,000 pounds per square inch gauge. Additional duties include
recording disbursements on instruments and loss rates of storage and transfer operations.
Position is responsible for assembling, maintaining, operating, and repairing gas liquefying equipment requiring a
high level of skill and ensures equipment produces at optimal efficiency. Incumbent prepares and analyzes
performance records, controls supplies of high pressure gases/cryogenic liquids, and maintains/orders part inventory
as needed, Additional responsibilities include supervising employees of lower rank and designing, constructing, and
installing specialized cryogenic equipment.
30060 DRAFTER/CAD OPERATOR (Occupational Base)
Position is responsible for receiving/transferring bulk shipments of liquefied gases and operating/maintaining
equipment used in the production, storage, and transference of such gases. Incumbent builds/maintains gas transfer
systems and cascades gases up to a pressure of 3,000 pounds per square inch gauge. Additional duties include
recording disbursements on instruments and loss rates of storage and transfer operations.
This operator prepares drawings or computer models of simple, easily visualized structures, systems, parts or
equipment from sketches or marked-up prints, selects appropriate templates/computer programs or uses a compass
and other equipment needed to complete assignments. Drawings and models fit familiar patterns and present few
technical problems. Supervisor provides detailed instructions on new assignments, gives guidance when questions
arise, and reviews completed work for accuracy. Typical assignments include:
a. Revisions to the original drawings of a plumbing system by increasing pipe diameters.
b. Drawing from sketches, the building floor plans, determining size, spacing and arrangement of freehand lettering
according to scale.
c. Drawing simple land profiles from predetermined structural dimensions and reduced survey notes.
d. Tracing river basin maps and enters symbols to denote stream sampling locations, municipal and industrial waste
discharges, and water supplies.
e. Preparing a computer model of a room, building, structure from data, prints, photos.
This operator prepares various drawings computer models of such units as construction projects or parts and
assemblies, including various views, sectional profiles, irregular or reverse curves, hidden lines, and small or
intricate details. Work requires use of most of the conventional drafting and CAD techniques and a working
knowledge of the terms and procedures of the occupation. The Draft/CAD Operator II makes arithmetic
computations using standard formulas. Familiar or recurring work is assigned in general terms. Unfamiliar
assignments include information on methods, procedures, sources of information, and precedents to follow. Simple
revisions to existing drawings or computer models may be assigned with a verbal explanation of the desired results.
More complex revisions are produced from sketches, computer models or specifications that clearly depict the
desired product.
Typical assignments include:
a. Preparing several views of a simple gear system from a layout and manual references and obtaining dimensions
and tolerances from manuals and by measuring the layout.
b. Preparing and revising detail and design drawings for such projects as the construction and installation of
electrical or electronic equipment, plant wiring, and the manufacture and assembly of printed circuit boards.
Drawings typically include details of mountings, frames, guards, or other accessories; conduit layouts; or wiring
diagrams indicating transformer sizes, conduit locations and mountings.
c. Drawing base and elevation views, sections, and details of new bridges or other structures, revising complete sets
of roadway drawings for highway construction projects, or preparing block maps, indicating water and sewage line
This operator prepares complete sets of complex drawings or computer models that include multiple views, detail
drawings, and assembly drawings. Drawings or models include complex design features that require considerable
drafting skill to visualize and portray. Assignments regularly require the use of mathematical formulas to draw land
contours or to compute weights, center of gravity, load capacities, dimensions, quantities of material, etc. The
Draft/CAD Operator works from sketches, computer models, and verbal information supplied by an engineer,
architect, or designer to determine the most appropriate views, detail drawings, and supplementary information
needed to complete assignments. This operator selects required information from computer programs, and internet
sites, precedents, manufacturers' catalogs, and technical guides. This operator independently resolves most of the
problems encountered. Supervisor or design originator may suggest methods of approach or provide advice on
unusually difficult problems. Typical assignments include:
a. Prepares complete sets of drawings of test equipment to be manufactured from layouts, models, or sketches.
Several cross-sectional and subassembly drawings are required. From information supplied by the design originator
and from technical handbooks and manuals, this operator describes dimensions, tolerances, fits, fabrication
techniques, and standard parts to use in manufacturing the equipment.
b. From electronic schematics, information as to maximum size, and manuals giving dimensions of standard parts,
determines the arrangement and prepares drawing of printed circuit boards.
c. From precedents, drafting standards, and established practices, prepares final construction drawings for
floodgates, navigation locks, dams, bridges, culverts, levees, channel excavations, dikes and berms, prepares boring
profiles, typical cross-sections, and land profiles; and delineates related topographical details as required.
d. Prepares final drawings for street paving and widening or for water and sewer lines having complex trunk lines;
reduces field notes and calculates true grades. From engineering designs, lays out plan, profile and detail appur-
tenances required; and notifies supervisor of conflicting details in design.
Excludes drafter performing work of similar difficulty to that described at this level but who provides support for a
variety of organizations that have widely differing functions or requirements.
This operator works closely with design originators, preparing drawings or computer models of unusual, complex,
or original designs that require a high degree of precision, performs unusually difficult assignments requiring
considerable initiative, resourcefulness, and drafting expertise. This incumbent assures that anticipated problems in
manufacture, assembly, installation, and operation are resolved by the drawing produced, exercises independent
judgment in selecting and interpreting data based on knowledge of the design intent. Although working primarily as
a drafter, this worker may occasionally interpret general designs prepared by others to complete minor details, may
provide advice and guidance to lower level drafters or serve as coordinator and planner for large and complex
drafting projects.
30080 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (Occupational Base)
To be covered by these definitions, employees must meet all of the following criteria: Be able to provide semi-
professional technical support for engineers working in such areas as research, design, development, testing, or
manufacturing process improvement. Work pertains to electrical, electronic, or mechanical components or
equipment. These technicians are required to have some practical knowledge of science or engineering. Some
positions may require a practical knowledge of mathematics or computer science. Included are workers who prepare
design drawings and assist with the design, evaluation, and/or modification of machinery and equipment.
Excluded are:
a. Production and maintenance workers, including workers engaged in calibrating, repairing, or maintaining
electronic equipment (see Maintenance Electronics Technicians);
b. Model Makers and other craft workers;
c. Quality Control Technicians and Testers;
d. Chemical and other non-engineering laboratory technicians;
e. Civil Engineering Technicians and Drafters;
f. Positions (below Level I) which are limited to simple tasks such as: measuring items or regular shapes with a
caliper and computing cross- sectional areas; identifying, weighing, and marking easy-to-identify items; or
recording simple instrument readings at specified intervals; and engineers required to apply a professional
knowledge of engineering theory and principles.
This technician performs simple routine tasks under close supervision or from detailed procedures. Work is checked
in progress or on completion. This person performs one or a combination of such typical duties as:
a. Assembling or installing equipment or parts requiring simple wiring, soldering, or connecting.
b. Performing simple or routine tasks or tests such as tensile or hardness tests; operating and adjusting simple test
equipment; records test data.
c. Gathering and maintaining specified records of engineering data such as tests, drawings, etc.; performing
computations by substituting numbers in specified formulas; plotting data and draws simple curves and graphs.
The Engineering Technician II performs standardized or prescribed assignments involving a sequence of related
operations, follows standard work methods on recurring assignments but receives explicit instructions on unfamiliar
assignments. Technical adequacy of routine work is reviewed on completion; non-routine work may be reviewed in
progress. This technician performs at this level, one or a combination of such typical duties as:
a. Following specific instructions, assembles or constructs simple or standard equipment or parts, servicing or
repairing simple instruments or equipment;
b. Conducting a variety of tests using established methods, preparing test specimens, adjusting and operating
equipment, recording test data, and pointing out deviations resulting from equipment malfunction or observational
c. Extracting engineering data from various prescribed but non-standardized sources, processing the data following
well-defined methods including elementary algebra and geometry, and presenting the data in prescribed form.
The Engineering Technician III performs assignments that are not completely standardized or prescribed, selects or
adapts standard procedures or equipment, using fully applicable precedents, receives initial instructions, equipment
requirements, and advice from supervisor or engineer as needed, performs recurring work independently. Work is
reviewed for technical adequacy or conformity with instructions. This technician performs at this level one or a
combination of such typical duties as:
a. Constructing components, subunits, or simple models or adapts standard equipment; may troubleshoot and
correct malfunctions;
b. Following specific layout and scientific diagrams to construct and package simple devices and subunits of
c. Conducting various tests or experiments which may require minor modifications in test setups or procedures as
well as subjective judgments in measurement, selecting, preparing, and operating standard test equipment and
records test data;
d. Extracting and compiling a variety of engineering data from field notes, manuals, lab reports, etc., processing
data, identifying errors or inconsistencies, selecting methods of data presentation.
e. Assisting in design modification by compiling data related to design, specifications, and materials that are
pertinent to specific items of equipment or component parts; developing information concerning previous
operational failures and modifications, and using judgment and initiative to recognize inconsistencies or gaps in data
and seek sources to clarify information.
The Engineering Technician III performs assignments that are not completely standardized or prescribed, selects or
adapts standard procedures or equipment, using fully applicable precedents, receives initial instructions, equipment
requirements, and advice from supervisor or engineer as needed, performs recurring work independently. Work is
reviewed for technical adequacy or conformity with instructions. This technician performs at this level one or a
combination of such typical duties as:
a. Constructing components, subunits, or simple models or adapts standard equipment; may troubleshoot and
correct malfunctions;
b. Following specific layout and scientific diagrams to construct and package simple devices and subunits of
c. Conducting various tests or experiments which may require minor modifications in test setups or procedures as
well as subjective judgments in measurement, selecting, preparing, and operating standard test equipment and
records test data;
d. Extracting and compiling a variety of engineering data from field notes, manuals, lab reports, etc., processing
data, identifying errors or inconsistencies, selecting methods of data presentation.
e. Assisting in design modification by compiling data related to design, specifications, and materials that are
pertinent to specific items of equipment or component parts; developing information concerning previous
operational failures and modifications, and using judgment and initiative to recognize inconsistencies or gaps in data
and seek sources to clarify information.
This technician performs non-routine and complex assignments involving responsibility for planning and conducting
a complete project of relatively limited scope or a portion of a larger and more diverse project, selects and adapts
plans, techniques, designs, or layouts, contacts personnel in related activities to resolve problems and coordinate the
work, reviews, analyzes, and integrates the technical work of others. Supervisor or professional engineer outlines
objectives, requirements, and design approaches. Completed work is reviewed for technical adequacy and
satisfaction of requirements. This incumbent may train and be assisted by lower level technicians, and performs one
or a combination of the following:
a. Designs, develops, and constructs major units, devices, or equipment; conducts tests or experiments; analyzes
results and redesigns or modifies equipment to improve performance; and reports results.
b. From general guidelines and specifications (e.g., size or weight requirements), develops designs for equipment
without critical performance requirements that are difficult to satisfy such as engine parts, research instruments, or
special purpose circuitry. Analyzes technical data to determine applicability to design problems; selects from
several possible design layouts; calculates design data; and prepares layouts, detailed specifications, parts lists,
estimates, procedures, etc. May check and analyze drawings or equipment to determine adequacy of drawings and
c. Plans or assists in planning tests to evaluate equipment performance. Determines test requirements, equipment
modification, and test procedures; conducts tests using all types of instruments; analyzes and evaluates test results,
and prepares reports on findings and recommendations.
This technician independently plans and accomplishes complete projects or studies of broad scope and complexity,
or serves as an expert in a narrow aspect of a particular field of engineering, e.g., environmental factors affecting
electronic engineering. Complexity of assignments typically requires considerable creativity and judgment to devise
approaches to accomplish work, resolve design and operational problems, and make decisions in situations where
standard engineering methods, procedures, and techniques may not be applicable. Supervisor or professional
engineer provides advice on unusual or controversial problems or policy matters. Completed work is reviewed for
compliance with overall project objectives. This worker may supervise or train and be assisted by lower level
technicians, and performs, one or a combination of the following:
a. Prepares designs and specifications for various complex equipment or systems (e.g., a heating system in an office
building, or new electronic components such as solid state devices for instrumentation equipment).
b. Plans approach to solve design problems; conceives and recommends new design techniques; resolves design
problems with contract personnel, and assures compatibility of design with other parts of the system.
c. Designs and coordinates test set-ups and experiments to prove or disprove the feasibility of preliminary design;
uses untried and untested measurement techniques; and improves the performance of the equipment. May advise
equipment users on redesign to solve unique operational deficiencies.
d. Plans approach and conducts various experiments to develop equipment or systems characterized by (a) difficult
performance requirements because of conflicting attributes such as versatility, size, and ease of operation; or (b)
unusual combination of techniques or components. Arranges for fabrication of pilot models and determines test
procedures and design of special test equipment.
The Environmental Technician conducts tests and field investigations to obtain data for use by environmental,
engineering and scientific personnel in determining sources and methods of controlling pollutants in air, water, and
soil, utilizing knowledge of agriculture, chemistry, meteorology, and engineering principles and applied
technologies. This worker conducts chemical and physical laboratory and field tests according to prescribed
standards to determine characteristics or composition of solid, liquid, or gaseous materials and substances, using pH
meter, chemicals, autoclaves, centrifuge spectrophotometer, microscope, analytical instrumentation, and chemical
laboratory equipment.
This worker collects samples of gases from smokestacks, and collects other air samples and meteorological data to
assist in evaluation of atmospheric pollutants; collects water samples from streams and lakes, or raw, semi-processed
or processed water, industrial waste water, or water from other sources to assess pollution problem, and collects soil,
silt, or mud to determine chemical composition and nature of pollutants. This worker prepares sample for testing,
records data, and prepares summaries and charts for review, sets monitoring equipment to provide flow of
information, installs, operates, and performs routine maintenance on gas and fluid flow systems, chemical reaction
systems, mechanical equipment, and other test instrumentation.
This worker may operate fixed or mobile monitoring or data collection station, may conduct bacteriological or other
tests related to research in environmental or pollution control activity, may collect and analyze engine exhaust
emissions to determine type and amount of pollutants, and may specialize in one phase or type of environmental
pollution or protection and be identified according to specialty.
Incumbent reviews incoming evidence submissions to determine the nature and extent of exams requested. With
limited guidance from more senior staff, incumbent uses specific scientific disciplines to conduct analyses. Position
receives inventories, maintains chain-of-custody, and prepares detailed paperwork pertaining to evidence and
submitted items. Specialist supports liaison and coordination related to evidence examination with participating
entities within a multi-agency laboratory and field environment. Specialist handles routine inquiries from outside
agencies to assist in determining which items of evidence present probative value for examination purposes.
Information is acquired from the evidence accounting system to provide status reports when necessary.
The Foreign Language Translator translates to English from a variety of language sources, including but not limited
to print and audio. Complete knowledge of language must provide translator with a wide range of standard and non-
standard terminology and an understanding of dialects and jargon. This worker must be able to comprehend slang
and colloquial expressions in translating both technical and non-technical materials; must idiomatically translate
repetitive material in specialized areas, including documents, reports, and general correspondence, in full or
summary form, and provide supplemental research when necessary. Some interpreting will be required.
This worker must ensure that the final translation communicates the accurate meaning of the original transcribed
document and conform as closely as possible to the format of the source document. Translation must use accepted
standard English grammar in attaining clarity and a faithful rendition of the original source's meaning. Translation
requires treatment of conventional problems and situations using established translating practices and principles.
This translator must possess the ability to make independent determinations concerning accuracy and thoroughness
of the translation, and will often report to supervisory translator yet must be able to function independently.
The Interpreter (Sign Language) interprets for deaf and hearing impaired persons, is skilled in interpreting rapid-fire
conversations, provides translation between spoken and manual (sign language) communication, translates spoken
material into sign language for understanding of deaf, and interprets sign language of deaf into oral or written
language for hearing individuals or others not conversant in sign language. The Interpreter may translate television
news and other broadcast for deaf viewers.
(Laboratory Tester)
The Laboratory Technician (Laboratory Tester) performs laboratory tests according to prescribed standards to
determine chemical and physical characteristics or composition of solid, liquid, or gaseous materials and substances
for purposes such as quality control, process control, product development, or determining conformity to
specifications. This incumbent sets up and adjusts laboratory apparatus, and operates grinders, agitators,
centrifuges, ovens, condensers, and vibrating screens to prepare material for testing according to established
laboratory procedure. This worker performs physical tests on samples of cement or raw materials and controls
quality of materials and mix during manufacturing process.
Work involves running tests of the following: raw materials, such as aggregate, limestone, and sand, for such
qualities as permeability, load-bearing capacity, or cohesiveness; dry and liquid substances used as ingredients in
adhesives, propellants, lubricants, refractories, synthetic rubber, paint, paper, and other compounds for purity,
viscosity, density, absorption or burning rate, melting point, or flash point, using viscometer, torsion balance scale,
and pH meter; solutions used in processes, such as anodizing, waterproofing, cleaning, bleaching, and pickling, for
chemical strength, specific gravity, or other specifications; materials for presence and content of elements or
substances, such as hydrocarbons, manganese, natural grease or impurities, tungsten, sulfur, cyanide, ash or dust,
and samples of manufactured products, such as cellophane or glassware, to verify conformity with heat resistance,
tensile strength, ductility, and other specifications, and examines materials, using microscope.
The Laboratory Technician (Laboratory Tester) records test results on standard forms, writes test reports describing
procedures used, and prepares graphs and charts, cleans and sterilizes laboratory apparatus, may prepare chemical
solutions according to standard formulae, and may add chemicals or raw materials to process solutions or product
batches to correct deviations from specifications.
Incumbent assists Latent Fingerprint Examiners in recovering latent fingerprints from explosive devices and other
such material. Technician performs a variety of moderately complex analytical and technical processing procedures
to examine physical evidence for the presence of friction ridge skin impressions.
Performs routine procedures using chemical processes, stains, powders and forensic equipment, including but not
limited to: iodine, ninhydrin, silver nitrate, RAM and other fluorescent dyes, liqui-drox, amido black, gentian
violent, DAB (diaminobenzidine), LCV (leucocrystal violet), magnetic powder, lasers, alternate light sources,
optical filters, magnifiers, fuming chambers, humidity chambers, vacuum metal deposition chambers, and bio-
hazard drying chambers.
Performs various advanced analytical and technical processing procedures to examine physical evidence for the
presence of friction ridge skin impressions.
The Mathematical Technician applies standardized mathematical formulas, principles, and methodology to
technological problems in engineering and physical sciences in relation to specific industrial and research objectives,
processes, equipment, and products. They confer with professional, scientific, and engineering personnel to plan
project, analyzes raw data recorded on magnetic tape, punched cards, photographic film or other media, and select
most practical and accurate combination and sequence of computational methods using algebra, trigonometry,
geometry, vector analysis and calculus to reduce raw data to meaningful and manageable terms.
This technician selects most economical and reliable combination of manual, mechanical, or electronic data
processing methods and equipment consistent with data reduction requirements, modifies standard formulas to
conform to data processing method selected, translates data into numerical values, equations, flow charts, graphs or
other media, analyzes processed data to detect errors. This worker may operate card punching or sorting machines,
calculators, or data processing equipment.
30360 PARALEGAL/LEGAL ASSISTANT (Occupational Base)
The Paralegal/Legal Assistant performs a variety of legal assistance duties in an office providing legal assistance to
attorneys or litigation teams. The Paralegal Assistant analyzes the legal impact of legislative developments and
administrative and judicial decisions, opinions, determinations, and rulings, conducts research for the preparation of
legal opinions on matters of interest; performs substantive legal analysis of requests for information under the
provisions of various acts; or other similar legal support functions which require discretion and independent
judgment in the application of specialized knowledge of laws, precedent decisions, regulations, agency policies, and
judicial or administrative proceedings. Such knowledge is less than that represented by graduation from a
recognized law school and may have been gained from formalized, professionally instructed agency, educational
institution training, or from professionally supervised on-the-job training. While the paramount knowledge
requirements of this occupational class are legal, some positions may also require a practical knowledge of subject
matter areas related to the agency's substantive programs.
The Paralegal/Legal Assistant I works under close supervision with required assistance readily available. Persons in
this position typically perform the following:
a. Consult prescribed sources of information for facts relating to matters of interest to the program;
b. Review documents to extract selected data and information relating to specific items;
c. Review and summarize information in prescribed format on case precedent and decisions;
d. Search and extract legal references in libraries and computer-data banks;
e. Attend hearings or court appearances to become informed on administrative and/or court procedures and the status
of cases, and where necessary, assist in the presentation of charts and other visual information.
At this level, the Paralegal/Legal Assistant II exercises more independent judgment than at the level I position. In
this capacity the incumbent:
a. Reviews case materials to become familiar with questions under consideration;
b. Searches for and summarizes relevant articles in trade magazines, law reviews, published studies, financial
reports, and similar materials for use of attorneys in the preparation of opinions, briefs, and other legal documents;
c. Prepares digests of selected decisions or opinions which incorporate legal references and analyses of precedents
involved in areas of well-defined and settled points of law;
d. Interviews potential witnesses and prepares summary interview reports for the attorney's review;
e. Participates in pre-trial witness conferences, notes possible deficiencies in case materials (e.g., missing
documents, conflicting statements) and additional issues or other questionable matters, and requests further
investigation by other agency personnel to correct possible deficiencies or personally conducts limited investigations
at the pre-trial stage;
f. Prepares and organizes trial exhibits, as required, such as statistical charts and photographic exhibits;
g. Verifies citations and legal references on prepared legal documents;
h. Prepares summaries of testimony and depositions;
i. Drafts and edits non-legal memoranda, research reports and correspondence relating to cases.
At this level, the Paralegal/Legal Assistant III participates in the substantive development of cases. In this capacity,
the incumbent performs the following:
a. Analyzes and evaluates case files against litigation worthiness standards;
b. Notes and corrects case file deficiencies (e.g., missing documents, inconsistent material, leads not investigated)
before sending the case on to the concerned trial attorney;
c. Reviews and analyzes available precedents relevant to cases under consideration for use in presenting case
summaries to trial attorneys;
d. Gathers, sorts, classifies, and interprets data to discover patterns of possible discriminatory activity;
e. Interviews relevant personnel and potential witnesses to gather information;
f. Reviews and analyzes relevant statistics;
g. Performs statistical evaluations such as standard deviations, analyses of variance, means, modes, and ranges as
supporting data for case litigation;
h. Consults with statistical experts on reliability evaluations;
i. May testify in court concerning relevant data.
At this level, the Paralegal/Legal Assistant IV assists in the evaluation, development, and litigation of cases. In this
capacity, the incumbent performs the following duties:
a. Examines and evaluates information in case files, for case litigation worthiness and appropriate titles of law;
b. Determines the need for additional information, independent surveys, evidence, and witnesses, and plans a
comprehensive approach to obtain this information;
c. Through on-site visits, interviews, and review of records on operations, looks for and evaluates the relevance and
worth of evidence;
d. Selects, summarizes, and compiles comparative data to examine and evaluate respondent's deficiencies in order to
provide evidence of illegal practices or patterns;
e. Reviews economic trends and forecasts at the national and regional level to evaluate the impact of successful
prosecution and potential remedial provisions of ongoing investigations and litigation;
f. Identifies types of record keeping systems and types of records maintained which would be relevant. Gathers,
sorts, and interprets data from various record systems including computer information systems;
g. Interviews potential witnesses for information and prepares witnesses for court appearances;
h. Develops statistics and tabulations, such as standard deviations, regression analyses, and weighting, to provide
leads and supportive data for case litigation. Prepares charts, graphs, and tables to illustrate results;
i. Analyzes data, develops recommendations and justifications for the attorney(s) who will take the matter to court.
Continues to work with the attorney(s) during the progress of the case, obtaining and developing further evidence
and exhibits, providing administrative assistance, and maintaining custody of exhibits, documents, and files;
j. May appear in court as a witness to testify concerning exhibits prepared supporting plaintiff's case
The Petroleum Supply Specialist is proficient in receiving, storing, dispensing, issuing, shipping, and accounting for
bulk or packaged petroleum, oils, and lubricant products. Completion of Military Occupational Specialty 92F
course conducted under the auspices of the US Army Quartermaster Center and School or other Service/civilian
equivalent training is required. Incumbent must be HAZ 11 certified and Accord Dangerous Routier (ADR)
The Photo-Optics Technician sets up and operates photo-optical instrumentation to record and photograph data for
scientific and engineering projects, operates and calibrates photo-optical equipment according to formalized
procedures, maintenance manuals, and schematic diagrams, operates test equipment and performs analysis of data
for engineering and scientific personnel. The Photo-Optic Technician may install and calibrate optical and
photographic data collection equipment in missiles, aircraft, weaponry, weather or communication satellites,
underwater devices, or other installations, may evaluate adequacy of data obtained to determine need for future
changes in instrumentation, and may modify existing equipment and participate in planning and testing modified
equipment and instrumentation procedures.
This position provides radiological support coverage for maintenance, operational, and routine work that involves
radioactive materials. Technician monitors work area for radiation and contamination as required by procedures and
regulations. Specialty instruments are used to monitor and control environmental radiation as well as radiological
monitoring, protection, and mitigation of personnel. Incumbent conducts surveys for free release of materials,
contamination, and radioactivity to categorize waste for shipment. The Radiation Control Technician provides work
coverage, writes work permits, enforces principles and control requirements, and responds to radiological
emergencies as required. Incumbent validates safe conduct of radiological work in confines of facility and surveys
materials and vehicles as needed. This position serves as a mentor/advisor to facility personnel conducting
radiological work. Position is responsible for performing ongoing Radiation Control surveillance/assessments and
providing evaluations to foremen and supervisors related to the adequacy of the Worker Radiological Training and
the work organization implementation of program maintenance of proficiency.
The Tax Preparer conducts tax interviews for the purpose of preparing complete, accurate tax returns, provides tax
information, correctly determines the fee for each return prepared in accordance with the schedule of charges, and
properly utilizes the telephone to maximize the number of new and returning clients. corrects all errors on returns,
completes required administrative forms, deposits all monies received on the day of collection in the bank according
to company's instructions, checks returns, and assembles returns for delivery to client.
The Tax Preparer (Senior) is responsible for client relations. In this capacity, the tax preparer ensures that company
policy is being executed, ensures that the office is opened and closed correctly, that all tax office personnel are
working their scheduled hours as required, there is a proper inventory of supplies available, and that all tax office
personnel are following the office procedures and client service programs correctly. The worker ensures that
completed returns are checked according to policy, tax returns errors are being promptly and properly handled, and
cleanliness and proper office appearance is being maintained. The Tax Preparer Sr. ensures that there is proper
implementation of the training programs, that all personnel are properly attired, that tax preparers receive tax
information, that tax reference materials are available and used by tax preparers if necessary, that completed returns
are being assembled and given to clients, provides on-the-job training when needed, and prepares tax returns.
30460 TECHNICAL WRITER (Occupational Base)
Under general supervision, the Technical Writer writes and edits technical reports, brochures, and/or manuals for
internal documentation, customer reference, or publication. This person researches and analyzes available literature
and verifies copy with appropriate departments, and may coordinate production and distribution of materials.
The Technical Writer I revises or writes standardized material for reports, manuals, briefs, proposals, instruction
books, catalogs, and related technical and administrative publications concerned with work methods and procedures,
and installation, operation, and maintenance of machinery and other equipment. This worker receives technical
direction from supervisor or senior writer, notes or manuals containing operating procedures and details
manufacturer's catalogs, drawings and other data relative to operation, maintenance, and service of equipment. This
writer may have access to blueprints, sketches, drawings, parts lists, specifications, mockups, and product samples to
integrate and delineate technology, operating procedure, and production sequence and detail.
This worker organizes material and completes writing assignment according to set standards regarding order, clarity,
conciseness, style, and terminology, may maintain records and files of work and revisions, select photographs,
drawings, sketches,
diagrams, and charts to illustrate material, assist in laying out material for publication arrange for typing, duplication
and distribution of material; may assist in writing speeches, articles, and public or employee relations releases, and
may specialize in writing material regarding work methods and procedures.
In this capacity, the Technical Writer revises or writes material that is mostly standardized for reports, manuals,
briefs, proposals, instruction books, catalogs, and related technical and administrative publications concerned with
work methods and procedures, and installation, operation, and maintenance of machinery and other equipment. The
incumbent receives assignment and technical information from a supervisor or senior writer, may be provided notes
or manuals containing operating procedures and details, and may observe production, developmental or
experimental activities to expand or verify the provided operating procedures and details.
This worker accesses manufacturers' catalogs, drawings and other data relative to operation, maintenance, and
service of equipment, may have access to blueprints, sketches, drawings, parts lists, specifications, mockups, and
product samples to integrate and delineate technology, operating procedure, and production sequence and detail.
This writer organizes material and completes writing assignment according to set standards regarding order, clarity,
conciseness, style, and terminology, may maintain records and files of work and revisions, may select photographs,
drawings, sketches, diagrams, and charts to illustrate material, assist in laying out material for publication, and
arrange for typing, duplication and distribution of material. This writer may draft speeches, articles, and public or
employee relations releases, or specialize in writing material regarding work methods and procedures.
The Technical Writer III develops, writes, and edits material for reports, manuals, briefs, proposals, instruction
books, catalogs, and related technical and administrative publications concerned with work methods and procedures,
and installation, operation, and maintenance of machinery and other equipment, receives assignment from
supervisor, observes production, developmental, and experimental activities to determine operating procedure and
detail. This writer interviews production and engineering personnel and reads journals, reports, and other material to
become familiar with product technologies and production methods, and reviews manufacturer's and trade catalogs,
drawings and other data relative to operation, maintenance, and service of equipment.
The Technical Writer III studies blueprints, sketches, drawings, parts lists, specifications, mockups, and product
samples to integrate and delineate technology, operating procedure, and production sequence and detail, organizes
material and completes writing assignment according to set standards regarding order, clarity, conciseness, style,
and terminology; and reviews published materials and recommends revisions or changes in scope, format, content,
and methods of reproduction and binding. This worker may perform the following tasks: maintain records and files
of work and revisions, select photographs, drawings, sketches, diagrams, and charts to illustrate material; assist in
laying out material for publication, arrange for typing, duplication and distribution of material, write speeches,
articles, and public or employee relations releases, edit, standardize, or make changes to material prepared by other
writers or plant personnel. This incumbent may specialize in writing material regarding work methods and
The Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician will provide technical support and set standards for UXO personnel
conducting ordnance response projects, perform reconnaissance, classification, disposing, transporting, storage of
UXO complying with Federal, state and local laws, will perform risk-hazard analysis and maintenance and operator
checks on all team equipment, and will plan and supervise range clearance operations.
The Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician I will perform the following tasks: assist in performing
reconnaissance and classification of UXO identification of U.S. and foreign guided missiles, bombs and bomb fuses,
projectiles and projectile fuses, grenades and grenade fuses, rockets and rocket fuses, land mines and associated
components, pyrotechnic items, military explosives and demolition materials. Work also requires that the
incumbent perform location of subsurface UXO using military and/or civilian magnetometers, assists in performing
excavation procedures on buried UXO, perform operator maintenance of military and/or civilian magnetometers.
This technician will locate surface UXO using visual means, and assist in the following: transporting and storing
UXO and demolition materials, preparing non-electric firing system for an UXO disposal operation, and preparing
electric firing system for an UXO disposal operation disposing of ammunition/ explosives by burning. This worker
is responsible for disposing of ammunition/explosives by detonation, assisting in the operation of a personnel
decontamination station, ware appropriate personal protective equipment in contaminated areas, and assist in the
inspection of salvage UXO-related material and erection of UXO-related protective works.
The Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician II will perform: reconnaissance and classification of UXO,
identification of U.S. and foreign guided missiles, bombs and bomb fuses, projectiles and projectile fuses, grenades
and grenades fuses, rockets and rocket fuses, land mines and associated components, pyrotechnics, military
explosives and demolition materials. This technician will locate subsurface UXO using military and/or civilian
magnetometers, perform excavation procedures on buried UXO by manual and mechanical means, and perform
operator maintenance of military and/or civilian magnetometers. This technician will also locate surface UXO using
visual means, operate motor vehicle transporting UXO, prepare an on-site safe holding area for UXO, perform
storage of UXO and demolition materials and prepare an UXO disposal site; prepare non-electric firing system for
an UXO disposal operation, electric firing system for an UXO disposal operation, and a detonating cord firing
The technician will dispose of UXO/explosives by burning and/or detonation, operate a personnel decontamination
station, and wear appropriate personal protective equipment in contaminated areas. This worker will inspect salvage
UXO-related material, erect UXO-related protective works, determine a magnetic azimuth using a lensatic compass,
perform field expedient identification procedures to ID explosive-contaminated soil, perform emergency leak seal
and packaging of chemical warfare material, and use radiographic (x-ray) equipment.
In this capacity, the technician will perform the following: reconnaissance and classification of UXO; identification
of U.S. and foreign guided missiles, bombs and bomb fuses, projectiles and projectile fuses, grenades and grenade
fuses, rockets and rocket fuses, land mines and associated components, pyrotechnic items, military explosives and
demolition materials. The incumbent will supervise the location of subsurface UXO using military and/or civilian
magnetometers, the excavation and recovery of subsurface UXO, construction of UXO-related protective works and
the location of surface UXO by visual means. Work involves transporting and storing UXO assuring compliance
with Federal, state, and local laws; disposal of UXO by burning/detonation, preparation of an UXO disposal site,
and preparation of an on-site safe holding area for UXO.
This incumbent will determine UXO-related storage compatibility, prepare an explosive storage plan, supervise
donning and doffing of personal protective equipment; operation of a personnel decontamination station;
maintenance and operator checks on all team equipment, prepare UXO related administrative reports according to
standard operating procedures, and conduct daily team safety briefing. This worker supervises the segregation of
UXO-related scrap from non-UXO related scrap, safe handling procedures, team preventive medicine and field
sanitation procedures, perform risk hazard analyses, interpret x-ray of UXO, supervise field expedient identification
procedures to ID explosive contaminated soil, the determining of a magnetic azimuth using a lensatic compass, and
emergency leak sealing and packaging of chemical warfare material.
See published DOO-5 description.
The Unexploded (UXO) Sweep Personnel assist UXO personnel in the clearance of UXO, operating only under the
direct working supervision of qualified UXO specialist and/or UXO supervisory personnel. They conduct visual
and/or instrumented UXO search activities in the field and operate ordnance detection instruments and similar
equipment, remove UXO fuse remnants, fragments and related debris only after such items have been positively
identified, inspected and verified as safe to handle by a qualified UXO specialist. Sweep personnel are not involved
in the execution of explosive operations. This position requires site and job specific contractor training, but does not
require UXO qualifications.
30500 WEATHER FORECASTER (Occupational Base)
This position provides forecast operation services that consist of managing and developing weather observation
guidelines for existing and threatening weather conditions, performing meteorological analysis and interpretations,
evaluating centrally prepared forecasts of atmospheric/space weather conditions, and tailoring communications of
weather conditions to weather centers in the form of weather warnings, weather watches, and/or advisories.
Duties entail evaluating centrally prepared forecasts and developing mission execution forecasts tailored to local
mission requirements. Provides input to Air Force weather centers for the development and issuance of forecasts,
weather warnings, weather watches, and weather advisories. Input requires analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of
existing conditions. Additional duties include developing and issuing mission execution forecast flight weather
briefings and observing flight through completion.
Incumbent is responsible for developing guidelines for surface weather observing and forecasting operations.
Position requires knowledge of technical methods, procedures, and extensive familiarity with methods of weather
observation and meteorological analysis techniques. The ability to communicate effectively to a broad spectrum of
users and customer base is required. Observational duties include subjective evaluation of weather elements and
objective determination of meteorological elements using precision measuring equipment. Other duties include
evaluating and tailoring centrality based forecasts to local mission requirements and providing input to regional
weather centers for the development of weather advisories and forecasts.
(Meteorological Technician)
This position takes, records and disseminates rawinsonde and surface observations, and completes forms in
accordance with Federal Meteorological Handbooks and instructions provided by the National Weather Service as
follows: prepares balloon, radiosonde and ground equipment for flight, performing pre-release checks and monthly
optical comparative flights to ensure proper calibration of equipment, and makes surface observations periodically
and as required, special and local observations. This worker documents rawinsonde observation of atmospheric
pressure, temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, and speeds aloft, using automatic methods, obtains data of
cloud height, wind transmissive atmospheric pressure, and precipitation from autographic records.
The incumbent performs rawinsonde observations, utilizing semi-automatic methods when automatic radio
theodolite equipment fails, and observes, evaluates and codes flight data, performs prescribed quality control checks,
and notifies personnel of problem areas, and disseminates observations by National Weather Service/Federal
Aviation Administration approved systems. Federal Aviation Administration Contract Weather Observers do not
perform upper air soundings. For wage study purposes, workers concerned only with upper air observation
programs may be classified as follows:
(Meteorological Technician, Senior)
This position is responsible for all administrative matters including record keeping, documentation, equipment
accountability, and training. This worker manages the technical, administrative and personnel functions of the
facility, takes, records and disseminates rawinsonde and surface observations, and completes forms in accordance
with Federal Meteorological Handbooks and instructions provided by the National Weather Service as follows:
prepares balloon, radiosonde and ground equipment for flight, performing pre-release checks and monthly optical
comparative flights to ensure proper calibration of equipment, and makes surface observations periodically, as well
as special and local observations.
This incumbent documents rawinsonde observation of atmospheric pressure, temperature, relative humidity and
wind direction and speeds aloft, using automatic methods, obtains data of cloud height, wind transmissive
atmospheric pressure, and precipitation from autographic records. Performs rawinsonde observations, utilizing semi-
automatic methods when automatic radiotheodolite equipment fails, and observes, evaluates and codes flight data.
This person is responsible for an active quality control system with a procedure for notifying personnel of problem
areas. Each observer is responsible for checking his/her observations before dissemination. This incumbent
disseminates observations by National Weather Service/Federal Aviation Administration approved systems. Federal
Aviation Administration Contract Weather Observers do not perform upper air soundings.
This category includes occupations concerned with the operation and operational maintenance of self-propelled
transportation and other mobile equipment used to move materials or passengers, including airplanes, motor
vehicles, and trains.
The Airplane Pilot pilots airplane to transport passengers, mail, and freight, or for other purposes such as crop
dustings, spraying fields with seeds, fertilizers, or pesticides, photographing areas of the earth's surface for mapping
and other photogram metric purposes, dropping cargo, fire retardant, and smoke jumpers. The pilot reviews load
weight, fuel supply, weather conditions, flight route, and schedule, orders changes in fuel supply, load, route, or
schedule to insure safety of flight, checks gauges to verify that oil, hydraulic fluid, fuel quantities, and cabin
pressure are at prescribed levels prior to starting engines, starts engines and taxies airplane to runway.
This pilot sets brake and accelerates engines to verify operational readiness of components, such as superchargers,
carburetor-heaters, and controls, contacts control tower by radio to obtain takeoff clearance and instructions, and
releases brakes and moves throttles and hand and foot controls to take off and control airplane in flight. This
incumbent pilot's airplane to destination adhering to flight plan and regulations and procedures of Federal
Government, company and airport, logs information, such as time in flight, altitude flown, and fuel consumed. This
incumbent must hold Commercial Pilot's Certificate issued by Federal Aviation Administration, may instruct
students or pilots in operation of aircraft, pilot airplane over pipelines, train tracks, and communications systems to
detect and radio location and nature of damage, and may pilot single, twin, and multi-engine planes.
31020 BUS AIDE
The Bus Aide assist drivers and passengers to maintain safe and orderly travel, may monitor students to maintain
order on school buses, assist passengers in boarding the bus, and assist in the transportation of medical patients and
disabled persons.
The Bus Driver drives bus to transport passengers over specified routes to local or distant points according to time
schedule, assists passengers with baggage and collects tickets or cash fares, regulates heating, lighting, and
ventilating systems for passenger comfort, complies with local traffic regulations, and reports delays or accidents.
The Bus Driver records cash receipts and ticket fares, may make repairs and change tires, may inspect bus and check
gas, oil, and water before departure, load or unload baggage or express checked by passengers in baggage
compartment; transports pupils between pickup points and school, and may drive diesel or electric powered transit
bus to transport passengers over established city route.
The Driver/Courier drives automobile or light truck to deliver messages, documents, packages and mail to various
business concerns or governmental agencies, may occasionally transport office personnel and visitors, perform
miscellaneous errands, such as carrying mail to and from the post office and sorting or opening incoming and
outgoing mail. The Driver Courier may obtain receipts for articles delivered and keep a log of items received and
delivered, and deliver items to offices and departments within an establishment.
The Flight Engineer applies knowledge and skills concerned with all primary aircraft systems critical to the
performance of the aircraft, inspects the aircraft prior to takeoff for defects such as fuel or oil leaks and malfunctions
in electrical, avionics, onboard computers, hydraulic or pressurization systems according to preflight checklist, and
inspects aircraft interior, and exterior to include engines, fuselage and control surfaces for mechanical and structural
soundness and proper operation to determine aircraft airworthiness. As applicable, this worker loads flight data into
computers, entering present position and aligning all inertial platforms on an aircraft without a navigator position,
verifies passenger and cargo distribution and amount of fuel to ensure that weight and balance specifications are
met, reviews aircraft maintenance documentation and ensures maintenance status complies with command operating
restrictions and flight manual. This worker coordinates with aircraft maintenance personnel to ensure availability of
aircraft, determines takeoff, in-flight and landing data based on terrain, runways, and weather conditions and aircraft
This engineer will assist pilot with engine starting and ground operations, and advises on engine performance and
computes critical speeds and time/distance checks including the ability to extract course data and calculate estimated
time of arrival. The engineer monitors departure procedures, routing and altitude clearances, and is responsible for
assisting the pilot in the operation of primary aircraft systems (propulsion, airframe, and electrical, hydraulic,
environmental, aerial delivery and air defense systems).
During all aircraft operations, the engineer monitors engine and aircraft system performance, analyzes instrument
readings and identifies abnormal indications or system malfunctions, adjusts aircraft engine controls in-flight to
ensure proper aircraft performance, and observes warning indicators and lights for fire, overheat, depressurization,
radar and other systems as required by the flight manual. This incumbent operates built-in-test and troubleshooting
systems, records fuel consumption, range, and in-flight performance data, and maintains records and forms covering
fuel consumption and engine performance, flights, repairs, maintenance, inspections and service.
This engineer accomplishes simultaneous, multiple aerial refueling operations including the knowledge and skill to
operate the aerial refueling boom and hose drogue assembly/controls to safely affect refueling contact between the
tanker and multiple receiver aircraft. During rendezvous, the engineer directs receiver aircraft into contact position
and advises receiver pilots of actions require maintaining a safe position. During contact, the engineer monitors
instruments and observes multiple receiver aircraft for sudden or abnormal changes in position and tail boom/wing
drogue refueling connections via use of closed circuit TV. In the event of aerial refueling boom system or computer
failures, the engineer directs receiver aircraft pilots and uses all available means to prevent aircraft collision. This
person has ability to compute holding, orbit, minimum air refueling, and overrun speeds and analyzes data to
determine abort procedures and emergency landing sites.
This incumbent is able to make in-flight repairs such as replacing fuses, adjusting instruments, freeing jammed
control cables and takes emergency measures to compensate for failure of equipment such as auto-pilot, wing
heaters and electrical and hydraulic systems, and record malfunctions which were not corrected during flight and
reports needed repairs to ground maintenance personnel.
The Helicopter Pilot is able to fly light single or twin-engine airplanes or helicopters primarily under visual flight
rules with responsibility for such operations as ferrying the aircraft or carrying freight from one point to another.
The incumbent is also able to fly light single or twin-engine airplanes or helicopters under visual flight rules with
responsibility for various kinds of photographic survey work. Assignments at this level involve planning the route
of flight, securing the necessary clearance, and navigating by reference to aeronautical charts, compass, and terrain
features under visual flight conditions. The assignments entail a minimum degree of hazard in that they typically
involve operating to and from airfields that are fully adequate for the aircraft, point-to-point flying utilizing normal
flight procedures, and operating primarily in the daytime under favorable weather conditions. There are few, if any,
demands on the pilot to perform tasks other than those connected with flying the aircraft.
Work involves the following: operating daily activity in a parking lot, and checking vehicles in and out of lot. This
worker may be required to move and/or park vehicles. The Parking Lot Attendant controls authorized entry and use
of lot, refers parking related problems arising within the facility to appropriate authorities for administrative action,
ticketing or other law enforcement activity deemed warranted.
(Van Driver)
The Shuttle Bus Driver (Van Driver) drives minibus or van to transport clients, trainees, or company personnel;
drives vehicle from individual or central loading area to social services or rehabilitation center, training location, job
site, or other destination according to assigned schedule. This driver may assist disabled passengers into and out of
vehicle, secure passengers' wheelchairs to restraining devices to stabilize wheelchairs during trip; may operate radio
or similar device to communicate with base station or other vehicles to report disruption of service, clean and/or
service vehicle with fuel, lubricants, and accessories, keep records of trips and/or behavior of passengers, and
perform other duties when not driving such as, custodial and building maintenance tasks.
The Taxi Driver drives motor vehicle, with or without a taximeter, to transport passengers for a fee, picks up
passengers while cruising streets or in response to radio or telephone relayed request for service, collects fee
recorded on taximeter or based on mileage or time factor, records transaction on log, and reports by radio or
telephone to central location on completion of trip.
31360 TRUCKDRIVER (Occupational Base)
The Truck driver drives a truck to transport materials, merchandise, equipment, or workers between various types of
establishments such as: manufacturing plants, freight depots, warehouses, wholesale and retail establishments, or
between retail establishments and customers' houses or places of business. This driver may also load or unload
truck with or without helpers, make minor mechanical repairs, and keep truck in good working order. Sales route
and over-the-road drivers are excluded. An over-the-road driver regularly drives a truck over such a distance that
the worker does not return to the departure point in the same workday, or is a worker who is paid on a mileage or
mileage plus load factor basis, and may be compensated for or provided meals or lodging or both. For wage study
purposes, Truck Drivers are classified by type and the rated capacity of truck. Rated capacity is the gross vehicle
weight minus the empty weight of the vehicle:
Straight truck, less than 1 1/2 tons, usually 4 wheels.
Straight truck, 1 1/2 to 4 tons inclusive, usually 6 wheels.
Straight truck, over 4 tons, usually 10 wheels.
A trailer has a set or several sets of wheels at the rear only, with the forward portion being supported by the truck
tractor or towing vehicle.124
This category includes occupations concerned with the operation and maintenance of small vessels (tug boats, crew
boat, integrated tug-barges, liquefied natural gas tankers, passenger ships and vessels operating solely on the Great
Lakes or other inland waters) and ocean-going cargo vessels of 5,000 or more power tons, and tankers of 12,000 or
more power tons. Included are oceanographic research, oil exploration, and cable lying, and repair vessels.
Workers may be assigned into one of three departments: deck, engine, or steward. The deck department is
responsible for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the ship and care of its cargo, excluding machinery and
mechanical controls. The engine department is responsible for the operation of the ship's engines and all machinery
and mechanical control systems. The steward department prepares and serves all meals, cleans and maintains the
living quarters of officers and guests, and provides linens and sanitary supplies.
In this capacity, the Boatswains (Bosun) supervises unlicensed deck personnel engaged in cleaning, chipping,
scraping, wire brushing, and painting decks, sides, and superstructure; polishing metalwork, and operating and
maintaining deck gear, safety equipment, rigging, and other equipment. The Boatswains inspects and tests
equipment to ensure safe and proper operation, inspects work areas and crew quarters for cleanliness, directs
securing of cargo, deck gear, and lines preparatory to leaving port and supervises handling of mooring lines and
gangway when ship is docked or undocked. In addition, when assigned to watch duties, the incumbent stands at
wheel or lookout, watches for obstructions in path of ship, steers ship, and directs security procedures.
(Chief Cook; Chief Steward/Steward-Cook/Steward-Baker)
"The Chief Cook/Steward supervises and coordinates activities of personnel in steward department, and performs
one or both of the following functions:
a. Directs and participates in the preparation and serving of meals; determines timing and sequence of operations
required to meet serving times; inspects galley and equipment for cleanliness and proper storage and preparation of
food, may plan or assist in planning meals and taking inventory of stores and equipment.
b. Directs, instructs, and assigns personnel performing such functions as preparing and serving meals; cleaning and
maintaining officers' quarters and steward department areas; and receiving, issuing, and inventorying stores, plans
menus, compiles supply, overtime, and cost control records, may requisition or purchase stores and equipment, may
bake bread, rolls, cakes, pies, and pastries.
This cook prepares or assists in preparing and serving meals, performs a variety of galley duties, such as cutting,
preparing, and cooking meats, fish, and poultry; culling, washing, and cooking vegetables, preparing and serving
desserts and other foods, setting out night lunches, cleaning galley and equipment; storing leftovers; and disposing
of garbage and trash, and may bake bread, rolls, cakes, pie, and pastries.
"Under designated supervision, The Deck Hand performs a variety of deck duties aboard ship and boats to include
handling lines and cables tying knot, operating deck winches, and scraping, painting and cleaning designated to the
ship/boat. The incumbent performs the following in this capacity:
a. Handles lines and cables when anchoring or getting under way, ties various types of knots, splices lines to secure
cargo, boat and deck equipment.
b. Assists in hoisting and lowering boats, making up cargo nets and fenders, and in performing other marlinespike
c. Operates deck winches to hoist or lower cargo and boats, works with ground tackle, block and tackle gear, and
rigging equipment.
d. Scrapes, paints, and clean ships/boats, hull superstructure and compartment space.
e. May give instructions to passengers on the use of lifesaving equipment and instructions on what is required in
case of emergency.
f. May receive and transmit radio message from boat to shore.
g. Performs other related duties as assigned.
47040 DIVER
"The Diver works below surface of water, using SCUBA gear (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) or
diving suit with airline extending to surface to inspect, repair, remove, and install equipment and structures. The
Diver descends into water with aid of Diver Helper, and communicates with surface by signal line or telephone.
This worker inspects docks, bottoms, and propellers of ships. The Diver repairs vessels below waterline, replacing
missing or leaking rivets with bolts, caulks leaks in ships or caissons, guides placement of pilings for structures,
such as docks, bridges, cofferdams, and oil drilling platforms, and lays, inspects, and repairs underwater pipelines,
cables, and sewers, using hand tools. The Diver cuts and welds steel, using oxyacetylene cutting torch and arc-
welding equipment, utilizing air balloon device for working underwater, cleans debris from intake and discharge
The Diver removes obstructions from marine railway or launching ways with pneumatic and power hand tools,
levels rails by driving wedges beneath track with maul or sledgehammer, removes launching cradles and sliding
ways from keels of newly launched vessels, using power and hand tools, and places rigging around sunken objects
and hooks rigging to crane lines. The Diver rigs explosives for underwater demolitions, searches for lost, missing,
or sunken objects, such as bodies, torpedoes, sunken vessels, and equipment, places recording instruments below
surface of water preparatory to underwater tests or experiments, may set sheet pilings for cofferdams, drill holes in
rock for blasting purposes at bottom of lake or harbor, work in flooded mines; use armored diving equipment for
dangerous missions, photograph underwater structures or marine life, and may place sandbags around pipelines or
base of cofferdam to provide structural support. "
The Diver Tender helps the Diver into diving suit, inspects diving equipment, and maintains communications with
submerged Diver by lifeline or telephone, helps Diver into suit equipped with hard-shell headpiece (helmet),
breathing hose, belt and breast weights, and leaded feet. The Diver Tender examines equipment to insure no
obstructions in air hose and communication line exist and that air pressure is in accordance with Diver's
specifications, hands equipment to Diver and helps Diver into water. This incumbent attends lifeline and telephone
to receive signals from Diver, such as tugs on lifeline and instructions on telephone, to pull in or let out lifeline and
air hose, maintains check on time Diver is submerged, weather conditions, and air compressor to ensure safety of
Diver, and may be assigned only to letting out and taking in air hose.
(Chief Electrician; Electrician/Second Electrician)
The Electrician repairs, tests, and maintains electrical equipment, machinery, and systems such as generators,
alternators, motors, and intercommunication systems, makes inspection rounds of electrical equipment and
maintains records and schedules of tasks and inspections.
The Engine Utility man performs routine maintenance and repair work in the engine department, assists in
maintenance and repair of main propulsion and auxiliary machinery and piping, assists in fueling ship, hooking up
oil lines and taking soundings, may perform routine maintenance of deck and galley equipment. The Engine Utility
man performs routine maintenance and repair work in the engine department, assists in maintenance and repair of
main propulsion and auxiliary machinery and piping, assists in fueling ship, hooking up oil lines and taking
soundings, may perform routine maintenance of deck and galley equipment.
The Fireman-Water Tender tends boilers to maintain steam at specified pressure and regulates amount of water in
boiler. Duties include connecting fuel-oil lines to burners; igniting fuel with torch, adjusting burners to maintain
steam pressure at specified level, observing gauges, regulating flow of fuel oil and water, and cleaning equipment
and work area. The Fireman-Water Tender may maintain and repair fire room and engine room and monitor
operation of evaporators and condensers used to convert salt water to fresh water.
The General Vessel Assistant performs a variety of duties concerned with the operation, maintenance, repair, and
cleaning of equipment and facilities in the deck, engine, and steward department areas. Duties include scaling,
buffing, and painting deck and superstructure; cleaning, washing, or polishing decks, passageways, brightwork,
machinery, and equipment; and securing cargo.
The Oiler/Diesel Oiler lubricates moving parts such as gears, shafts, and bearings of engines and auxiliary
equipment, makes scheduled rounds to observe temperature, pressure, oil level, and condition of equipment, and
records data in engineering log. Duties include tending pumps, maintaining evaporators, monitoring operation of
automatically controlled boilers, assisting in transferring oil and water, and possible assisting in maintenance and
repairs in engine room, machine shop, shaft alley, and related spaces.
The Plumber-Machinist performs a combination of plumbing and machine shop tasks including: installing and
repairing fresh and salt water pipes, steam pipes, and air conditioning piping, maintaining and repairing valves,
faucets, water closets, sinks, and steam heating fixtures. This machinist fabricates spare and replacement parts on
lathe and other machine shop equipment, and overhauls machinery according to manufacturer's specifications.
This position operates, tests, repairs, and maintains liquid cargo handling, ballast, and tank equipment including
pumps, cargo pipelines, room heating systems, and engine department areas.
This incumbent maintains and repairs ship's refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, and ventilation systems, makes
periodic inspections of equipment and systems including connected auxiliaries such as refrigerators, drinking
fountains, and ice-making machines. Duties include replacing pumps and compressors, cleaning condensers and
ducts, replacing worn or defective parts, and keeping complete records on operation, maintenance, and repair of
47401 SEAMAN
(Able Seaman, Watch ; Able Seaman, Maintenance;Able Seaman, Day/Deck Utility; Ordinary
"The Seaman performs a variety of duties concerned with the operation and upkeep of deck department areas and
equipment, scales, buffs, and paints decks and superstructure, sweeps and washes deck, splices wire and rope,
breaks out, rigs, overhauls, and stows cargo-handling gear, stationary rigging, and running gear. This incumbent
secures cargo, launches and recovers boats, may rig and operate hydrographic and other specialty winches; handle
and stow oceanographic explosives, and stage and stow beach support equipment. In addition, when assigned to
watch duty, this incumbent performs a variety of duties, including looking for obstructions in path of vessel, steering
vessel, serving on security patrol, and standing gangway watch.
NOTE: Entry-level employees are normally titled ""ordinary seamen"". More experienced workers (usually titled
""able seamen"") may also be designated ""green"" or ""blue"" depending on length of service. (Green indicates
greater length of service). "
This position performs a variety of the following duties: sets out night lunches, defrosts and cleans refrigerators,
cleans mess room, gear, and equipment, sweeps and scrubs mess room deck, sets and clears tables, draws and stores
linen and utensils. This incumbent disposes of trash and garbage and scrubs garbage cans, cleans brightwork and
woodwork, and removes grease and finger marks from paintwork, assists in taking inventory, and may clean ladders
and passageways. This worker cleans and maintains steward department areas, makes up bunks and cleans rooms,
toilets, and showers of officers and others, as assigned. The worker cleans laundry room, refrigerated spaces,
passageways, ladder wells, storerooms, linen lockers, ship's office, and radio room; sorts, counts, stocks, and issues
linens; and assists in the serving of meals in the mess room or pantry.
The Tug Boat Operator/Engineer operates small tug or motor launch to above drill barges into position on boring
locations. A candidate for this position must be expert and licensed to handle tug in all weather conditions, and have
proper knowledge to locking, mooring anchoring and positioning procedures necessary for accurate placement f
barge and drill rig on desired setup locations. The Tug Boat Operator/Engineer must be familiar with all Marine,
Federal Coast Guard and state and local rules and regulations, and be able to handle routine engine maintenance and
minor operating repairs.
The Unlicensed Junior Engineer performs a variety of tasks connected with the maintenance and repair of engine
room, fire room, machine shop, ice-machine room, and steering-engine room equipment. Duties include, inspecting
equipment such as pumps, turbines, distilling plants, and condensers, and preparing record of condition. The
incumbent lubricates and maintains machinery and equipment such as generators, steering systems, lifeboats, and
sewage disposal systems, and cleans and restores tools and equipment.
47801 WIPER
The Wiper cleans machinery, decks, bulkheads, and other areas of engine room using cleaning solutions, rags, water
hose, mops, vacuum cleaners, brushes, and scraping tools, disposes of refuse, and may assist in connecting and
disconnecting fuel-oil and water lines and pumping up galley fuel tank.
See published DOO-5 description.
The Falconer establishes and maintains a territory around airfield/runways that discourages all other avian species,
waterfowl, geese, gulls, other birds of prey, passerines, etc., from entering the territory using appropriate captive-
bred falcons consisting of a least one non-migratory species (i.e. Lanner or Saker). The Falconer meets with the
Flight Safety Team weekly to discuss current Bird Air Strike.
The markers stand in a marking trailer. They anesthetize the fish and pick each on up individually and hold it to a
machine which inserts a coded wire tag in the fish's snout. The markers then take a pair of scissors and clip off an
appropriate fin. These fish can range in sizes from 20 to 600 pounds each.
91400 FISHERY OBSERVER (Occupational Base)
The Fishery Observer is responsible to observe and document fishery catch composition and disposition, including
takes of protected species (marine mammals, sea birds, sea turtles) and fishery discards. Duties may also include the
following: biological sampling, monitoring of compliance with fishery regulations, environmental monitoring,
collection of information on vessel and gear performance and characteristics, and collection of information on costs
associated with fishing operations.
The Fishery Observer I performs routine tasks associated with recurring and continuing work according to
prescribed or established procedural standards and technical methods assigned, assures that tasks are completed,
data developed, methods used in securing and verifying data are technically accurate and in compliance with
instructions and established procedures. This worker makes estimates of amounts and species composition of fish
caught, retained and discarded, using at a minimum, simple, single stage sampling techniques and dichotomous
keys, and collects biological samples from the catch of various fisheries according to detailed procedures.
According to established standards and detailed procedures, this observer records data on appropriate forms and
logs, some of which may be electronic, maintains field equipment and supplies, collects scientific, management,
compliance information, and make observations of fishing operations. This worker measures selected portions of
catch including incidentally caught marine mammals, sea birds and sea turtles. This incumbent may tag species of
interest including sharks, tunas, sablefish, spiny lobsters, swordfish and sea turtles, and uses calculator and or PC for
calculations and recording data. The Fishery Observer I obtains, enters and transfers data electronically, obtains
and records information on electronic equipment, socio-economics and gear characteristics of fishing gear types
while working either on board vessels, on alternative platform, or at a shore-based facility. This observer may use
interpersonal communication skills to contact fishermen and schedule observer sampling trips, observe and
document compliance with fishery regulations, write affidavits, camp at remote sites and may operate All Terrain
Vehicles (ATV’s) and skiffs.
"The Fishery Observer II independently executes duties, while learning when and how to resolve exceptions and
special problems or to make adaptations in the procedures, makes estimates of amounts and species composition of
fish caught, retained and discarded, utilizing knowledge of various statistically valid sampling methods and
dichotomous keys; and collects biological samples from the catch of various fisheries according to detailed program
and gear scientific procedures. According to established standards and detailed procedures, this observer records
data on appropriate forms and logs, some of which may be electronic, and supplies in-season reports. Maintains
field equipment and supplies.
This incumbent collects scientific, management, compliance information, observations of fishing operations, and
measures selected portions of catch including incidentally caught marine mammals, sea birds and sea turtles. This
observer participates in tagging species of interest including sharks, tunas, sablefish, spiny lobsters, swordfish and
sea turtles, and uses calculator and/or PC for calculations and recordings data. The worker may enter and transfer
data electronically, obtains and records information on electronic equipment, socio-economics and gear
characteristics of fishing gear types while working either on board vessels, on an alternative platform, or at shore-
based facility; uses knowledge of interpersonal and communication skills while contacting fishermen to schedule
observer sampling trips; and may coordinate observer activities with appropriate Sate agencies. This person may
observe and document compliance with fishery regulations, write affidavits, camp at remote sites, operate All
Terrain Vehicle (ATV’s) and skiffs, and may participate in aerial surveys and vessel surveys to provide abundance
data or describe fisheries to be used in observer data analysis and program. "
"The Fishery Observer III acts as field coordinator and primary debriefed of lower graded Fishery Observers,
oversees and tracks debriefing lower graded Fishery Observers, final data review, data editing and entry,
demonstrate extensive familiarity of methods, procedures and management to ensure proper day-to-day operations.
This worker shifts from one type of responsible technical assignment to other types, which are different in terms of
equipment used. This person acts as primary field contact to address sampling, data, and deployment issues, makes
recommendations so as to increase the efficiency of recruiting, training, and safety components of the program,
supplies in-season reports, and Independently executes duties, while learning when and how to resolve exceptions
in the procedures.
The Fishery Observer III does the following: collects biological samples from the catch of various fisheries
according to detailed program and gear specific procedures, makes estimates of amount and species composition of
fish caught, retained and discarded, utilizing knowledge of various statistically valid sampling and sub-sampling
methods and dichotomous keys. According to established standards and detailed procedures, this incumbent records
data on appropriate forms and logs, some of which may be electronic and provide recommendations for updates,
oversees the maintenance of field equipment and supplies, uses and completes a pre-boarding vessel safety
checklist; collect scientific, management, compliance information, observations of fishing operation, and measure
selected portions of catch including incidentally caught marine mammals, sea birds and sea turtles, participates in
tagging species of interest including sharks, tunas, sablefish, spiny lobster, swordfish and sea turtles, uses a
calculator and/or PC for calculations and recording data.
This incumbent obtains and records information on electronic equipment, socio-economics and gear characteristics
of fishing gear types while working either on board vessels, on an alternative platform, or at a shore-based facility,
uses knowledge of interpersonal and communication skills while contacting fishermen to schedule observer
sampling trips and coordinate observer activities with appropriate State agencies; observes and documents
compliance with fishery regulations, and write affidavits as required, camps at remote sites, operates All Terrain
Vehicles (ATV’s) and skiffs as required, participates in aerial surveys and vessel surveys to provide abundance data
or describe fisheries to be used in observer data analysis and program design.
The Livestock Caretaker provides feed and water for all captured wild horses/ burros, weighing up to 1200 pounds,
at the site or temporary holding facilities according to established schedules. Judgment is used in
observing/checking animals during feeding rounds, in terms of appearance and activities, reporting any
abnormalities, signs of illness, and changes/ unusual behavior to supervisor or wranglers. This worker operates
vehicles, such as tractor-trailers, around corral areas, and works independently, according to established procedures
and previous instructions. Review of work ensures that work schedules are maintained and the basic needs of the
animals are being met. During the trapping operations and transportation, animal behavior becomes unpredictable
and dangerous.
The Outfitter/Packer uses livestock to pack and transport food, tools, and miscellaneous gear. The Outfitter/Packer
is a specialist in the use of livestock (i.e. horses, mules, llamas, goats etc.) to pack and transport food, tools and
miscellaneous gear. This worker packs materials to be transported, loads, directs, and cares for pack stock in
mountainous terrain to a remote destination.
The Wildlife Technician prepares plans to assist in the management of wildlife, birds or plants and habitat, conducts
surveys and evaluates conditions in order to determine best possible approach to manage pests through the use of
predators or other natural means such as, but not limited to, habitat manipulation, food source relocation, etc. This
person may use pyrotechnics, trained raptors or domestic animals, sound effects, radio-controlled airplanes or other
robotic devices to scare away intruding wildlife, birds, or other pests from an area. All duties are associated with the
care and maintenance of animals under his/her care and control. This incumbent must hold appropriate certifications
as may be required by State and Federal governments. This worker provides written reports as required.
91810 WRANGLER (Occupational Base)
The Wrangler hazes wild horses/burros in, around, and out of holding pens and alleyways into chutes, manhandles
and restrains animals, as appropriate, during veterinary services and for transportation, sorts animals by age and sex
into selected corral holding pens, observes colts and mares and matches by pairs. Identifies and cuts selected
animals from holding pens to be processed for adoption. The Wrangler loads animals into private government or
commercial horse trailers for transport, functions as an outsider on helicopter assisted roundups where incumbent is
mounted on horse hazing the wild animals near the trap, and ropes individual wild animals in remote trap sites and
force leads animals to trap and holding pen. During the trapping operations, behavior becomes unpredictable and
dangerous. Wranglers must handle animals in a manner that avoids injury to the animals, themselves, and other
In this capacity, the Wrangler notifies supervisor of sick or injured horses, erects, tears down, and re-erects portable
metal traps and holding pens at new trap sites, often on a daily basis, and observes captured horses and advises
supervisor of injury, infection, or disease.
In this capacity, the Wrangler acts as a lead wrangler and is notified of sick or injured horses. Based on observation,
this wrangler advises and recommends veterinary services for individual animals, handles veterinary drugs and
needles to administer limited veterinary services, assists in record keeping of wild horses/burros as they are
captured, and advises on trap site locations and methods to be used during the trapping operations.
This category includes various occupations not classified in any other category.
Incumbent is responsible for safety, welfare, and comfort of passengers in accordance with regulations and air
carrier manuals. Specialist prepares reports as required by the air carrier and is familiar with all instructions
contained in air carrier’s manuals, bulletins, and other guidelines pertinent to his or her duties while assisting with
loading cargo/passengers to aircraft and cleaning aircraft as needed. Additional duties are assigned by the Pilot in
Command of the flight.
The Cashier receives cash from customers or employees in payment for goods or services and records amounts
received, computes or re-computes bills, itemized lists, and tickets showing amount due using adding machine or
cash register, makes change, cashes checks and issues receipts or tickets to customers; records amounts received,
prepares reports of transactions, reads and records totals shown on cash register tape and verifies against cash on
hand. The Cashier may make credit card transactions and may be required to know value and features of items for
which money is received. This worker may give cash refunds or issue credit memorandums to customers for
returned merchandise, operate ticket-dispensing machine, sell candy, cigarettes, gum and gift certificates, and issue
trading stamps. This person is usually employed in restaurants, cafeterias, theaters, retail stores, and other
The Desk Clerk performs any combination of the following duties for guests of hotel, motel, or other lodging
facility: registers and assigns rooms to guests, issues and receives room keys, date-stamps, sorts, and racks incoming
mail and messages; receives and transmits messages using equipment such as telephone switchboard, console,
telegraph, and teletype, answers inquiries pertaining to establishment services, shopping, dining, entertainment, and
travel directions, keeps records of room availability and guests' accounts, computes bills, collects payments, and
makes changes for guests. The Desk Clerk makes and confirms room reservations, may post charges such as room,
food, liquor, or telephone to casebooks by hand or machine, make restaurant, transportation, or entertainment
reservations, and arrange for tours, may deposit guests’ valuables in safe or safe-deposit box, and may sell tobacco,
candy, and newspapers.
The Embalmer prepares bodies for interment in conformity with legal requirements, washes and dries body using
germicidal soap and towels or hot air drier, inserts convex celluloid or cotton between eyeball and eyelid to prevent
slipping and sinking of eyelid, presses diaphragm to evacuate air from lungs, may join lips using needle and thread
or wire. This worker packs body orifices with cotton saturated with embalming fluid to prevent escape of gases or
waste matter, makes incision in arm or thigh, using scalpel, inserts pump tubes into artery, and starts pump that
drains blood from circulatory system and replaces blood with embalming fluid. The Embalmer incises stomach and
abdominal walls and probes internal organs, such as bladder and liver, using trocar to withdraw blood and waste
matter from organs; attaches trocar to pump-tube, starts pump, and repeats probing to force embalming fluid into
organs, closes incisions using needle and suture, reshapes or reconstructs disfigured or maimed bodies using
materials such as clay, cotton, plaster of paris, and wax. This worker applies cosmetics to impart lifelike
appearance, dresses body and places body in casket. The embalmer may arrange funeral details such as type of
casket or burial dress and place of interment, maintain records such as itemized list of clothing or valuables
delivered with body and names of persons embalmed.
Position monitors building property for fires in progress and for fire hazards when fire protection systems are
inactive. Responsibilities include notifying designated personnel if any hazardous situation is observed, touring
facility to ensure safety, familiarity with building layout, and having knowledge of exit points from each location in
the property.
Position schedules, assigns, and controls all aircraft utilization. Incumbent coordinates all maintenance problems
with maintenance department and schedules staff to assure proper equipment coverage, utilization and time control
within applicable policies and regulations. Incumbent executes flight release as required with the pilot-in-command
in accordance within guidelines. Position maintains constant vigilance of restrictive meteorological conditions as
pertinent to company operations and advises all departments of recommended course of action as conditions dictate.
The Flight Follower logs and tracks status of aircraft/aircrew and reports all irregularities involving safety or
emergency measures as specified in the Flight Following Manual. Incumbent collects, disseminates, and distributes
information regarding Operational Control problems. Additional responsibilities include understanding of manuals
and regulations pertinent to areas of responsibility and ensure all regulatory procedures are in accordance.
An Inspector examines any of a variety of goods, services or operations for conformity to established quality, health,
safety, legal, business, ethical or other standards, by performing any combination of the following duties: examines
raw materials for quality and manufactured items for defects and for conformance to specifications, visually and
using sample models and instruments, such as scales, gauges, templates, calipers and micrometers; verifies that
established standards are maintained relative to such matters as food-growing, processing and marketing, product-
packaging, storage and transportation methods, building and facilities and business practices, operations and
services. The Inspector affixes seals or tags to approved items, issues or revokes licenses and permits or ascertains
that licenses and permits have been obtained and are displayed, confers with officials, interprets regulations and
codes, and assists establishments in altering methods and practices to meet established standards. Investigates
complaints and violations, prepares reports of findings and action taken or recommended, files charges and testifies
in court, recommends changes in standards, administrative procedures, facilities, methods, and practices.
Animal care investigative and support personnel are required to follow defined protective procedures. The facilities
provide a variety of husbandry options to meet the needs of the investigative staff while maximizing the facilities
animal holding capacity. The facilities are individually approved for Bio-safety Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 procedures and
many research protocols often require the use of hazardous biological, chemical, and/or physical agents, including
ionizing radiation. The experience factor of the workers has to be very technical in order to aid the researchers.
These levels of certification assure the investigators of their competence.
The Laboratory Animal Caretaker I work with an assortment of equipment including animal restraint devices,
autoclaves for sterilization, and different types of cage washing equipment. This caretaker must have a basic
understanding of biohazards in the research environment and a working knowledge for biohazard levels one and
two; and be trained on safety procedures to avoid infection or exposure. In order to understand their responsibilities,
Laboratory Animal Caretaker I should understand the moral and ethical aspects of the care and use of research
animals. This position may require a general knowledge about federal, state, and local regulations. Other titles
associated are Facility Support Technician, Animal Husbandry Caretaker, Technical Support Technician, and
Facility Support Team Leader.
"The Laboratory Animal Caretaker II requires certification as a Laboratory Animal Technician. The caretaker must
be technically skilled with appropriate backgrounds in biological sciences, such as anatomy, physiology,
microbiology, and pathology. Their responsibilities will encompass the Laboratory Animal Caretaker I in addition
to the following: technical support, maintenance and feeding colonies, collection of raw data, supervision of
Laboratory Animal Caretaker I, delegation of tasks to Laboratory Animal Caretaker I and other Laboratory Animal
Caretaker II workers. Responsibilities include participation in research projects at high technical levels, primary
experimental procedures, and observation and treatment of experimental animals and training. Not only are they
expected to work with animal restraint devices, autoclaves for sterilization and cage washing equipment, but they
must also be familiar with laboratory and surgical equipment. Laboratory Animal Caretaker II must have the full
understanding of all four biohazard levels and working knowledge of levels one through three and the safety
procedures involved.
Due to stringent federal regulations and guidelines, Laboratory Animal Caretaker II must have a strong knowledge
in the biological disciplines, and federal, state, and local regulations. This helps the facility establish and maintain
mandated standards in order to avoid any possible penalties. Certification at this level gives a basic knowledge of a
variety of species but it does not guarantee handling and restraint experience with all species, especially less
commonly used research animals such as livestock, non-human primates and exotic animals. Other titles associated
are Team Leader, Animal Health Team Leader, Animal Health Technician, and Institute Specific Research
Technician. "
This position is responsible for identifying, researching, contracting, qualifying, and selling relevant products to
potential companies and/or government agencies. Incumbent provides overview briefings, job training, database
maintenance, and job analysis/availability; specific military occupations are analyzed for future outlook.
(Funeral Director)
The Mortician arranges and directs funeral services, coordinates activities of workers to remove body to mortuary
for embalming, interviews family or other authorized person to arrange details such as preparation of obituary
notice, selection of urn or casket, determination of location and time of cremation or burial, selection of pallbearers,
procurement of official for religious rites, and transportation of mourners. The Mortician plans placement of casket
in parlor or chapel and adjusts lights, fixtures, and floral displays, directs pallbearers in placement and removal of
casket from hearse, closes casket and leads funeral cortege to church or burial site, directs preparations and shipment
of body for out of state burial, and may prepare body for interment.
The Pest Controller sprays chemical solutions or toxic gases and sets mechanical traps to kill pests that infest
buildings and surrounding areas, fumigates rooms and buildings using toxic gases, sprays chemical solutions or
dusts powders in rooms and work areas, places poisonous paste or bait and mechanical traps where pests are present;
may clean areas that harbor pests, using rakes, brooms, shovels, and mops preparatory to fumigating; and may be
required to hold State license.
(Photo Lab Technician, Dark Room Technician)
The Photofinishing Worker tends one or more machines that automatically develop, fix, wash, and dry photographic
prints, threads leaders (paper strips) around rollers, through processing tanks and dryer, around polished drum, and
onto take-up reel, turns valves to fill tanks with premixed solutions, such as developer, dyes, stop-baths, fixers,
bleaches, and washes. This worker moves thermostatic control to keep steam-heated drum at specified temperature,
slices sensitized paper to leaders using tape, starts machine; throws switches to synchronize drive speeds of
processing variations to control department, adds specified amount of chemicals to renew solutions, and maintains
production records.
"(FGE is one grade above the class that performs the work being inspected.)
This inspector implements quality control and safety plans to ensure compliance with contract specifications and
applicable regulations, inspects all phases of a variety of goods, services or operation for conformity to established
quality, health and safety, and other operational standards by performing on-going work for compliance with
contractual provisions; ensures all services listed on the performance requirement summary are performed in a
satisfactory manner, specifies areas to be inspected (scheduled and unscheduled) and how often inspections will be
accomplished, communicates deficiencies to proper persons, maintains Quality Control files, and document results
of all inspections. "
The Recycling Laborer sorts through collected trash and debris for recyclable materials and separates items into
established categories such as aluminum, ferrous metals, glass, high-grade white paper, and corrugated paper. This
worker discards contaminants and other items that cannot be recycled.
The Recycling Specialist conducts variety of tests such as magnetic checks and tests to determine solubility of glues
and similar contaminants to determine type and quality of recyclable materials, stores recyclable materials for
maximum convenience of handling preparatory to shipment and for protection from deterioration, operates forklift
to transport and stock loaded pallets in warehouse, semi-tractor trailers and railroad boxcars; prepares receipts and
reports concerning materials collected and chipped, may assist in operating large capacity industrial machinery such
as paper shredder, magnetic can separator, glass crusher, baler and compactor, may assist in performing preventive
maintenance, minor repairs and lubrication of machinery, and may disassemble scrap material using hand tools.
The Refuse Collector picks up garbage, trash, or refuse from homes, businesses and other locations and deposits it in
a truck.
The Sales Clerk sells a variety of inexpensive merchandise usually in a retail trade establishment, for which
knowledge of the items sold is not a primary requirement. This incumbent performs the following tasks: stocks
shelves, counters, or tables with merchandise, sets up advertising displays or arranges merchandise on counters or
tables to promote sales, stamps, marks, or tags price on merchandise; obtains merchandise requested by customer or
receives merchandise selected by customer; totals price and tax on merchandise selected by customer using paper
and pencil, cash register, or adding machine to determine bill. This worker receives payment and makes change,
occasionally calculates sales discount in determining sales slip, wraps or bags merchandise for customers, cleans
shelves, counter, or tables, as necessary; may keep record of sales, prepare inventory of stock, or order merchandise;
and may be designated according to product sold or type of store.
The School Crossing Guard controls traffic at the school crosswalk to insure safety during school hours, when
children/pedestrians are going to or coming from school, instructs children/pedestrians to remain on the curb until
signaled to cross and enforces instructions, directs action of traffic at street intersection to insure safe crossing of
children/pedestrians. This incumbent must be knowledgeable of the traffic hand and arm signals as prescribed, uses
the prescribed hand and arm signals (sequentially), stops all vehicles (except emergency vehicles), signals
pedestrians to cross, and signals the resumption of vehicle traffic. This worker observes the areas adjacent to the
crosswalks/intersection and reports to the police any suspicious activity (loitering, drug dealing, etc.), license
numbers of vehicles disregarding traffic signals and any other vehicle moving violations. This person must be
knowledgeable of state laws for school buses and school crosswalks, may escort children across the street, may
place caution signs at designated points before duty and remove them at end of shift, and may stop vehicles and
warn drivers and direct traffic in vicinity.
(Chief Of Party)
The Survey Party Chief (Chief of Party) leads day-to-day work activities of survey party under direction of land
surveyor performing surveying duties not requiring licensure; supervises crew engaged in gathering data about the
earth's surface using a variety of surveying instruments and in clearing land and setting stakes to identify certain
points; checks final field notes for clarity and accuracy and completes transmittal forms.
The Surveying Aide performs any of following duties to assist in surveying land: holds level or stadia rod at
designated points to assist in determining elevations and laying out stakes for map making, construction, mining,
land, and other surveys, calls out reading or writes station number and reading in notebook marks points of
measurement with elevation, station number, or other identifying mark, and measures distance between survey
points, using steel or cloth tape or surveyor's chain. This worker marks measuring point with keel (marking crayon),
paint sticks, scratches, tacks, or stakes, places stakes at designated points and drives them into ground at specified
elevation using hammer or hatchet, and cuts and clears brush and trees from line of survey, using brush hook, knife,
ax, or other cutting tools.
(Instrument Person; Surveyor Assistant, Instruments)
The Surveying Technician obtains data pertaining to angles, elevations, points, and contours used for map making,
mining, or other purposes, using alidade, level, transit, plane table, theodolite, electronic distance measuring
equipment, and other surveying instruments, compiles notes, sketches, and records of data obtained and work
performed, and directs work of subordinate members of survey team.
"The Vending Machine Attendant receives items from food and retail facilities or from immediate supervisor, and
delivers items to vending machines, removes aged food or other merchandise from machines, as required by
established procedures, replenishes machines, and makes appropriate notations on required records, gives locked
moneyboxes to supervisor or designated cashier. This worker inspects machines frequently to ensure that they are
adequately stocked, in good working order, and are in a sanitary condition, monitors brands and prices to ensure
compliance with contract terms when vending services are provided on a contract basis.
This worker accompanies concessionaires to make spot checks of collections, tests operation of machines by
inserting coins to determine if items are being dispensed properly and correct change is being returned, cleans
interiors and exteriors of machines using appropriate cleaning solutions, and cleans areas adjacent to machines
including snack tables. This worker notifies repairmen or immediate supervisor and places ""out-of-order"" sign on
malfunctioning machines, may assist in the preparation of vending items such as sandwiches, gelatin, and salads,
replenishes vending areas with napkins, condiments, paper cup lids, etc., opens crates, cartons or boxes, keep
stockroom area in clean and orderly condition, and adheres to sanitation, safety, and security procedures. "
(Coin Machine Service Repairer)
The Vending Machine Repairer installs, services, adjusts, and repairs vending, amusement, and other coin-operated
machines, assembles machines following specifications, using hand tools and power tools, fills machines with
ingredients or products and tests ice making, refrigeration, carbonation, evaporation, dispensing, electrical, and coin-
handling systems. This worker examines defective machines visually or by using test equipment such as voltage
meters, circuit testers and pressure and dial gauges to determine causes of malfunctions, adjusts and repairs
machines, replacing worn or defective electrical or mechanical parts using hand tools such as hammers, pliers,
screwdrivers, soldering irons, and wrenches. Duties may include the following: drive to designated locations to
transport, install, or service machines, keep vending records and participate in taking inventories, collect coins from
machines and make settlements with concessionaires, and replenish machines.
The Vending Machine Repairer Helper assists in the maintenance and repair of vending machines, handles or holds
tools and materials, cleans work and repair shop areas, may disassemble machines and clean equipment, and may
drive truck to haul materials and equipment to and from work areas.