Project Checklist Exhibit
Student Name(s)
Exhibit Title
Process Paper Word
Count (Max: 500)
Exhibit Word Count
(Max: 500)
My/our topic clearly relates to the annual theme.
I/we have read the Contest Rule Book.
I/we have independently researched and created this exhibit in this contest year. No research was reused from
previous projects, whether my/our own or research belonging to other students.
This is an original entry. Each participant has participated in only one entry. I/we did not share work with other
I/we have not used any improper assistance.
I/we understand that using someone else’s work without proper credit is plagiarism and will result in
My/our exhibit is an original creation, showing my/our historical research, analysis, and argument in a three-
dimensional format.
My/our exhibit meets the size requirements:
o The exhibit is no larger than 40 inches wide, 30 inches deep, and 6 feet high.
o If the exhibit is circular or rotating, it is no more than 30 inches in diameter.
My/our exhibit contains 500 or fewer student-composed words. The word count includes all text that I/we have
written, such as titles, subtitles, captions, graphs, timelines, media devices, or supplemental materials. The word
count for the exhibit appears on my title page.
My/our historical argument is expressed primarily through the exhibit itself. Any supplementary materials or
media devices are used sparingly to support my/our argument, if used at all, but are not the primary tools to
deliver the project’s message.
I understand that my/our own historical analysis is the most important element of the exhibit. Quotes from
primary and secondary sources support, but do not overwhelm or distract from, my/our historical argument.
My/our exhibit does not include takeaway items for judges or others.
Media devices or electronics (if used in the exhibit) meet the following requirements:
o The media runs for no more than a total of two minutes and does not loop continuously.
o The media does not include dramatic or narrative student involvement.
o Judges are able to control the media device with clearly visible and accessible on/off and volume
o The media device fits within the size and word limits of the exhibit.
o The media does not link externally (e.g., no QR codes).
I/we provide source credits for all quotes and visual sources used as evidence on the exhibit itself. All sources are
cited in the annotated bibliography.
My/our written materials begin with a title page containing the following:
o Title of the exhibit
o My/our name(s)
o Junior OR Senior Division
o Individual OR Group Exhibit
o Number of student-composed words in the exhibit
o Number of words in the process paper
No other information (school, state, teacher, course) is contained on this page.
Following my/our title page is a process paper. The process paper addresses the following questions in no more
than 500 words:
o How did you choose your topic and how does it relate to the annual theme?
o How did you conduct your research?
o How did you create your project?
o What is your historical argument?
o In what ways is your topic significant in history?
My/our process paper does not include quotes, images, or captions.
My/our annotated bibliography contains the following:
o A complete list of all sources used to create this project
o Annotations for each source
In addition:
o My/our annotated bibliography is separated into two sectionsone for primary sources, another for
secondary sources.
o The annotations describe how I/we used the source and how it helped to understand the topic.
o If I/we used several items from the same collection, they are combined into a single citation.
I/we did not attach primary or secondary materials to the annotated bibliography.
My/our written materials are printed (typed) on plain, white 8.5 x 11-inch paper (A4 for international affiliates),
with 1-inch margins on all sides, in 12-point font.
My/our written materials are assembled in the following order and stapled/clipped in the top left corner:
o Title page
o Process paper
o Annotated bibliography
I/we did not enclose these materials in a binder or folder.
I/we certify that this National History Day project is the result of my/our unique academic work. All assistance and sources
are properly credited.
Signed: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Signed: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Signed: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Signed: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Signed: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Copyright © 2020 National History Day, Inc.
May be duplicated without permission of National History Day; duplication for profit is prohibited.