#3945 Mastering Sixth Grade Skills 32 ©Teacher Created Resources, Inc.
Language Arts
Alliteration is a poetic technique in which the beginning sound is repeated in words for effect. Tongue
twisters often use alliteration to create catchy phrases. Notice the effect of alliteration as you try to say
the following tongue twisters:
Six silly sailors swam south.
Bobby bought a bunch of brown bananas.
Alliteration Practice
Underline the alliterative consonants in the following sentences.
Example: Snakes slither on the sidewalk.
1. The wind whistled through the willows.
2. Magic markers can make masterpieces.
3. Tommy tried to twist, but tumbled.
4. Greg grabbed the garnish from the graceful bowl.
5. Constance catered to her cat with catnip to keep it from kidnapping canaries.
Use alliteration to finish the lines below.
1. People patiently _________________________________________________________________
2. Roger ran ______________________________________________________________________
3. Six swimmers ___________________________________________________________________
4. Alan always ____________________________________________________________________
5. Kelly caught ____________________________________________________________________
Now, write five alliterative sentences of your own.
1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________