Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Key Concepts 2
Metadata 5
Electronic Mail 8
Electronic Records Transfer 11
Personal Devices 13
Social Media 14
Trusted System 15
Digital Signature 16
Electronic Data Management System 18
Digital Imaging/Scanning 21
Appendix A: Glossary 24
Records managers, in tandem with their day-to-day responsibilities, must be aware of emerging
technologies and the impact they may have on their RIM program. As agencies begin to adopt more and
more new technologies, records managers must begin to prepare for how to properly manage these
records and information.
The California Records and Information Management Program (CalRIM), along with other Archives staff,
has created this Practical Guidebook for Managing Electronic Records to assist state agencies in
developing of appropriate strategies and management practices for electronic records. This guide is
intended to be a starting point to assist state agencies so that informed decisions are made regarding
the electronic component of an agency’s records management program. This guide should work in
conjunction with CalRIM’s Records Management Handbook to direct the user to best records
management practices.
Our ability to manage and control records has not kept pace with our ability to create records and
today’s highly technical environment means that more records will be created and stored electronically.
Records managers, in addition with their day-to-day responsibilities, must be aware of emerging
technologies and the impact they may have on their records management program. Maintaining
complex records such as data spreadsheets, geospatial files, and digital video, requires a different
approach to ensure that the files are readable throughout their retention period. As agencies adopt
more new technologies, records managers must prepare to properly manage these records and
A firm understanding of electronic records management is becoming crucial for records managers in
today’s digital environment. This guidebook will assist those seeking information on topics that are
most pertinent for records managers today including email, metadata, trusted system and more. The
goal of the guidebook is to equip users with information that will help foster informed decision making
for an agency’s records management program.
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An understanding of the following key concepts is helpful for the development of an agency’s electronic
records management program.
Definition of a Record
Electronic Records
Information Governance
Long-term Retention Approaches
Electronic Records Management Goals
Definition of a Record
The California Public Records Act (CPRA) defines a public record as, “any writing containing information
relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local
agency regardless of physical form or characteristics.”
A record includes all forms of recorded
information that currently exist or that may exist in the future. The CPRA specifies a record as any,
“handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostating, photographing, photocopying, transmitting by
electronic mail or facsimile, and every other means of recording upon any tangible thing any form of
communication or representation, including letters, words, pictures, sounds, or symbols, or
combinations thereof, and any record thereby created, regardless of the manner in which the record has
been stored.”
Essentially, an official state record includes any and all information produced for the purposes of
conducting government business regardless of the format the record might take.
Electronic Records
Various types and formats of electronic records exist but there are two main categories of electronic
records: born digital records and digitized records. Born digital records are those records created with a
computer that require a computer to be readable by people. A digitized record is one that is born
analog (paper) and has been converted into a machine readable format using a scanner or camera. For
the purposes of this handbook electronic records of both types should be handled in the same way.
Electronic records such as email and word processing documents may resemble analog records, but
more sophisticated electronic records such as geospatial records and databases exist which do not bear
resemblance to analog records.
No matter how the electronic record was created, it is important to remember that an electronic record
is one that requires a computer to read and translate the information for people to read.
California Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6252(e).
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California Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6252(f).
Information Governance
The idea of information governance can be attributed to the explosion of electronic data generated in
recent decades. In short, information governance may be interpreted as records management for
electronic records. Information governance incorporates additional records management
methodologies which cater to the unique issues records managers face when dealing with electronic
records. Some of the fundamental principles of information governance such as appraisal, use, storage
and disposition will resonate with records managers versed in analog records but proper management
of electronic records necessitates attention to issues such as metadata management, storage
optimization, electronic discovery requirements, and privacy attributes that may prove foreign to some.
Appropriate information governance is crucial to the support of an agency’s immediate and future legal
requirements regarding electronic records.
Information governance establishes a course of action for electronic records to ensure their appropriate
and effective use and to allow an agency to meet its specific goals.
Metadata plays a central role in electronic records management. Often defined as “data about data,”
metadata’s function is essential for e-discovery and determining record authenticity. Specifically,
metadata describes the content of a file and allows users to locate and evaluate data. Metadata is most
useful if a structured format is in place using a controlled vocabulary.
For a more thorough overview of metadata please see the “Metadata” section of the handbook.
Long-Term Retention Approaches
Given the variety of digital records and the fast pace of changing technology one must consider options
for ensuring access to records that an agency may want to retain for future use.
Conversion. Converting a file such as a word document into a platform neutral format greatly
increases the chances of having the file available for future use. One option may be to convert
files retained for future use into PDF/A. Given the availability of programs such as Adobe
Acrobat which easily convert files into a more desirable PDF/A format this approach is feasible.
A records manager may want to inform or educate staff about converting files that may be
needed by the agency for future use.
Migration. Migration refers to moving a record or file from one platform, storage medium, or
other physical format to another. For example, an agency may have active records that are
stored on volatile magnetic disks. Migrating those records to more stable storage such as a
storage server or optical disc is imperative to ensure availability for future use.
The needs of an agency and the electronic records that are identified as worth retaining will dictate
strategies for long term records retention. Given the complexities of electronic records it is best to
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consult with your agency’s information technology department on a solution that promotes long term
availability of active electronic records.
Electronic Records Management Goals
Electronic records management requires planning, budgeting, organizing, directing, training, and the
control of activities associated with managing records. Electronic records require continuous
management throughout their entire lifecycle because of the potential for lost or unreadable data. This
is a complex task amidst the ever growing volume and diversity of electronic information. Whatever the
methodical approach taken by your agency for your electronic records program, some key records
attributes to be aware of include the following:
Trustworthy. This refers to the information that is retained in your records. Is it reliable,
authentic, and unaltered? Will your records hold up in a court of law if necessary? A
collaborative effort with your IT department to identify and implement a strategy to ensure
authenticity and trustworthiness of your records may prove valuable if the records in question
go before a judge.
Complete. Is the information contained in your records stored in such a way that it will be
comprehensible if needed in the future? Proper metadata input will help identify the records
relationship to that of the agency’s activity and to other records. Metadata is also helpful in
discovering the record for future use. A record is not complete if it cannot be located and used
at a later time.
Accessible. If your record is not accessible it is useless. Therefore a strategy to locate and
access records is important. Whether the records need immediate access or not can be
determined by the needs of your agency and the possible public interest in the record.
Durable. Again, if your record is not readable it is useless. Safeguarding records against
possible loss is key to the records’ durability and should be considered when selecting how and
where to store them. The lifespan of storage media is not very long. The fast pace of changing
technology may make it impossible to read files off of certain storage media after less than ten
years. One should also consider the environmental conditions of where the storage media will
be held. A hot warehouse or damp storage container are not ideal holding areas for any
storage media. Electronic records to best in climate controlled conditions.
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Metadata, sometimes referred to as “data about data,” is the additional descriptive information about
digital content that makes records useful, meaningful, and findable. Beyond resource discovery,
metadata is used to describe the character or content of a digital object such as page number order,
technical aspects like image resolution, and is also used to ensure continued access to a digital object.
Maintaining and updating metadata for an agency’s electronic resources provides benefits such as easier
and more efficient discovery of relevant information. Not only does metadata facilitate resource
discovery within an agency but it can help organize and manage electronic resources when the
inevitable system backup, restoration, or migration takes place at an agency.
Metadata Categories and Functions
There are several types of metadata to keep in mind. They will all prove useful in maintaining the
content, context, and structure of your records and in keeping them useful and available for the long-
Descriptive MetadataDescribes a resource for the purpose of indexing, discovery, and
identification. Common descriptive metadata fields include creator, title, and subject.
Administrative MetadataHelps manage a resource by describing management information
such as ownership and rights management.
Structural MetadataUsed to display and navigate digital resources and describes relationships
between multiple digital files, such as page order in a digitized book.
Technical MetadataDescribes the features of the digital file, such as resolution, pixel
dimension, and creating hardware. The information is critical for migration and long-term
sustainability of the digital resource.
Preservation MetadataContains the information needed to preserve a digital object and
protect the object from harm, deterioration, or destruction. Preservation metadata may
encompass the aforementioned forms of metadata.
One of the most pressing reasons an agency will want to create descriptive metadata is to ensure the
discovery of information. If an agency receives a request by the public for information concerning the
business of the state, high quality descriptive metadata will make the search and retrieval of an
electronic resource relating to the request much more manageable. An electronic resource with high
quality metadata allows the user to identify resources, distinguish relationships with other objects, bring
similar resources together, and determine location information.
There are many compelling reasons for recording metadata but, in terms of support for government
agencies, metadata is useful for:
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Legal and statutory requirements
Advancements in technology (upgrading servers)
Providing service to citizens and other agencies (identifying , locating, and sharing information)
Optimal workflow (easily finding documents and understanding their context)
Operational, administrative and preservation needs (Decision making documentation)
Where Does Metadata Live?
To better understand metadata it is important to know where the information or metadata is stored.
Metadata can be embedded within a file. For example, when an image is scanned the associated
metadata such as file type, date scanned, file name, and image resolution lives with the file or is
embedded in the file.
A file’s metadata does not necessarily have to live within the file. An external catalog of metadata for an
agency’s files can provide an efficient avenue for managing and discovering files at a later date. Utilizing
a data spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel or Access allows a user to tailor metadata entries that best
suit the needs of the agency. Best practice dictates that two datasheets be maintained when practicing
the catalog method for recording metadata: a master copy with permissions granted to select users and
a use copy that allows access to all individuals who may need to use the data to perform work duties. A
metadata catalog is an efficient way to manage electronic resources and boasts advantages such as:
Offline searching
Collection-wide searching
Providing a record of an agency’s electronic records.
Metadata Schemas and Element Sets
Many different metadata standards, or schemas, exist for a variety of users and disciplines. One of the
most common metadata schemas, Dublin Core, is versatile and easily applied to an assortment of
objects from many different professions and disciplines
. The Dublin Core schema consists of fifteen
elements: Title, Creator, Subject, Description, Publisher, Contributor, Date, Type, Format, Identifier,
Source, Language, Relation, Coverage, and Rights. Design to be simple and concise, the Dublin Core
schema is able to accommodate the increasing presence of electronic resources.
When using a metadata schema it is also important to exercise a controlled vocabulary. A controlled
vocabulary consists of an approved set of terms for the content of the elements. For example, there is
more than one way to write a date so it is important to set forth an approved method (i.e. 02_02_2005
or February 2, 2015). The format for proper nouns should also be agreed upon (e.g. Smith, Joan or Joan
California Public Records Act, Government Code Sections 6250-6276.48 Government Code 6252 (e); California
State Records Management Act, Government Code Sections 12270-12279 Government Code 12275 (a)
The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set is a set of guidelines for cross-domain resource description. ISO
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Ultimately an agency must decide on what metadata schema will work best for them, however
employing a high quality standard will ensure consistency across an agency’s files and allow objects to
be found and compared more easily.
File Naming Conventions
A file name is the key identifier of a digital object and provides metadata for the record. Consistent and
descriptive file names will provide a more organized and easily understood collection of records. How a
file is named will have a large impact on finding the files at a later date and understanding their
contents. The following information might be considered when creating a file naming policy although
ultimately file names should reflect the purpose and need of an agency:
Project name
Date or date range of
Version number
Name of intended
Description of content
Publication date
Release date
Record series
Name of creator
When creating a file naming policy the following should also be considered:
Create unique file names.
File names should be easy to understand and not overly complex.
Do not use spaces but rather (_) or (-) to represent a space.
Avoid using special characters such as $ # @ & ^ % * ! and use only alpha-numeric characters.
Limit file names to 25 characters or less.
Use the three character file extension with a period (e.g. .tif not .tiff) at the end of the name.
Don’t rely on the system to differentiate between upper and lower case and be consistent in
what is used.
If digits are included in the file name, include the appropriate amount of leading zeros and be
generous so your project can be scalable.
It’s helpful to include metadata in the file name but this can be cumbersome if you have huge
numbers of files. That said, consider using shortened versions of 1) a standardized date, 2)
version number (only if this can/will vary), 3) creator’s name, and 4) description/type of
document/subject in the file name and in a logical order.
Document whatever naming convention is settled on. This really is the key. Include the naming
convention document any time records are transferred elsewhere.
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Email Management
Electronic mail, more commonly known as email, is routinely used by state agencies. Email is often used
as the mode of communication for brief messages that were once relayed by telephone and to
disseminate substantive information previously committed to paper sent by more traditional methods.
This combination of communication and record creation/keeping has caused ambiguity in the record
status of e-mail messages.
The California Public Records Act (CPRA) defines a public record as, “any writing containing information
relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local
agency regardless of physical form or characteristics.”
The CPRA thus applies to email messages and
requires that proper identification and care of email be performed by the agency. An agency’s records
management policy must address email messages to ensure record emails are properly identified and
Retention and Disposition of Email
Email is not considered a record series or category on its own. It is simply a format. Retention or
disposition of an email messages is done in relation to the information they contain, the purpose they
serve, and the relevant line item/records series to which it belongs. Given the frequent use of email, it
should be evaluated on a regular basis with transitory emails being deleted when no longer needed. The
content of an email message determines whether the message is a record.
The content of email messages may vary considerably and, therefore, must be evaluated on a case-by-
case basis to determine the length of time the message must be retained. Email that provides insight
into the organization and functions of an agency and contains content with historical value must be
“filed,” just as you would a paper record, in an e-folder with similar business or program items. Record
emails may be flagged for transfer to the State Archives at the end of their retention period. An agency
must have an email management policy in place to ensure record emails are not deleted alongside
transitory emails. A policy should outline a routine for ensuring record emails are properly identified
and saved.
California Public Records Act, Government Code Sections 6250-6276.48 Government Code 6252 (e).
Is it
After No
If “No
Determine Record Series/Line Item of Email and File According to Retention Schedule
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Determining Value of Email
Based on CPRA’s definition, email messages containing subject matter such as policies and directives,
final reports, and meeting minutes are identified as record emails. Transitory and personal emails that
do not provide insight into government business such as an email regarding a lunch meeting time should
be deleted after they are no longer needed.
Remember that the transactional information (metadata regarding sender, recipient, time sent,
and similar) associated with each message, and any attachments to the body of the message are
all part of an email message. This means that a printout of an email may not be satisfactory as a
Email that are classified as official records are subject to the individual department’s records retention
schedules and must be retained for the same period of time as the record retention line item/records
series that most closely matches the subject matter contained within the email. If there is no entry that
resembles or matches the subject matter of the message, the “record” should be added to the
appropriate retention schedule as a separate series of records.
Transitory e-mail consists of electronic messages that are created primarily for the communication of
informal information as opposed to the perpetuation or formalization of knowledge. Destroy transitory
email when it has served its purpose.
Email Policies
An agencys email policy should be developed to enhance management of record emails. An effective
policy includes direction on topics such as email filing methods, email subject lines, and storage and
retention of email, thereby increasing the accessibility of records. Policies should include whether the
sender or the receiver should save email records, how to determine if an email is a record, and how to
segregate record email into the appropriate series and record storage. Non-record and duplicate emails
should be deleted from mailboxes regularly. If an agency receives a request for an email record for a
litigation issue, for example, a well-planned email policy can help ensure that the record is discoverable
during its retention period or show that its deletion was properly carried out according to retention
ubject lines are helpful for both the recipient and sender in identifying and filing messages. They are
also crucial for efficient email records discovery. Subject lines should be unambiguous and as
descriptive as possible so that records are more accessible and searchable.
Poor or confusing subject lines:
“Helpful Info”
“Contract Status”
Better, descriptive subject lines:
“Contact Info”
“Quarterly Financial Report”
“January 2001 Board Minutes”
“Revised Administrative Procedures”
“New Agency Head Appointed”
“PO 12345 Delivery Status”
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Individuals should configure their email filing to ensure accessibility to email records. Email systems
should be configured so that email messages can be indexed in an organized and consistent pattern
reflecting the ways in which records are used and referenced.
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Transferring Electronic Records
to the California State Archives
Electronic records are bound by the same legal requirements as paper documents. An agency’s
retention schedule should reflect any electronic records produced by the agency, and they should
undergo the same evaluations as paper documents for retention and disposition. As part of the schedule
review by CalRIM and SRAP electronic records bearing administrative, legal, and historical value may be
“flagged” for transfer to the Archives. At the end of their retention period flagged records must be
transferred to the State Archives, in accordance with California state law:
“A record shall not be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by an agency of the state, unless it is
determined by the Secretary of State that the record has no further administrative, legal, or
fiscal value and the Secretary of State has determined that the record is inappropriate for
preservation in the State Archives.”
Electronic records come in a variety of formats and record types and may include textual data (word
processed, formatted, and unformatted or (plain) text), structured data (databases, spreadsheets),
email, computer-aided design (CAD) files, digital audio, digital moving images, digital still images,
geospatial data, presentation files, and web records. Because of this variety, electronic records require
special considerations prior to transfer.
Preparing Electronic Records for Transfer
A successful electronic records transfer requires the coordination of the agency’s records managers and
IT, and the staff at the State Archives. When transferring electronic records, the following should be
considered and discussed with the parties involved to ensure an effective records transfer:
Have records reached the end of their retention period?
Are record series appropriately identified?
Have the file formats been identified?
What is the number of records being transferred?
What is the volume of the records? (in terabytes, gigabytes)
Do any access restrictions apply to the records?
What metadata is included with the records?
Have files been vetted for encryption and, if any encrypted files exist, is there a means of
decryption transmitted with the file?
What is the method for transmission? (A secure File Transfer Protocol or portable device?)
California State Records Management Act, Government Code Sections 12270-12279 Government Code 12275(a).
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File Formats for Transfer
Some file formats are more desirable for long-term preservation than others. For example, a Microsoft
Word document is more vulnerable to obsolescence than a PDF/A file and is not ideal for ensuring long-
term access. Consulting with your IT department and staff at the State Archives can help establish the
appropriate format for files pending transfer.
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Personal Digital Devices
Given the prevalence of portable digital devices, it is no surprise that many employees are using their
own personal devices to perform state work. This practice is often referred to as Bring Your Own Device
or BYOD. BYOD raises many issues and concerns for records management practices and is not the easy,
cost effective solution that some agencies may consider it to be.
Data Management
A BYOD policy makes it difficult-to-impossible to ensure that proper information practices are being
followed by the operator of the device. If an agency finds itself in a lawsuit, an auditor will want to
know what steps the agency took to ensure that the data in question was adequately protected on an
employee’s personal device.
There is always concern about security when it comes to personal devices.
Lost or Stolen Devices One potential security issue that arises with the use of BYOD is the
potential for employees to lose their personal devices containing unsecured data. Depending on
the scope of work of the employee or the agency involved, sensitive information may land in the
wrong hands.
Malware There is always the potential for an application downloaded to a portable device to
contain malicious software that may compromise the device in use and any information
contained on it.
Disgruntled employees Unfortunately, not all employees leave an agency on good terms and,
if disgruntled employees have sensitive information on their personal devices, they may choose
to publish or disseminate information not meant for the public.
One concern an employee should have with a BYOD plan is the potential for a breach in their privacy. If
information on a personal device is needed for legal reasons, a search of the device will not only yield
the state records but also any personal records such as email that may be on the device. All the
information on the device would have to be preserved for discovery purposes and a “wipe” or complete
erasure of data would not be possible because of the legal obligations involved with state records.
An agency with a BYOD policy is potentially opening a Pandora’s Box of legal and privacy issues. If a
portable device or laptop computer is needed for an employee to complete essential job duties, best
practice would be to issue a state owned device that has the proper IT support to accommodate security
and discovery issues.
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Social Media
Social media is a broad term that incorporates various web based technologies such as blogging, video
sharing, wikis, social networks, and photo libraries. Most state agencies operate one or more social
media accounts which has added another dimension to records management.
Social Media Records
Social media provides another avenue for agencies to engage with the public and to collaborate
internally. One of the challenges presented by social media is the identification of a record. An entry on
a social media site might not always constitute a record. The following should be considered when
trying to determine if an entry on a social media site is a record:
Does the social media content contain information or evidence concerning an agency’s mission
or policies?
Is the information unique or available elsewhere?
Does the social media content contain evidence of official agency business?
Does it document a controversial issue?
Does it document a program or project that involves prominent people, places or an event?
If the answer to one or more of the above questions is yes, then the social media entry is a record.
Unless the content created in social media denotes a new record series, social media records will most
likely fit in the characterization of an existing record series such as press releases. If the social media
records indeed represent a new records series, the RRS should be updated to reflect the new series.
URLs for sites or for feeds can be included in the remarks column of the records retention schedule. The
State Archives will then have the opportunity to flag any appropriate social media for eventual transfer
to the Archives. If social media records are flagged for archival values, the State Archives request that
the state agency preserve and then transfer files at the end of the retention period. If social media
records are not flagged for transfer to the State Archives, the agency can then destroy social media
records upon the end of their retention period.
If, in fact, a social media entry is considered a record that must adhere to a retention schedule, the issue
of how to capture the record arises. Social media records may prove a little more complex than
traditional electronic records given their ability to allow enhancement with additional comments,
metadata, or other information. A plan to export records from a social media site to a recordkeeping
system is important and should be created in collaboration with an agency’s IT department. There are
web crawling tools and software to capture social media entries but these may prove cost prohibitive for
an agency. Storing the original content, such as a video, elsewhere beyond the social media site may
suffice for ensuring retention of a record. An agency could also keep a file of blogs and social media
entries, which would at least ensure that the original content would be retained.
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Trusted System
In 2012, California adopted regulations that require state agencies to employee a trusted system for
maintaining all electronic records created or stored as an official record. The State of California defines
a trusted system as, “a combination of techniques, policies, and procedures for which there is no
plausible scenario in which a document retrieved from or reproduced by the system could differ
substantially from the document that is originally stored.”
The aforementioned is achieved through a
combination of incorporated technology and documented procedures regarding the plan, development
and execution of the system.
Why a Trusted System?
Agencies that wish to destroy paper documents and rely solely on electronic versions will need a
trusted system in place. A trusted system certifies that electronically stored information (ESI) is an
authentic copy of the original document or information. An agency may choose to eliminate paper due
to lack of storage space and improve speed and efficiency of processing documents with faster access
based on electronic versions of documents.
Given the relative ease one can manipulate an electronic record, a trusted system is crucial for ensuring
official records are non-alterable. At the minimum, an agency has a responsibility to ensure that their
records are safe and secure, but litigation issues should also be considered. Electronic documents
presented in a court of law will need to be proven as authentic to serve as evidence.
What is Required of a Trusted System?
A trusted system must include an avenue for maintaining at least two separate copies of an electronic
resource. A combination of proper hardware and media storage techniques are necessary to prevent
any unauthorized additions, modifications, or deletions to a document. A trusted system must also
stand up to the rigors of an independent audit process that ensures that no plausible scenario for
altering documents is feasible. Lastly, a trusted system requires that at least one copy of a stored
electronic document or record is written that does not permit any unauthorized alterations or deletions
and is stored and preserved in a separate and safe location.
Achieving a Trusted System
The task of establishing a trusted system is one that should not rest solely on an agency’s records
manager. Establishing a trusted system requires support from an agency’s management and
information technology department. The task requires the involvement of many parties because a
trusted system is not simply putting the proper technology in place but also requires an organization to
document policies and procedures that provide for proper electronic record handling and processing.
CA Government Code 12168.7 (c)
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Digital Signatures
Digital signatures provide a means to authenticate an electronic document. In other words, they
identify the original creator of the document and that the document has not been altered since its
creation. In addition, a digital signature can serve as evidence during litigation, demonstrating that an
electronic document came from the claimed signatory. A digital signature is a mechanism designed to
provide a document with integrity, authenticity, and security. Any changes made to the document after
the digital signature has been applied visibly void its authenticity.
The Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA) defines an electronic signature as “an electronic sound,
symbol, or process attached to or logically associated with an electronic record and executed or adopted
by a person with the intent to sign the electronic record.”
Many agencies provide services that require
transmission of electronic documents. With paper records, a “wet signature” certifies that the content
of a document is authentic. A valid digital signature can be thought of as the electronic equivalent of
the analog “wet signature.”
Purpose of Digital Signatures
The American Bar Association identifies the following as the general purposes for signatures:
Evidence: A signature authenticates a record by identifying the signer with the signed
document. When the signer makes a mark in a distinctive manner, the writing becomes
attributable to the signer.
Ceremony: The act of signing a document calls to the signer’s attention the legal significance of
the act and helps prevent inattention or inappropriate approval.
Approval: In certain contexts, a signature expresses the signer’s approval or authorization of the
record or the signer’s intention that it have legal effect.
Efficiency: A signature on a written document often imparts a sense of clarity and finality to the
transaction, and may lessen the subsequent need to inquire beyond the face of a document.
How Does a Digital Signature Work?
A digital signature authenticates an electronic document by utilizing certain types of encryption.
Encryption is the process of encoding the information of the electronic document in a way that requires
a key or password in order for the recipient to read the information.
California Civil Code Section 1633.2(h)
American Bar Association. Digital Signature Guidelines Tutorial. Section of Science and Technology Information
Security Committee.
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Using Digital Signatures
The method an agency employs for a digital signature must be created by a technology that is
acceptable for use by the State of California.
Agencies interested in developing a plan that involves
digital signatures should consult with their agency’s IT and legal departments in order to identify the
best solution. A digital signature must adhere to the following criteria to ensure the technology is
acceptable for use by public entities:
It is unique to the person using it.
It is capable of verification.
It is under the sole control of the person using it.
It is linked to data in such a manner that if the data are changed, the digital signature is
It conforms to Title 2, Division 7, Chapter 10 22001 of the California Code of Regulations.
Approved List of Digital Signature Certification Authorites,
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Electronic Data Management System (EDMS)
An Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) is a software package designed to manage
electronic information and records within an organization’s workflow. Utilizing various technologies, an
EDMS allows a user to manage the creation, storage, and control of records. An EDMS can automate
processes and increase efficiency. Before adopting an EDMS, it is necessary to determine how it will fit
in with your agency’s records management program. It is not a replacement for sound records
management practices.
Functions of an EDMS
Many different EDMS systems exist. Each provides various functions tailored to specific and unique
needs, but all EDMS systems should include the following basic functions:
ecurity Control This feature is crucial to control access to information. A system should have
a mechanism to safeguard documents that are exempt from disclosure and allow access to
those records which should be made publicly available.
Addition, Designation, and Version Control The EDMS should allow users to add documents to
the system and designate a document as an original government record. It should also
automatically assign the correct version designation.
Metadata Capture and Use The EDMS should allow the user to capture and use the
appropriate metadata according to an agency’s needs.
Optional Functions
Records Management Not every EDMS is equipped with records management capabilities.
Systems with a records management component are sometimes referred to as an Electronic
Document and Records Management Systems (EDRMS).
Storage An EDMS may provide storage within the EDMS or the ability to work with an adjunct
storage system.
Free-Text Search An EDMS may allow users to search every word in an entire document while
other systems only provide metadata searching capabilities.
Automatic Conversion This function provides the user with automatic conversion of a
document from one file format to another (e.g. from a Word document to a PDF) after the file
has been designated as a record.
Benefits of an EDMS
Most state agencies create, collect, process, distribute, store, manage, retrieve, maintain, and dispose of
enormous amounts of electronic information. An EDMS may improve efficiency and effectiveness of an
agency by:
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Improving Access to Records and Information An authorized user can search documents within
an EDMS and workflow can automatically notify a user when needed information has arrived or
been processed.
Improving Customer Service Retained information can be immediately accessed by a user and
easily transmitted to a customer whether it is a member of the public or a representative from
another state agency.
Minimizing DuplicationA single copy of a document can be made available to all authorized
users. Knowing that only one copy exists is especially useful when disposing of records.
Business Process Automation Certain processes that were once done manually may be
performed automatically by an EDMS.
Regulatory Compliance Improvement Compliance with records retention schedules can be
automated and improved with incoming documents being automatically classified and stored by
the system.
Selecting an EDMS
When preparing to select, implement, and manage an EDMS for an agency, appropriate stakeholders
should be identified and brought to the table for discussion. Establishing and assessing the needs of an
agency should be the first order of business. Each agency will have a unique set of needs depending on
legal obligations and records management strategies, but trustworthiness, completeness, accessibility,
legal admissibility, and durability are all critical (these concepts are further explained in the “Key
Concepts” section of the guidebook.) The types of records an agency creates now, in the future, should
be considered when examining options for an EDMS along with the following questions:
What are the current and future needs of all involved stakeholders?
How will the EDMS system be used? Solely for workflow or also for records management?
What types of records will be captured and managed using the EDMS?
Will existing records be migrated into the system?
What type of metadata should be used and who will manage it?
What records need to be shared and stored?
How will records be stored and organized to better facilitate retrieval and access? Records
should be properly filed before system implementation.
How will records be disposed of from the EDMS?
Does the system facilitate the ability to easily transfer, convert, or migrate records?
What features are most essential or desired by the agency? Are other useful but non-essential
features desired?
Will the new EDMS integrate with existing systems? (i.e. email systems, databases)
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Implementation and Deployment of an EDMS
Once an appropriate EDMS is selected, internal stakeholders and the EDMS vendor must develop a
comprehensive implementation and deployment plan. A plan will outline how and when the system will
be installed, and tested, as well as provide a background of the system. The workflow should be
documented and tested. Consider allowing eventual users of the EDMS to participate in the testing of
the system while soliciting their feedback. A training program and procedures should also be developed
before the system is fully deployed to provide users with the necessary tools to use the system to its
maximum potential. Ongoing management of the system will also be necessary.
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Digital Imaging
The decision to scan should be made by a team. Records creators, records users, records management
staff, and IT staff should all be involved. Digital imaging of records can enhance accessibility, workflow,
and productivity, but digital imaging projects can also be complex, time-consuming, and cost prohibitive.
Besides high initial costs, digital images require proper management including continuous maintenance
to ensure the records are trustworthy, complete, and durable for as long as they remain on an agency’s
records retention schedule and for the possible transfer of records to the State Archives. The operations
and needs of state agencies differ; it is important to ensure that a digitization project is adequately
staffed, affordable, and tailored to the needs of a specific agency.
What should be scanned is a complex question. Considerations include potential use, access, and cost.
Other concerns include record volume, preservation needs, legal restrictions, present and future storage
costs, appropriate storage formats, and whether the materials are in high demand. Before beginning
any scanning project, input should be sought from the records users, records creators, IT specialists,
records managers, and any other staff that might provide valuable input. The following are some of the
questions that should be addressed:
hat are the goals for the digitization project?
What is the desired end result? A document management system? Document preservation?
Online search capabilities to facilitate better access to records?
What materials will be digitized? Textual documents, photographs, or maps? How much
What resources are readily available? Scanners? Software? Expertise?
What file formats are most suitable for the agency’s requirements?
What image quality is required? Black and white? High resolution?
What condition are the documents in? Is preparation required (e.g. removing staples and
What different type(s) of digital storage media will be used?
What metadata is necessary for each file? Is the metadata readily available or is time needed to
gather information?
How will access be provided to the digital records? Intranet or internet? Offline? DVD, CD, Hard
How long will the digital files be retained? If the retention schedule dictates a prolonged
retention period, what strategies for long-term document preservation must be employed? Will
hard-copy documents be kept? What is considered the original?
Do the benefits of digitization justify the cost of the project?
Per the National Historic Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) “a total cost of $1-$3 per scan is
reasonable for homogeneous textual collections in good condition.”
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Temporary Office Scans Versus Long-Term Scans
Immediate business needs often differ greatly from preservation scanning needs. Ideally, scanning
should be done once, with both immediate use and long-term preservation requirements met. Long-
term preservation, however, requires a long-term plan. For example, scans retained for preservation
purposes should be made at a high resolution with careful attention to detail. In addition, such high
resolution scans require greater storage space, greater security measures, and maintenance plans to
ensure access over a period of decades. All of these factors increase the cost of creating as well as
maintaining such scans.
Providing Access
The public expects uninterrupted access to digital materials. Luckily electronic records are easily copied
and shared. However, this benefit comes with concerns regarding the authenticity of records and must
lead to extra security precautions to ensure that the records are not altered by those accessing them.
Additionally, a digital repository requires extensive funding and ongoing maintenance. Without proper
maintenance data can be lost and recovering data that can not be read is extremely costly.
Providing access will require a plan, time, and money once the records are digitized. How will access be
provided to users? Will any specific terms or conditions be configured to allow access? Can records
nearing the end of their retention be easily identified in order to determine if they will be transferred to
the State Archives or destroyed. How will non-public content be secured? If records are to be presented
in court, they generally must be certified. Electronic records can only be certified if they reside in a
trusted system as specified in state regulations (2 CCR 22620.1-22620.8). The infrastructure required for
such a system is costly and requires long-term planning and budgeting. A major consideration for the
trusted system is that it requires the creation and maintenance of redundant copies. Redundant copies
require additional storage space, adding to the cost of such digital files.
A well thought out scanning project must provide direction and standardized procedures for entering
metadata for scanned images to ensure uniformity with all objects involved in the digitization project.
Metadata, often referred to as “data about data,” describes the characteristics of the object and
provides meaning, context, and organization.
etadata is an essential component of a digital imaging project. Complete metadata will allow searches
by subject heading and keyword. The value of metadata is especially evident when documents are
requested for litigation purposes: the ability to quickly and efficiently locate documents can save an
agency time and money.
For a more thorough overview of metadata please see the “Metadata” section of the handbook.
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Project Strategy
Before beginning a digital imaging project, a plan or strategy for completing the project efficiently and to
the best possible standards should be created. A strong strategic plan should be developed with all
parties involved in the project (i.e. information technology, legal, etc.). A digital imaging project can
prove time consuming and involve many tasks; careful planning can save an agency time and money.
Whether the project will be done in-house or contracted out to a vendor, the following should be
included in a plan:
Identifying materials
o It is important to identify all documents and objects that will be digitized. This will
allow for a better understanding of how long the project will take and whether it will be
feasible to digitize the selected material. The frequency of use should also be
considered when selecting documents for digitization.
Preparing materials before scanning
o Preparation includes, but is not limited to, sorting files and removing unnecessary
materials such as duplicate documents, removing documents from binders, removing
staples and papers clips, and conservation of deteriorating documents.
Training Staff
o Staff involved should be trained in the use of any imaging hardware or software, and
informed on the best practices for proper metadata creation.
Preserving documents
o What long-term strategy is in place for ensuring access to and preservation of digital
objects over time?
Management and Preservation of Digitized Documents
How long an agency will maintain custody of digitized documents depends on both operational needs
and the required retention period of the record. Managing and preserving electronic records requires a
systematic, sustainable, and on-going plan. Periodic checks to see that files haven’t been damaged or
altered, migration to new formats, and transfers may all be necessary. Maintenance of e-records can
be just as costly and time consuming as creating the records in the first place. Data recovery for records
that have not been maintained properly is also extremely expensive.
Teamwork is Crucial
Once digitization is complete, a thorough review of the resulting files should then occur. Once all files
are deemed acceptable by all parties, it may be time to send the hard copy files to the State Archives if
they are records that were flagged for transfer. State Archives staff members are also available for
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Access: Ability to locate, retrieve, and provide records at the appropriate time for the appropriate
Active File: Materials which are maintained in the office of an agency for current daily operations and
are referred to frequently.
Active Record: A record which is regularly referred to and required for current use. Usually considered
to be those records that are referred to more than once per file drawer per month.
Administrative Value: Records useful for providing information related to an agency’s organizational
structure, administrative decisions, policies ,or procedures.
Administrative Records: Records that are created to help an agency accomplish its current
administrative functions.
Archival Record: Document whose long term value justifies its permanent retention.
Archival Value: The determination in appraisal that records are worthy of permanent preservation by an
archival institution.
Archives: (1) The agency responsible for selecting, preserving, and making available archival materials.
(2) The building in which an archival institution is located. (3) Those records that are no longer required
for current use but have been selected for permanent preservation because of their evidential,
informational, or historical value.
Cloud Computing: IT services (storage or software) delivered via internet technologies although based
offsite and frequently provided by a vendor.
Convenience Copy: A copy created for administrative ease of use, also called a working or reference
copy; not the official record.
Copy: The reproduction, by any method, of the complete substance of a record; a reproduction of an
Cross-Reference: A notation in a file or on a list showing that a record has been stored elsewhere.
Database: A set of data, consisting of at least one data file or a group of integrated data files, usually
stored in one location and made available to several users at the same time for various applications.
Database Management System (DBMS): A software system used to access and retrieve data stored in a
Data Processing: Handling and processing of information necessary to record the transactions of an
organization. Usually used in conjunction with mechanical and electronic datahandling equipment.
Digital Signature: A cryptographic technique for creating a bit stream that can be affixed to a document
(or any other digital object) and thereby attest to its authenticity. A digital signature includes a private
key that is known only to its owner and a reciprocal public key that can be made available to anyone. A
digital object signed with a private key can only be validated by its reciprocal public key.
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Electronic Record: Digital information content that is captured and stored in a computer storage device
or media for future use as evidence of business transactions that requires access to computer
technology to render it intelligible to humans. “Born digital” refers to records created in a digital format
while scanned digital records are reproductions or images of hard copy records.
Encryption: The process of systematically encoding a bit stream before transmission so that an
unauthorized party cannot decipher it.
Fiscal Value: The usefulness of records to the organization as relating to financial transactions and the
movement and expenditure of state, federal, or other funds.
Historical Value: (1) The usefulness of records for historical research concerning the agency of origin or
for information about persons, places, events, or things. (2) The value arising from exceptional age,
and/or connection with some historical event or person.
Holdings: All of the records in the custody of a given agency, organizational element, archival
establishment, or records center.
Inactive Records: Records that have a reference rate of less than one search per file drawer per month.
Records that are not needed immediately, but which must be kept for administrative, fiscal, legal,
historical, or governmental purposes, prior to disposition.
Information Governance: Is not only managing the retention and disposition of the record but the
complete management of the metadata of the record, tiering of content across storage platforms,
security classification of the content during its lifecycle, data privacy attributes of the record during its
lifecycle, and digital rights of the content.
Legal Custody: Control of access to, possession of, or responsibility for records based on specific
statutory authority, ownership, or title to documentary materials.
Legal Value: Refers to the usefulness of records that form the basis of legal actions, proof of agency
authority and/or that contain evidence of legally enforceable rights or obligations of government or
private persons.
Long-Term: A period of time long enough for there to be concern about the impacts of changing
technologies, including support for new media and data formats, and of a changing user community, on
the information being held in a repository. This period extends into the indefinite future.
Migration: A strategy for avoiding obsolescence in media or file type that involves the periodic
duplication of files and/or content into new media and/or file type, respectively.
Native File Formats: Electronic records in a native file format can only be recognized and opened by the
software application that originally was used to create the records. Sometimes an application other
than the original software application may be able to open records in a native format but key features
(line spacing, special types of fonts, and the like) may be rendered differently.
Off-Line: Not under the direct control of a computer. Refers to data on a medium, such as a magnetic
tape, not directly accessible for immediate processing by a computer.
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On-Line: Under the direct control of a computer. Refers to data on a medium, often a hard drive,
directly accessible for immediate processing by a computer.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR): A process that scans text images and stores the scanned
characters in digital form.
Permanent Record: A record considered being so valuable or unique that it is to be permanently
Preservation Duplicate: An exact copy of a record held off site and used to preserve the record in the
event of a disaster.
Record Copy: A record that is designated to be kept for the full retention period; not a reference,
working, or convenience copy.
Records Creator: The role played by those persons or client systems that provide the information to be
preserved. This can include other archival information systems or internal persons or systems
Records Appraisal: The analysis of records with the objective of establishing retention policy.
Records Disposition: Final processing of records; either destruction, permanent retention, or archival
Reference Copy: A copy of an official record, which serves as a substitute for reference purposes. Also
called a convenience or working copy.
Temporary Records: Records that are disposable as valueless after a stated period of time.
Trustworthy Digital Repository: A trustworthy digital repository accepts responsibility for the long-term
maintenance of digital records for current and future users; has an organization system that supports
the long-term sustainability of the repository and its contents; designs and implements its systems in
such a way as to ensure on-going access to and security of digital records in its custody; establishes
credible methodologies for system evaluation that meet community expectations of trustworthiness;
and supports polices, practices and actions that can be measured and audited.
Trustworthy Records: Trustworthy electronic records are reliable and authentic records whose integrity
has been preserved over time. Reliability references that records can be trusted as an accurate
representation of the activities and facts associated with a transaction(s) because they were captured at
or near the time of the transaction. Authenticity means that electronic records are what they purport to
Vital Record: Records containing information necessary to the operating of government in an
emergency created by disaster; and records to protect the rights and interests of individuals or to
establish and affirm the poser s government in the resumption of operation after a disaster.
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